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The Ten Commandments (1956) | |
Plot Synopsis (continued)
During Moses' third appearance before Rameses, the scornful ruler denied Moses' entreaties and refused to "humble" himself. Instead, he proclaimed: "I know not his god! Neither will I let his people go." He then threatened to bring violence by his own hand:
Moses stipulated that the terrible and final plague described by Rameses II would be summoned from the Pharaoh's own lips and words - and turned back against himself:
Once Moses left, the enraged Rameses carried through on his threat by ordering that on the following day at dawn, his soldiers would kill all first-born Israelites:
Meanwhile, fearing that the Pharaoh's decree would cause the murder of Moses' son Gershom, Queen Nefretiri visited with Moses' "shepherd girl" wife Sephora in Goshen, where they both admitted that they had lost Moses under different circumstances. As Queen, she offered protection to save her son from Pharaoh's decree ("the first-born of Israel must die") by helping them to join a passing caravan to Midian. When Moses returned and found his home empty, Nefretiri appeared from the shadows to reveal her desire to re-establish herself with Moses: ("I belong to you, Moses"). When she explained how his family members were on their way to Midian, she was also forced to explain Rameses' specific murderous orders and warn him in advance: "Rameses is massing the Libyan axmen, the chariots, the Sardinian swordsmen...To destroy the first-born of Israel." Moses informed her that she was sadly mistaken, and that her son would be the one to die - and that he could not intervene with God and save him:
Before departing, Nefretiri expressed her confidence that Moses would help protect her son from God's harm. In frustration, Moses vainly begged for God to not show his wrath: "Turn from thy fierce wrath, O Lord!" The Hebrews knew that if they painted their doorposts and lintel with the blood of lambs, they could prevent the spreading greenish and glowing 'cloud of death' that night from killing their first-born inside. To protect Lilia (a first-born adult), Joshua offered to paint the door at Governor Dathan's house where she was being held. He begged Dathan: "Dathan, it will save her life!", but Dathan refused.
In a very effective sequence, a slowly-creeping terrifying "Angel of Death" approached through the Egyptian streets. Meanwhile, Bithiah was released (with some of her bearers) ("In fear of your god, they have set me free"), and was welcomed into Moses' home in Goshen. Although Bithiah was accused of being an "idol-worshipper" from the house of the Pharaoh, Moses greeted her openly: "This woman drew me from the Nile and set my feet upon the path of knowledge." She joined their celebration of the Passover -- recounted during the plague when "the breath of pestilence" passed-over the homes of the Hebrews, many of whom were sequestered inside and feasting on unleavened bread and bitter herbs. The ritual was explained to Eleazar (Paul De Rolf as child):
The 10th plague was devastating - it extinguished the lives of all first-born Egyptians, including the adult son of the Pharaoh's top general (in Rameses II's presence), and then the Pharaoh's own son and heir. The Defeated and Despairing Pharaoh: The Pharaoh hurriedly summoned Moses to his presence, to announce that his will had been broken, and that the slaves were now to be freed. The despairing, defeated and grief-stricken Pharaoh finally relented, and gave up on his plan to murder the Israelites' first-born. He submitted to Moses and his powerful God and ordered Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt:
Moses offered a prayer of thanks for the peoples' deliverance:
Nefretiri carried in the dead body of their son, prompting Rameses II to place his son's limp body into the arms of an idol - the Falcon deity Sokar, to beg, pray and restore his young son's life:
The Exodus From Egypt: The major Exodus from Egypt commenced the next day at dawn ("Arose, O Israel! Behold the dawn of freedom!") - prefacing a journey to a Promised Land "flowing with milk and honey":
Meanwhile, at Governor Dathan's home in Goshen, Egyptian guard soldiers arrived after reports that lamb's blood had been painted on the sides of his door-frame. Dathan denied he had any part in it, but he was still blamed and despised for his cowardly hypocrisy, and thrown out of his house. (Earlier, although Dathan forbid Joshua to paint the doorframe with blood, the stonecutter had insured that Lilia would live by protecting the dwelling.) Lilia rebuked her master: "All your gold cannot wipe that mark from your door, Dathan, or from my heart." Dathan was reluctantly forced to join the hordes of Israelites leaving Egypt.
The masses of people were organized into tribes (each with a standard) by Joshua ("Levites in the center, Judah to the right, Hephron to the left"). The bones and shrouded remains of Joseph were also carried along by Aaron and the elders, to be buried at their destination. From "treasure wagons," the "spoils of Egypt" (golden calf idol statues with horns - a foreshadowing) were tossed to onlookers. Although joyous preparations were being made to vacate from Egypt, Dathan grumbled as he predicted that the freed Israelites would soon be complaining about new "taskmasters" who would lead them to their doom, causing the people to wish to return to their previous lives of servitude:
With trumpets sounding at the start of their momentous journey to Mt. Sinai ("the mountain of God") where they were to receive God's commandments (in their minds and hearts), Moses was overwhelmed by the sight of so many multitudes of Hebrews, who were being led by "the strong hand of the Lord" out of bondage:
Confident that they were ready to leave, Moses extended his arms to beseech the people to leave Egypt after enduring 400 years of slavery: "Remember this day, when the strong hand of the Lord leads you out of bondage!"
Rameses' Second-Thoughts About the Exodus: Shortly later, however, Rameses II began to have second-thoughts about releasing the Hebrew slaves to Moses.
Deep in mourning for the loss of his heir-son, the Pharaoh had been fruitlessly praying to his "Dread Lord of Darkness," the falcon-headed god Sokar, but was not receiving any response. His calculating, vengeful wife Nefretiri taunted Rameses about how he had not properly punished Moses, who had come back to haunt both of them. The God of Moses had proven himself to be powerful than the Egyptian idol: "He cannot hear you. He's nothing but a piece of stone with the head of a bird." She claimed that he was weak and impotent as Egypt's ruler, and that the freed Hebrews were laughing at him:
Spurred on to revenge, Rameses II ordered his charioteers to be assembled at the city gate, to pursue the freed slaves - and to avenge the death of his son: "My son, I shall build your tomb upon their crushed bodies! If any escape me, their seed shall be scattered and accursed forever! My armor. War crown. Laughter? I will turn the laughter of these slaves into wails of torment! They shall remember the name of Moses, only that he died under my chariot wheels!" As he was dressed in armor and prepared for his chariot pursuit, Neferetiri urged Rameses II to personally punish Moses, and to rid him once and for all for the two of them: "Kill him with your own hands." She presented him with a sword and a request: "Bring it back to me stained with his blood." Rameses II angrily replied: "I will - to mingle with your own." The Egyptians vs. the Israelites - The Parting of the Red Sea: Mounted on a chariot and wearing a bright-blue helmet, Rameses II exhorted his military forces to overtake the Hebrews and conquer them: "Remember your first-born! Death to the slaves!...Death to their god!" The Egyptian forces (heard as "the thunder of horses") caught up to the Hebrews as they were camped by the shore of the Red Sea.
Joshua immediately feared that they were "trapped" against the sea's edge. Dathan spurred dissent and division as he observed the approach of the Pharaoh's armed military might, and some cried out that Moses should be punished to death by stoning:
Joshua attempted to assemble some of the men to form a barrier to block the approach of the Egyptians at the pass, while the women and children were directed toward the water. Moses overruled Joshua's orders and instead called upon the "hand of God" to deliver the people from harm. Pharaoh Rameses II also observed how the people were trapped, and criticized Moses' God for leaving the people no exit route:
Moses questioned why the people wouldn't trust in God: "Ten times you have seen the miracles of the Lord! And still you have no faith." Dathan became accusatory toward Moses' leadership: "He's a false prophet who delivers you to death!...Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you took us away to die in the wilderness?" With dramatic flourish, Moses called upon the power of the Lord: ("Fear not! Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord!") to establish a pillar of fire to hold back and stall the Egyptian army's approach. Then, in one of the most miraculous visual effects scenes in film history (in the pre-digital and CGI-era), with a backdrop of dark churning clouds, Moses used his staff to part the Red Sea by creating huge walls of water on either side, with a dry and clear path for the people to walk on.
The people marveled, including a young boy and an old blind man (John Miljan):
The masses of Hebrews escaped by being led into the midst of the waters, but were kept dry on the sea-bed between the two massive walls of water, and were able to make it to safety on the other side. Although Rameses II was warned by one of his generals to give up the pursuit: ("He opens the waters before them, and he bars our way with fire. Let us go from this place. Men cannot fight against a god!"), Rameses decided to remain in place behind the Pillar of Fire: ("Better to die in battle with a god, than live in shame"). When the Pillar of Fire suddenly died, the Pharaoh ordered his pursuit to recommence: "Sound the pursuit!...Destroy them all! But bring Moses to me alive." Seeing the continuation of the pursuit behind them, Dathan again exhorted the people to lose faith: "Better to serve the Egyptians than to die here!" The Pharaoh watched in horror as his charioteers were caught mid-way across after Moses ordered the Red Sea to be restored: ("Who shall withstand the power of God? Thou didst blow with Thy winds, and the sea covered them!"). The Egyptians were drowned as the waves of waters came back together over them. Moses gave thanks for their deliverance: "Who is like unto Thee, O Lord? From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God!"
The defeated Rameses II finally understood that he was overpowered and decided to give up the pursuit. Devastated, he returned to his deserted palace where - although he wanted to strike Nefretiri with his sword - he admitted that Moses' God had defied him and was victorious:
The Disgruntled Hebrew People at the Foot of Mt. Sinai Awaiting Moses' Return: The Hebrews crossed the wilderness and camped at the base of Mt. Sinai, where the people awaited Moses' return ("for 40 days and 40 nights") after he had ascended to the top of the mountain, to receive God's word and laws, according to the narrator:
The leaderless people, who thought they would be arriving at a "land flowing with milk and honey," were beginning to become anxious and lose hope and faith. They were becoming easily swayed by Dathan's grumblings. Some were doubtful that Moses would ever return, and that he possibly died on the "forbidden ground." Sephora tried to calm the restless people, "Moses went up into the forbidden ground to receive God's law!" And Bithiah tried to reinforce her: " Would a God who's shown you such wonders let Moses die before his work is done?" An impatient demagogue, Dathan began to stir up division and rebellion, and he questioned Aaron's leadership:
Dathan proposed returning to Egypt where at least they would have food: "Where could I bring you, except to Egypt?" The Creation of the Golden Calf, and The Issuance of the Ten Commandments: Dathan proposed that the people construct an Egyptian idol - a large golden calf - that would go before them and lead them back to Egypt, where the Pharaoh would take them back, forgive them, and feed them. He appointed co-conspirator Korah (Ramsay Hill) as the Golden Calf's High Priest.
A reluctant Aaron was forcibly prodded by the people to manufacture the idol. The voice-over narrator described how the people constructed the calf (from molden gold) and sinfully engaged in idolatry. They also began to behave wantonly and decadently by worshipping the golden calf, and by participating in a perverse orgy of selfishness, drinking, nakedness violence and indulgence - by adorning themselves with rich clothing as they danced around the idol. Dathan even ordered Lilia to be sacrificed to the idol:
Meanwhile, atop the mountain, interspersed with the narrator's comments about how the people were disobeying God ("I am the Lord thy God"), Moses listened as God delivered the 10 Commandments to him. He watched as the fiery "finger of God" carved out, engraved and created the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets - all of which were being demonstrated by the disobedient and corrupt Hebrews.
At the conclusion of the sequence, Moses took the two tablets from the wall of rock, and was ordered to return to his debauched people and share God's laws with them: "Go! Get thee down, for thy people have corrupted themselves." Moses' Return to His Idolatrous People: During Moses' climb down the mountain, Joshua (who was awaiting his return part-way up) noticed the "light of God" in Moses' face. Moses announced to him that he had just been given God's commandments on tablets of stone: "The writing of God. His Ten Commandments." They both noticed that there were ominous sounds coming from the camp as they approached: "There is a noise of war in the camp. It is not the noise of war. It is the noise of song and revelry." After Moses and Joshua arrived, they were horrified and enraged to see the decadence, sin and iniquity of their people worshipping the idol, and Moses chastised them: "Woe unto thee, O Israel. You have sinned a great sin in the sight of God! You are not worthy to receive these Ten Commandments." Dathan rebuked Moses:
Moses ordered those who were "on the Lord's side" to join him, as Aaron attempted to put the blame on the defiant Dathan for leading the people astray ("The people made me do it"). Lilia ran up the hillside into Joshua's arms. Dathan continued his attempt at rebellion:
Just before Moses heaved the stone tablets directly at the Golden Calf idol, he prophesized that due to God's anger, the unworthy and disloyal people would have to endure 40 years of exile, wandering in the desert as a punishment.
The tablets exploded as they struck the idol, creating a fiery earthquake, and a gaping crevasse that swallowed Dathan, his evil revelers and followers, and all of the disbelievers. The Fate of the Hebrew People - Moses' Farewell: The film concluded with the Hebrews wandering in the wilderness for at least one generation (40 years) before heading toward Canaan and arriving in their Promised Land (the land of Israel) and the Jordan River:
The elderly, white-bearded Moses realized that God would not allow him to cross over the River Jordan to enter into the Promised Land, due to his previous disobedience to the Lord God:
When Moses bid his wife Sephora goodbye at the foot of Mount Nebo, she reminded him of the great deeds he had done: "The people have come to the river Jordan. In the Ark, they carry the law you brought them. You taught them not to live by bread alone. You are God's torch, that lights the way to freedom." As his last official act, Moses symbolically passed on the leadership of the people to Joshua, by giving him his staff and robe: "I charge you and strengthen you, for you shall go over Jordan to lead the people." A restored set of Ten Commandments' tablets were to be placed within the Ark of the Covenant, next to the Pentateuch (or Torah), to be carried into Israel. Moses proclaimed one final message before he made his solo ascent of Mount Nebo, for the people to proclaim liberty everywhere - the words were an exhortation similar to DeMille's opening political statement in the film about the "the birth of freedom," and the support of "free souls" and liberty: