Best Film Speeches and Monologues
Title Screen
Film Title/Year and Description of Film Speech/Monologue |
Godfather (1972)
Screenwriter(s): Mario Puzo, Francis Ford Coppola
to Be Intimidated - "A Man In My Position Can't Afford
to Be Made to Look Ridiculous!"
In California at Woltz International Pictures'
film studio, studio head Jack Woltz (John Marley) refused to
grant a "small favor" to lawyer Tom Hagen (Robert
Duvall). He represented Don Corleone (Marlon Brando) - the
godfather of singer entertainer and godson Johnny Fontane (Al
Martino), who had requested the godfather's assistance in acquiring
a movie role that would revitalize his career. But Woltz refused
to cast him when instructed ("Give Johnny the part in
that new war film you're starting next week"), not realizing
that Hagen represented Corleone:
Are you trying to muscle me?...Now, you listen
to me, you smooth-talking son-of-a-bitch. Let me lay it
on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is! Johnny
Fontane will never get that movie. I don't care how many
dago, guinea, wop greaseball goombahs come outta the woodwork...Well,
let me tell you something, my kraut mick friend. I'm gonna
make so much trouble for you, you won't know what hit you.
When they met again at Woltz' luxurious residence
over a meal, Woltz explained his reasoning, now knowing that
Hagen was representing Don Corleone:
Just tell him [Corleone] he should ask me
anything else. But this is one favor I can't give him...You
don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie.
That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star.
I'm gonna run him out of the business. And let me tell
you why. Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz International's
most valuable proteges. For five years we had her under
training. Singing lessons, acting lessons, dancing lessons.
I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her. I was
gonna make her a big star.
And let me be even more frank. Just to show
you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, that it's not all dollars
and cents. She was beautiful. She was young, she was innocent!
She was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've
had 'em all over the world. And then Johnny Fontane comes
along with his olive-oil voice and guinea charm. And she
runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous,
and a man in my position can't afford to be made to look
ridiculous! Now you get the hell outta here! And if that
goombah tries any rough stuff, you tell him I ain't no band
leader! Yeah. I heard that story.
Calmly eating his meal throughout the tirade,
Hagen excused himself, announcing an immediate trip to the
airport to return East: "Thank you for the dinner and
a very pleasant evening. If your car could take me to the airport,
Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately." |
Godfather (1972)
Screenwriter(s): Mario Puzo, Francis Ford
Are All Reasonable Men Here"
During a meeting of the heads of the Five Families
and associates from the greater New York area in a downtown
city boardroom, godfather Don Corleone (Marlon Brando) chaired
as the head of the Sixth Family. He refused to allow drug trafficking,
but he also wanted to stop the endless months of slaughter.
He was reluctantly willing to compromise and allow controlled
narcotics operations:
...I believe this drug business is gonna
destroy us in the years to come. I mean, it's not like
gambling or liquor, or even women, which is something that
most people want nowadays and is forbidden to them by the pezzonovante of
the church. Even the police departments that have helped
us in the past with gambling and other things are gonna
refuse to help us when it comes to narcotics. And I believed
that then - and I believe that now...I hoped that we could
come here and reason together. And as a reasonable man,
I'm willing to do whatever's necessary to find a peaceful
solution to these problems...
You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance gonna
bring your son back to you? Or my boy to me? I forego the
vengeance of my son. But I have selfish reasons.
Corleone also announced his intention to make
arrangements to bring his youngest son Michael (Al Pacino)
back safely, but warned:
My youngest son was forced to leave this
country because of this Sollozzo business. All right. And
I have to make arrangements to bring him back here safely,
cleared of all these false charges. But I'm a superstitious
man. And if some unlucky accident should befall him - if
he should get shot in the head by a police officer, or
if he should hang himself in his jail cell, or if he's
struck by a bolt of lightning - then I'm going to blame
some of the people in this room. And that I do not forgive.
But that aside, let me say that I swear on the souls of
my grandchildren that I will not be the one to break the
peace that we've made here today.
Last Tango in Paris
(1972, Fr./It.) (aka Ultimo Tango a Parigi)
Screenwriter(s): Bernardo Bertolucci, Franco Arcalli
at the Wake: "I'll Never Discover The Truth About You"
Anguished, middle-aged American widower Paul
(Marlon Brando) mourned the suicidal death of his wife Rosa
(Veronica Lazar), speaking to her as she laid in an open coffin
next to him during her wake. He raged at her and criticized
her for taking other lovers and for not revealing herself to
him ("Who the hell were you?"), although he sobbed
when removing her gaudy makeup:
You look ridiculous in that make-up. Like
the caricature of a whore. A little touch of mommy in the
night. Fake Ophelia drowned in the bathtub. I wish you
could see yourself. You'd really laugh. You're your mother's
masterpiece. Christ. There are too many f--king flowers
in this place. I can't breathe. You know on the top of
the closet? The cardboard box, I found all your, I found
all your little goodies. Pens, key chains, foreign money,
French ticklers, the whole shot. Even a clergyman's collar.
I didn't know you collected all those little knick-knacks
left behind.
Even if a husband lives 200 f--king years,
he's never gonna be able to discover his wife's real nature.
I mean, I, I might be able to comprehend the universe, but
I'll never discover the truth about you. Never. I mean, who
the hell were you? Remember that day, the first day I was
there? I knew that I couldn't get into your pants unless
I said, uh, uh, what did I say? Oh, yeah. 'Uh, may I have
my bill, please? I have to leave.' Remember? Last night,
I ripped off the lights on your mother. And the whole joint
went bananas. All your guests as you used to call them.
Well, I guess that includes me, doesn't it?
Huh? It does include me, doesn't it? For five years, I was
more a guest in this f--king flophouse than a husband, with
privileges, of course. And then, to help me understand you,
you let me inherit Marcel. The husband's double, whose room
was the double of ours. And you know what? I didn't even
have the guts to ask him. Didn't even have the guts to ask
him if the same numbers that you and I did were the same
numbers you did with him.
Our marriage was nothing more than a, a foxhole
for you. And all it took for you to get out was a 35-cent
razor and a tub full of water. You cheap, goddamn, f--king,
god-forsaken whore. I hope you rot in hell. You're worse
than the dirtiest street pig that anybody could ever find
anywhere, and you know why? You know why? Because you lied.
You lied to me and I trusted you. You lied. You knew you
were lying! Go on, tell me you didn't lie. Haven't you got
anything to say about that? You can think up something, can't
you? Huh? Go on, tell me something! Go on! Smile, you cunt.
Go on, tell me, tell me something sweet. Smile at me and
say - I just misunderstood. Go on, tell me. You pig f--ker.
You goddamn, f--king, pig f--king liar.
(weeping and sobbing) Rosa, I'm sorry.
I-I just can't, I can't stand it, to see these goddamn things
on your face. (He peeled off her fake eyelashes) You
never wore make-up. This f--king shit. I'm gonna take this
off your mouth. Your hair...This lipstick. Rosa. (He wiped
off her lipstick with a flower petal) Oh, God. I'm sorry.
I don't know why you did it. I'd do it too, if I knew how.
I just don't know how. God, I have to, I have to find a way.
Pink Flamingos
Screenwriter(s): John Waters
Is My Politics" Speech
Grotesque, self-proclaimed filthiest person alive
Babs Johnson's (drag queen Divine) astonishing and stunning "filth
is my politics" speech to TV reporters, when asked if
blood turned her on, and then questioned about her political
It does more than turn me on, Mr. Vader.
It makes me come. And more than the sight of it, I love
the taste of it. The taste of hot, freshly killed blood...Kill
everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism!
Eat s--t! Filth are my politics! Filth is my life! Take
whatever you like. (She posed in various lewd positions)
How's this for a centerspread?
She then executed Raymond (David Lochary) and
Connie (Mink Stole) Marble in front of the press. |
The Ruling Class
Screenwriter(s): Peter Barnes
Jack the Ripper
Paranoid schizophrenic British nobleman Jack
Gurney (Peter O'Toole), the 14th Earl of Gurney, was administered
electro-shock therapy, and seemed to be transformed into Jack
the Ripper (who had mutilated six female victims), although
he could also appear sane:
Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time
into this breeding world. I'm cured of fantasy obsessions,
paranoid delusions. I master words. (He gestured, pulling
words out of his mouth)
'I' - straighten up there. 'AM' - close up
with 'I' - you horrible little word. 'GOD.' I AM GOD. Not
the god of love, but God Almighty. I massacred the Amalekites
and the Seven Nations of Canaan. I hacked Agag to pieces
and blasted the barren fig tree, for the day of vengeance
is in my heart! You lunar jackass, she betrayed you. Guilty,
guilty, guilty. The punishment is death. I've finally been
processed. They made me adjust to modern times. This is 1888,
isn't it?
I'm Jack, Cunning Jack, Quiet Jack. Jack whose sword never
sleeps. Hats off, I'm Jack. Not the good shepherd, not the
prince of peace. I'm red Jack, spring-heeled Jack, Jack from
Hell. Trade name: Jack the Ripper! (He produced a knife,
flicked it open, and slashed at a bag of flour) Mary, Annie,
Elizabeth, Catherine, Alice, Marie Kelly. (singing) 'Six little
whores, glad to be alive. One sidles up to Jack, and then there
are five.'
Web (1973)
Screenwriter(s): Earl Hamner Jr. (story), based upon E.B. White's
Spider Charlotte's (voice of Debbie Reynolds)
touching farewell speech to Wilbur (voice of Henry Gibson)
after his fate has been secured by earning a special prize
at the fair:
I'm a little tired, perhaps, but I feel
peaceful. Your success today was, to a small degree, my
success. You will live now, secure and safe... You have
been my friend. That, in itself, is a tremendous thing.
After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a
little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being
something of a mess with all this trapping and eating flies.
By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my own
life a trifle... I will not be going back to the barn...
I'm done for, Wilbur. In a while, I'll be dead. I haven't
even strength enough to climb down into the crate...
Exorcist (1973)
Screenwriter(s): William Peter Blatty
Strident Demands for an Exorcist
Chris McNeil (Ellen Burstyn) angrily insisted
to Father Karras (Jason Miller) that her daughter Regan (Linda
Blair) needed an exorcist:
You show me Regan's double, same face, same
voice, everything. And I'd know it wasn't Regan. I'd know
in my gut. I'm telling you that that thing upstairs isn't
my daughter. Now, I want you to tell me that you know for
a fact that there's nothing wrong with my daughter, except
Green (1973)
Screenwriter(s): Stanley R. Greenberg
Green Is People!"
After police detective Thorn (Charlton Heston)
had been shot in the back by a government agent to silence
him, he sought refuge in a crowded church. He was able to lethally
stab his assailant Tab Fielding (Chuck Connors) in the chest
with a large butcher knife.
When Police Chief Hatcher (Brock Peters) arrived,
the insistent and seriously-injured Thorn divulged his discovery
of the Soylent Company's secret (the reason that one of its
board members named Simonson (Joseph Cotten) had been murdered);
he desperately pleaded with Hatcher to tell the Exchange researchers
and others, and spread the horrible truth:
"Hatcher, get to the Exchange. You've gotta
tell 'em they're right...You don't understand. I've got
proof. They need proof. I've seen it. I've seen it happening.
They've gotta tell people...The ocean's dying. Plankton's dying.
It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people."
Then, as he was put on a stretcher to be taken
away to be treated, the semi-hysterical Thorn shouted
out to Hatcher - while the many homeless in the church were
also listening and heard his warnings:
"They're making our food out of people.
Next thing, they'll be breeding us like cattle for food.
You've gotta tell 'em, you've gotta tell 'em...You tell
everybody. Listen to me, Hatcher! You're gonna tell 'em! Soylent
Green is people! We've gotta stop 'em somehow!"
The horrifying, predictable discovery was
the true composition of the Soylent Corporation's new artificial
food product Soylent Green - it was not composed of ocean
plankton as avowed - that was ruled an impossibility by The
Supreme Exchange (the group of researchers); they concluded
that barren ocean conditions devoid of all life had ceased
to produce plankton; instead, Soylent Green was composed
of recycled human remains of the deceased inhabitants of
the society's euthanasia centers - the closest protein match
to plankton; it was frightening to learn that the only remaining
food source on Earth was its own people, and Earth was apparently
soon to experience a complete collapse of humanity and civilization.

Last Image: Thorn's Bloody Outstretched Hand
The film's final image was a brief blurred
glimpse of Thorn's bloody hand outstretched into the air. |

Thorn Seriously Injured, but Ready to Tell the Secret of Soylent Green to Hatcher:
("Get to the Exchange. You gotta tell them they're right")

Thorn: "I've got proof. They need proof...Soylent Green is made out of people..."

Thorn's Final Words: "You're gonna tell 'em! Soylent Green is people! We've
gotta stop 'em somehow!"