Strangers On a Train (1951)
In Alfred Hitchcock's great noirish suspense thriller
about two amoral "strangers" (Bruno and Guy) who staged
a battle of wits and proposed trading or exchanging motiveless murders
or crimes with each other; it was the director's first film for Warner
Bros - co-scripted and adapted by Raymond Chandler (and others) from
Patricia Highsmith's first novel.
The film's few great set pieces included the amusement
park stalking and murder, the demonstration of a strangulation murder
at a cocktail party, the cross-cutting between a tennis
match and an attempt to retrieve an incriminating lighter that
had been accidentally dropped in a sewer drain, and the finale - an
out-of-control, wildly-spinning merry-go-round carousel at the amusement
park during a life and death struggle.
It received a well-deserved nomination for Best Black
and White Cinematography (Robert Burks), evidenced in the film by
expressionistic, noirish, chiaroscuro images.
- the opening sequence introduced many dualities or
doubles, including the most important one - the duality of
two 'strangers on a train' with their distinctive contrasting shoes;
the two (doppelganger opposites, one with a good personality and
the other evil) had a 'chance' meeting on a train enroute northward
from Washington DC to NYC - it was a cleverly-choreographed sequence
in which the two sets of the strangers' shoes were highlighted
before they even met
The Introduction of the Two Main Characters -
With Their Shoes
- Bruno Antony (Robert Walker), a villainous, idle
rich, psychotic homosexual and playboy, with ostentatious two-toned
white and black (or brown), low-heeled leather shoes, and a distinctive
tie clasp, who lived in a gothic, dark mansion in Arlington, VA
- Guy Haines (Farley Granger), a professional champion tennis player
(with two tennis rackets), sensitive in nature, wearing plain and
dark, more conservative oxford shoes, who was athletic and humble,
and aspired to be in both public and political life
- the two arrived at the DC station in separate Diamond
Cab taxis, and happened to sit across from each other at a table
in the train's parlor or lounge car, where the shoes of the man
on the left (Guy) bumped into the shoes of the man (Bruno) on the
right; Bruno asked: "Aren't
you Guy Haines?", although he already knew about Guy from the
sports and gossipy society pages of the newspaper

Bruno Antony (Robert Walker)

Guy Haines (Farley Granger)

Bruno's Distinctive Tie-Clasp

Guy's Monogrammed Cigarette Lighter
- when Bruno began smoking, Guy offered him his elegant,
monogrammed cigarette lighter - an important element in the film,
functioning as the film's key object (or MacGuffin); it was a gift
from Guy's girlfriend Anne to him, with the inscription "A to
G" and a symbol of two criss-crossed tennis rackets); Bruno
revealed that he knew the identity of A - "Anne Morton...very
beautiful. Senator Morton's daughter" - and that Guy wanted
a divorce in order to marry US Senator's daughter Anne Morton (Ruth
Roman) and enter politics; in fact, Guy was enroute to his hometown
of Metcalf (in Pennsylvania), to discuss his divorce with his estranged
wife Miriam Joyce Haines (Kasey Rogers - stage named Laura Elliott)
- over lunch in Bruno's private train compartment, Bruno claimed he had a wealthy,
but hateful, tyrannical and spiteful father, Mr. Antony (Jonathan
Hale), and admitted that he sometimes wanted him dead; Bruno then
goaded Guy about his complex domestic situation by stating: "Marrying
the boss' daughter, that makes a nice shortcut to a career, doesn't
it?"; he also offended Guy by suggesting that his wife Miriam
was trampish and faithless ("I suppose she played around alot")
- during their conversation, Bruno explained to Guy another macabre,
morbid theory; he off-handedly stated: "Some people are better
off dead, like your wife and my father." He
was presupposing that Guy wouldn't seem too upset if he provided
immediate wish-fulfillment by eliminating the roadblock to Guy's plans -- his wife
- Bruno then hatched a theoretical
but diabolical plan to "swap murders" - Bruno would kill Guy's clinging, stifling wife Miriam
and in return, Guy would kill Bruno's detested father and acquire
an inheritance, without any trace of clues or motives: "Each
one has somebody that he'd like to get rid of. So, they swap murders....Each
fellow does the other fellow's murder. Then there's nothing to connect
them. Each one has murdered a total stranger, like, you do my murder,
I do yours...For example: your wife, my father. Crisscross";
Guy went along with the plan to humor Bruno: "Sure, Bruno, sure." Bruno
interpreted Guy's reaction as tacit acceptance of the plan
- as Guy exited the train in
his hometown of Metcalf, PA, he forgot his monogrammed lighter left
on the table - symbolically, losing his link with Anne and a future
life in government; Bruno picked it up, reclined, and repeated: "Crisscross"
- Guy met up with Miriam (with
thick-lensed eyeglasses) at Miller's Music Store where she was
employed; in a private, record listening booth with glass partitions,
the conniving and promiscuous Miriam (who claimed she was pregnant
by another man) told Guy that she had abruptly changed her mind
about their divorce proceedings and announced:
"I'm not getting a divorce"; Guy called her "a little
double-crosser"; she was knowledgeable
about Guy's political aspirations and interest in Anne, and became
determined to take Anne's place and become rich herself: ("You
can throw all your little dreams about her right into the ashcan");
essentially, Miriam was blackmailing him into complying with her scandalous
plan - to move with him to Washington DC (after he entered politics),
have the baby and claim it was theirs, and attend "swanky parties"
- in public view within the record listening booth, Guy grabbed Miriam
and angrily shook her ("I'm warning you!"), before he stormed out of the store;
Miriam shouted after him: "You can't throw me away like an old shoe!
I'm coming to Washington to have my baby! Tell that to the Senate!"

Senator's Daughter Anne Morton (Ruth Roman) Notified That Guy's Divorce Was Aborted

Guy to Anne: "I'd like to break her foul, useless,
little neck...I said I could strangle her!"
- afterwards, Guy phoned Anne about his aborted divorce plan; he shrieked twice that
he was so angry that he could literally break Miriam's neck or strangle
her: "I'd like to break her foul, useless, little neck...I said
I could strangle her!"
- the next day in Bruno's Arlington, VA mansion with
his neurotic and eccentric wealthy mother Mrs. Antony (Marion Lorne);
Bruno (who was clenching his hands in a strangulation position, during
a manicure) complained to her about his detestable, controlling
father: "I'm sick and tired and tired of bowing and scraping to the king."

Bruno's Hands Clenched as If Strangling Someone

Mrs. Antony (Marion Lorne)

Bruno Notified of Guy's Cancelled Divorce Plans
- Bruno was interrupted by a phone call from Guy in
a Southhampton locker-room during a match, to tell him that his expected
divorce had fallen through after Miriam had double-crossed him;
still seething in anger about his father (who had just arrived
and was arguing with his mother and threatening to restrain Bruno
for reckless driving), Bruno decided to put his crazy homicidal plan into action
- to stalk after Guy's wife Miriam,
Bruno took a train to Metcalf, PA where he watched (and followed)
as Miriam and two boyfriends, Tom and George (Tommy Farrell and Roland
Morris) took a bus to the local carnival-amusement park; there were
many strikingly visual and auditory scenes in the subsequent amusement
park stalking and murder sequence
Miriam Being Stalked - and Flirting With Stranger
at "Test Your Strength," on the Merry-go-Round, and at the "Tunnel
of Love" Before Arriving at "Magic Isle"
- Bruno non-chalantly pursued them
to a "Test Your Strength" bell-ringing contest, to the park's central
merry-go-round ride, and to the Tunnel-of-Love
boat ride (followed by docking at an island), as Miriam noticed
him and began to openly flirt with him
- there was an orgasmic, deathly, but playful scream just as Miriam's boat
emerged from the river-cave tunnel - a murderous foreshadowing. The
two boats docked at the nearby island known as "Magic Isle",
Miriam purposely evaded the two boys and ran into Guy, who illuminated
her face with Guy's absconded lighter
- in a shocking strangulation murder scene at 9:30 pm,
Bruno's gloved hands grabbed her by the neck, as her glasses
tumbled onto the grass and fell next to the lighter - the brutal
homicide was reflected or mirrored in one of the thick lenses; in
the distant background, the merry-go-round calliope ironically played "And
the Band Played On"; Bruno retrieved both Miriam's broken eyeglasses
and the lighter from the grass, and quickly returned to his boat and
shoved off, as he heard voices discovering Miriam's body
- afterwards at 3:00 am, Bruno met up with Guy as he was arriving at his DC apartment
via taxi from the train station; behind bars of a metal gate, Bruno
informed Guy of Miriam's murder in Metcalf, with proof provided by
her broken pair of eyeglasses; when Guy responded in horror by calling
Bruno a "maniac", Bruno reminded him: "But Guy, you wanted it. We planned it on the
train together, remember?"; Bruno threatened blackmail, explaining
how he wouldn't be considered a suspect in Metcalf, but that Guy
would be; Guy was the complicitly-guilty one with a real motive
to eliminate his wife; when a police car drove up, both hid behind
the metal iron bars; Guy admitted to the crazed Bruno: "You've got
me acting like I'm a criminal. Why, you crazy fool!"
- Bruno now recalled for them the second half of the bargain - Guy now had
to reciprocate with the murder of Bruno's father; Guy vowed to never
see Bruno again: "I don't know you. I never saw you before,
and I never want to see you again"
- Guy entered his apartment and briefly spoke to
Anne on the phone and then visited with her in her aristocratic
and elegant Morton residence; they kissed and she expressed her
deep love for him; Guy also spoke to her father, Senator Morton
(Leo G. Carroll), who informed Guy of the terrible development
that they had learned - that Miriam had been murdered (strangled
specifically), and that the police had been trying to locate him

(l to r): Senator Morton, Anne, and Babs

Anne Worried for Guy

Anne's Younger Sister Babs (Patricia Hitchcock)
- Anne's teenaged, younger sister Barbara (or "Babs")
(Patricia Hitchcock) blurted out that Guy would be the prime suspect:
"Let's not fool ourselves. The police will say Guy wanted Miriam
out of the way so he could marry Anne"; Guy mentioned his recent train trip as his alibi (and a
witness, Professor Collins from Delaware Tech) concerning his whereabouts
at about 9:30 pm the previous night; Babs happily declared that Guy
was rid of the trampish Miriam, and now Anne and Guy could immediately
be married: "Think of it. You're free!"; the Senator urged Guy to
call Captain Turley in Metcalf
- in the next scene, set in Metcalf's police station,
Guy met with Captain Turley (Howard St. John) and Lieutenant Campbell
(Edward Hearn) for questioning; his alibi about a witness on the train
turned out to be faulty - the witness didn't remember him
- back in Washington, DC, Guy told the Mortons about
how he was the prime suspect in a homicidal investigation-case, and
was being constantly surveilled; there were seven instances of Bruno
stalking after and attempting to contact the evasive Guy (who was
failing to cooperate), to increase the pressure and speak to him
about making plans to kill Bruno's father. The seven instances began
from a more distant place (a phone call) to a closer, more
threatening and personal stance
- in one instance, Guy was with Anne in a DC museum,
when Bruno called him aside to urge him to proceed with killing his
father; from a distance, Anne saw Bruno for the first time - she noticed his
prominent signature tie-clasp with his inscribed name
- shortly later, Guy received a special delivery letter, marked PERSONAL, containing two items:
a detailed map or floor plan of Bruno's home, with implicit instructions
pointing the way to his father's upstairs bedroom, and the front
door key to the Antony house
- the most prominent instance was at Guy's athletic
club in Washington DC, while Guy was waiting on the sidelines for
another doubles tennis match to finish before playing a practice
match, Bruno chillingly watched him - staring straight at him from
the stands, while all of the other spectators followed the game volleys
of the ball back and forth (left and right) over the net
- during the last of these seven instances, Anne was
sitting with Bruno at an outdoor table on the athletic club's cafe terrace, and two other
French friends - the Darvilles, where she eerily saw his prominent,
inscribed tie-clasp for the second time and became suspicious of
the repeated sightings; Barbara also
glanced at Bruno - who immediately noticed a resemblance between
her and his murder victim Miriam (Auditory Clues: the leitmotif of
fair music - "(And) The Band Played On," and the words
spoken to his victim before murdering her: "Is your name Miriam?",
and Visual Clues: the reflection of the lighter onto Babs' glasses)
Bruno's Merging of Barbara's Face with His Memory of Miriam's Murder
- during a high-society cocktail party scene the
next Thursday in the Mortons' mansion, the presumably-uninvited
Bruno semi-seriously joked that everyone has thoughts of murder
or of disposing of someone: "Everyone
has somebody that they'd want to put out of the way"; during
a discussion of ways to dispose of a person, Bruno offered his own
superior form of homicide: "the best way" with "the
best tools" - "simple, silent and quick" -
he demonstrated how he could simply murder
someone by strangulation and actually began to uncontrollably choke
one of the elderly and rich matron guests Mrs. Cunningtham (Norma
Varden) - at the same time, as he also glanced at Babs, Bruno experienced
a second troubling flashback to the night of the murder; he fainted and collapsed to
the floor, released his grip, and then told Guy a prophetic foreshadowing
of the film's conclusion: "I was on a merry-go-round somewhere.
It made me dizzy"; Guy punched out Bruno - from Bruno's POV -
and then escorted him outside to his awaiting chauffeured car

Bruno Showing Off His "Best Tools" For Murder - His Hands
Bruno's Choking-Strangulation Joke with Mrs. Cunningham (Norma Varden)

Bruno's Second Troubling Fixation on Babs' Face - Flashback
to the Murder, Causing Him to Faint
- the visibly-troubled Barbara recalled to Anne that
she felt like she had been the strangulation victim ("He thought
he was murdering me!"); Anne spoke to Guy and suspected that Bruno
had been maliciously involved with him regarding Miriam's murder,
and that Babs was a trigger to the murder - she functioned as a
look-alike for Guy's glasses-wearing dead wife; Anne
confronted Guy to tell her the truth of his involvement with Bruno,
suspecting that "he killed Miriam, didn't he?"; Guy confessed to
her about the "strangers on the train" exchange-of-murders bargain
on the train to Metcalf, and the "lunatic's" subsequent murder
of Miriam, and now, how Guy was expected to fulfill his part of
the scheme by murdering Bruno's father; Anne and Guy promised to
work together to prevent Guy from being framed
- afterwards, Guy desperately phoned Bruno and
quickly confirmed that he was ready to kill his father that very
evening with a gun (he had received in the mail); later that night,
Guy entered the Arlington, VA home, studied the hand-drawn map,
was able to evade a growling guard dog mastiff on the stairs' landing,
and entered the father's bedroom; there, he confronted a dark figure
in the bed - "I must talk to you about your son, about Bruno, Mr. Antony";
it was Bruno - hiding and anticipating Guy's duplicity and pretense;
Guy explained how he had planned to double-cross Bruno by informing
the father of his crazed son's murderous psychosis; he then relinquished
the door key and the gun, and vowed that he never agreed to take
part in the arranged reciprocal murder; Bruno was angered by the
double-cross, and threatened to find a way to seek vengeance
- meanwhile, Anne took it upon herself to visit with
Bruno's mother to explain Bruno's involvement in a murder, and that
Bruno could help to exonerate Guy, but Mrs. Antony thought it was
all "a practical joke"; Bruno appeared and tried to convince
Anne that Guy had dropped his own lighter at the scene of the
crime where he had killed Miriam - Guy's cigarette lighter (the film's
MacGuffin) would absolutely tie Guy to the murder; first however,
Bruno had to plant the lighter on "Magic Isle" in order
to complete the frame-up
- just before the same day's tennis singles match competition
at Forest Hills, NY, Anne and Guy spoke together in the club about how they realized that Bruno was
going to implicate Guy by planting the lighter back on the island
later that evening after dark on the amusement park's "Magic
Isle" island - and they were determined to prevent Guy from being framed by the
incriminating evidence
- there was intricate cross-cutting between the
scene of spectators watching a vigorous Forest Hills tennis match
(Guy was attempting to win it quickly in three sets - he was literally
playing against the clock, in order to leave and hurriedly travel
to Metcalf, PA to stop Bruno); Guy was actually struggling against four adversaries
- his tennis opponent, Bruno, the police, and the clock - in a life-altering struggle
- after arriving in Metcalf, PA by train in the mid-late
afternoon, Bruno was disembarking and accidentally dropped the
lighter down a dark sewer drain grating; there was an extended
scene as the frustrated Bruno struggled to retrieve it; at about
the same time as Guy's tennis victory allowed him to hurriedly
travel via a pre-arranged taxi to Penn Station, and then onto Metcalf
by train, Bruno reached the object; the two police detectives
Hennessey (Robert Gist) and Hammond (John Doucette) in pursuit
decided to call ahead to Metcalf to have Guy followed by police officials notified there
The MacGuffin - Guy's Incriminating
Cigarette Lighter Accidentally Dropped Down a Sewer Drain - and
the Lengthy Efforts of Bruno to Retrieve It
- in the finale set at the amusement park just after
sunset, Guy arrived in a cab from the train station where he
was staked out by the authorities as he proceeded into the park;
Guy saw Bruno in line at the landing dock (just as the Tunnel-of-Love
Boat man recognized Bruno); as Bruno fled - and Guy called out:
"Hey, Bruno!", they realized the police were in pursuit of both
of them; the two jumped onto the park's revolving carousel; the merry-go-round
operator was accidentally shot by a clueless policeman aiming at
Guy, causing the operator to fall on the ride's controls, sending
the revolving and careening whirligig out of control (it tossed
off the detectives when they tried to board the spinning platform)
Bruno's and Guy's Struggle Aboard
A Revolving Merry-Go-Round
- Guy and Bruno fought and wrestled aboard the platform
of the wildly-speeding, runaway carousel for possession of the lighter,
as the police observed them; finally after some tense moments, a
second elderly worker pulled the central stop lever, stripping the
gears and causing the entire mechanism to break apart, spin off-kilter,
and literally explode into pieces before coming to a halt; meanwhile,
the Boat man clarified that it was Bruno who had been at the park

Elderly Worker Crawling Underneath the Out-of-Control Merry-Go-Round to Stop

Bruno Lethally Wounded When the Merry-Go-Round Came to Screeching Halt
Dead Hand Opening to Reveal Guy's Lighter, Exonerating Guy Of the
- Bruno was lethally injured when crushed beneath
the structure, and before he died, he overheard Guy's charges against
him; to counteract the accusations, he attempted to claim that
he didn't have the lighter; but then Bruno was confirmed to be
guilty when after he expired, his clenched hand relaxed and opened
to reveal Guy's lighter - confirming Guy's exoneration

One of Many Dualities: Criss-Crossing Train Tracks

Two "Strangers" on a Train

Bruno's Diabolical Proposal to Guy to "Swap murders...you
do my murder, I do yours"
Bruno: "For
example, your wife, my father. Crisscross" - Guy Gave His Tacit Approval:
"Sure, Bruno, sure"

Guy In Front of Miller's Music Store in Metcalf, PA Where Miriam Worked

Guy's Estranged and Scheming Wife Miriam Joyce Haines (Laura Elliott)

In a Recording Booth with Guy, Miriam Changed Her Mind About the Divorce

Guy Angrily Grabbing and Shaking Miriam in Booth Before Leaving

Miriam on "Magic Isle" Before Her Murder With Her Face Lit
Up by Guy's Lighter

Bruno's Strong Gloved Hands Gripping Miriam's Neck

Lighter and Eyeglasses Fall to the Ground
Miriam's Strangulation Murder on the Island by Bruno,
Reflected in Her Thick Glass Lens

Bruno (Behind Gate) With Guy Outside His DC Apartment at 3 AM After Miriam's

As the Police Arrived, Both Hid Behind the Gate's Bars

Anne's Love for Guy

One of Seven Instances of Bruno Stalking Guy

In the 4th instance in a DC Museum, Anne Noticing Bruno's Distinctive
Tie Clasp
In a 6th instance in DC, Bruno Was Looking Straight
Ahead at Guy From the Tennis Stands, While the Spectators Followed
the Game

Bruno With Two Elderly Matrons Discussing Murder at the Mortons'
Cocktail Party

Guy Confessing to Anne the Truth of His Involvement with Bruno -
Miriam's Killer

Bruno Discovered by Guy in His Father's Bed

Anne Secretly Meeting with Mrs. Antony to Explain Bruno's Involvement
in Murder

Anne and Guy Determined to Work Together to Prevent Bruno From Planting
Incriminating Lighter on "Magic Isle" After Dark
Guy's Tense Tennis Match - Playing Against Clock,
In Order to Leave NY and Get to Metcalf, PA in Time

Guy's Victory in Singles Tennis Match

Bruno Awaiting the Sunset in the Amusement Park and Standing in
Line at Landing Dock