The Red Balloon (1956, Fr.)
(aka Le Ballon Rouge)
In French writer/director Albert Lamorisse's imaginative,
short fantasy drama - a wonderful, mostly-visual children's tale,
was about an unlikely friendship between a boy and an inanimate object
- a red balloon, that became his soulmate and a symbol of trust,
loyalty and love. Everyone in the minimalist film wanted something
from the beautiful, intelligent and rare balloon, i.e., to possess
it as a playmate or companion, or to treat it as an object to be
punished, ostracized, mistreated or tortured.
The balloon was
prohibited from entering human habitats, such an apartment,
a streetcar, a school, a church, and a bakery, and often had to be
rescued or helped to escape. The red balloon only found true love,
loyalty and caring from the young boy.
The timeless, allegorical story or parable
unexpectedly and ironically won an Academy Award for Best Original
Screenplay (beating out Fellini's nomination for The
Road (aka La Strada (1954, It.), and William Rose's nomination
for The Ladykillers (1955, Br.)),
even though it was a short film, a French film, and a children's film
with almost no dialogue.
- in the story set in the Ménilmontant, a
working-class district of Paris, a young,
6 year-old tow-headed adolescent schoolboy named Pascal (Pascal
Lamorisse, the director's son) spied a lamp-post and balcony railing
that had the trailing string of a solid red, glossy, helium-filled
balloon tangled up in it; he climbed up the lamp-post, untied it
and took the balloon with him; he wasn't permitted to take the
balloon on the streetcar to school, so he ran to the Boys Community
School with the balloon held on a string trailing behind him; when
he reached the school, he asked an elderly man on the street to
hold the balloon for him until school was dismissed

Pascal Retrieving Red Balloon From Lamppost

Red Balloon Not Allowed on Streetcar

Pascal Running to School With Balloon on A String
- after school ended during a rainy day, he befriended
the balloon by protecting it (but not himself) from the
rain under the umbrellas of others walking in his direction
- when he arrived home - an upstairs apartment, his mother (Renée
Marion) prohibited him from having the balloon indoors; the ostracized
balloon floated outside the apartment window, until Pascal was able
to open the window (without his mother watching) and allow the balloon
inside his room for the night
- the next day, Pascal let the balloon outside, and
ordered it to obey him: "Balloon. You must obey me and be
as the caring friendship between Pascal and the balloon further
developed, it descended to the street level to accompany Pascal
to school; however, the balloon took on its own personality
when it seemed to playfully misbehave by staying just out of arm's
reach from Pascal; it followed after him to the streetcar stop
without the need to be pulled by its string

Following Pascal to School Without Use of String

Playing Hide-and-Seek in Doorway

Trailing After Pascal on Streetcar
- the sentient red balloon played a game of hide-and-seek
by concealing itself in doorways along the way (just as Pascal had
done moments earlier); at the streetcar stop, Pascal instructed
the balloon to trail after him to his school
- once at school, Pascal's balloon became the center
of attention for other children who excitedly reached out and tried
to grab for it, but the balloon dodged away and avoided attempts
to capture it by other jealous schoolchildren; the balloon faithfully
waited in the courtyard for Pascal's dismissal from his classroom;
even Pascal's frustrated school teacher tried to grab for it
- when the harsh school principal arrived, he dragged Pascal away from
his class to discipline the boy for bringing the misbehaving,
prankish balloon with him to school; Pascal was locked
for a detention in his office; the balloon playfully taunted and
followed the principal as he walked down the street
- after Pascal's release at the end of the school
day, finally, the two proceeded to walk home together as close companions; in
a street marketplace, the balloon paused in front of a mirror to
admire itself, imitating Pascal who had also become intrigued by
and was studying a life-sized portrait or painted image of a young
girl his age that was for sale
Imitative Behavior
The Red Balloon Was Attracted to a Blue Balloon
- further along on their trip home, they encountered
a young girl (Sabine Lamorisse, the director's daughter) who was
accompanied by a blue helium-filled balloon; a flirtatious attraction
developed between the two balloons and distracted the red balloon
until Pascal pulled on its string to guide them further along on their way
- inevitably, a gang of older bullies in the neighborhood
were attracted by the boy with his balloon; they followed after Pascal,
surrounded him, and tried to steal his prized friend from him;
during their first attempt to take the balloon, the two were able
to successfully evade them and return home safely together
- when Pascal attended church with his mother,
the balloon couldn't resist following them inside, where an angry
church official kicked them out
- Pascal visited a bakery shop and instructed
his obedient balloon to wait outside; while he was inside the shop,
the mean bullies came along and successfully snatched the balloon,
took it to a vacant lot, and heartlessly pelted it with rocks and
slingshots to torment it, and they tried to pop and deflate the balloon
- Pascal rescued and protected the balloon, and they
were able to run away - they were chased through various Parisian
alleyways; once the large gang of boys caught up to them, they
recaptured the red balloon and resumed their punishment

Group of Bullies After Snatching the Balloon Away

Boys Using Slingshots and Rocks

Chased By Group of Bullies

Racing Through Parisian Alleyway

Pascal Caught and Surrounded

Deadly Sling-Shot Strike
- in the film's most heartbreaking and anthropomorphic
sequence, and often recognized as a Christ-like sequence of sacrifice
and reincarnation (or resurrection), damage to the balloon from a
sling-shot rock caused it to slowly deflate and descend to the
ground; one of the boys cruelly stomped on the inanimate balloon
to effectively kill it; Pascal was devastated by the loss of his
friend-companion that was now torn and unrecognizable
- in the very sweet, uplifting, transcendent, enchanting and magical surprise
ending, thousands of other colored balloons
from around Paris empathically rebelled and broke away
from their owners and rose up into the sky; the
large collection of balloons had rallied together and converged to
where Pascal was sitting with his dead balloon
Balloons Being Released Throughout
the City
- Pascal reached up and tied all of their strings together,
and then held on as the massive group of vibrantly, multi-colored
balloons lifted him up from the ground and carried him
off on a ride over the entire Parisian cityscape and on to another
world, high above the fray
Pascal Carried Off Over the City of Paris

Young Schoolboy Pascal (Pascal Lamorisse)

Protecting the Balloon From the Rain Under People's Umbrellas

Prohibited Balloon Floating Outside Pascal's Apartment Window Before Being
Taken Inside

At School, Other Children Tried to Grab Pascal's Balloon

The Balloon in School's Courtyard Outside Pascal's Classroom - The Teacher
Tried to Grab It

The School's Principal Dragging Pascal Away to Be Disciplined

The Balloon Taunting the Principal on the Street

Young Bullies on Street Following Pascal With His Balloon and Surrounding

Balloon Following Pascal and Mother Into a Church

Pascal and Balloon Outside a Bakery Shop

The Deflating Red Balloon

The Balloon Stomped On and Killed

Pascal Sitting With His Dead Balloon

Pascal Tying the Strings of All the Balloons Together