The Postman
Always Rings Twice (1946)
In director Tay Garnett's thriller-noir set in the
post-war era - one of the best film noirs of all time - it was also one of the earliest
prototypes of today's 'erotic thrillers.' This
stylish, sexually-charged, moody and fatalistic film was about lust and
murder. The screenplay (by Harry Ruskin and
Niven Busch) was based on the controversial first novel/pot-boiler
(published in 1934) of the same name by notorious writer James M. Cain.
The steamy melodrama was best known for one of the hottest
portrayals of a sultry and seductive femme
fatale - it was one of "sweater girl" Lana Turner's finest
performances as a seductress. Years later, the neo-noir Body
Heat (1981) paid homage to it, and it was remade with Jack
Nicholson and Jessica Lange as The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981).
The film was advertised with posters that described
the illicit passion between drifter Frank Chambers (John Garfield)
and married, libidinous, restless and unsatisfied platinum-blonde
waitress Cora Smith (Lana Turner) in a roadside cafe. "Their
Love was a Flame that Destroyed!" Their killing of the woman's husband
ultimately led to their mutual destruction in unexpected ways.
- in the opening sequence, unemployed, hitchhiking
drifter Frank Chambers (John Garfield) was dropped off in front
of the rural Twin Oaks diner outside of Los Angeles, owned by California
roadside gas-station and eatery proprietor Nick Smith (Cecil Kellaway),
with the fateful sign: MAN WANTED (a come-on with many meanings!)
- the young wanderer Frank engaged in a brief conversation
with the driver as he was about to set off (soon identified as
Kyle Sackett (Leon Ames), the local DA prosecutor);
Frank revealed his wanderlust freedom and explained why he kept "looking
for new places, new people, new ideas," and couldn't settle
down: "Well, I've never liked any job I've ever had. Maybe
the next one is the one I've always been lookin' for....maybe my
future starts right now"; Nick immediately assumed that Frank
was interested in the diner's handyman and mechanic position, although
Frank again described his wanderlust to see the world
- as he sat at the diner counter after Nick offered
him a hamburger lunch (and then took care of an outside gas customer),
Frank took his first look at the smoldering, femme fatale Cora
(Lana Turner) when her lipstick case noisily rolled across
the floor of the cafe toward him; he didn't know she was the diner owner's wife;
the camera tracked back to her nude slim legs in the doorway; Frank looked at all
of her - she was provocatively sexy and scantily clad in a white,
two-piece playsuit (white shorts, white halter top, and white turban)
- Frank set his eyes on the
whitish platinum-blonde woman, bent down and picked up her lipstick,
and asked: "You dropped this?" He held onto her possession
in the palm of his own hand and then leaned back on the counter
- she strutted over and took the case out of his hand.and then
walked back to the doorway, stood sideways, and applied lipstick
to her lips before shutting the door on the adjoining living quarters
of the cafe; shortly later, Frank accepted the job offer - and
then soon after considered rescinding his acceptance when he saw
that Cora was Nick's wife
The Dramatic Entrance of Cora - The Wife of Diner
Owner Nick Smith

Cora's Lipstick Case Rolling Toward the Diner Counter

Camera Tracking to Cora's Nude Slim Legs, as She
Stood in Doorway
Frank Chambers - His First Glance
at Cora

Full View of Cora Framed in the Doorway

Cora Applying Lipstick as Frank Asked: "You dropped

Staring Back at Frank When He Stood There with the
Lipstick in His Hand
- after Cora's dramatic entrance into the cafe, she
and hired worker Frank officially met and spoke for the first time;
she began bossing and sizing him up while he made suggestive advances
towards the untouchable yet glamorous woman; suddenly, Frank grabbed
her and planted a kiss on her lips; she reacted with great poise
- she pulled out her vanity mirror, cleaned up the smudged lipstick
on her lips, and then reapplied the lipstick before leaving - without
a word; Frank recalled in voice-over: "For a couple of weeks then,
she wouldn't look at me, or say a word to me if she could help it"
- Frank bragged to Cora, with a machismo
double-entendre: "I could sell anything to anybody" - she snapped back:
"That's what you think"; when she
couldn't light her own cigarette, she had him stand there with
his burning flame before letting him light her cigarette; he
asked: "How did you ever come to marry a guy like
that?"; soon after, Frank took credit for replacing the old Twin
Oaks sign with a newer, blinking neon sign - Frank's and Cora's
figures were alternately lit and darkened by the on-and-off blinking

In the Light of the Blinking Neon Sign

Dancing in the Cafe, Under Nick's Watchfulness

Late-Night Swimming Together
- but then one evening, Frank was encouraged by Nick
to dance with Cora, to the tune playing on the diner's jukebox;
there was terrific magnetism between them; after hot-blooded
Cora's passion rapidly swelled, to cool off, she departed in her
white bathing suit to swim in the ocean, and
Frank joined her - with Nick's urging; after returning, Cora
was receptive to a passionate good-night kiss
- the next day when Nick was away in LA, Cora
explained why she married the good-hearted man when taken in by
the promise of security and wealth - but she compromised herself
by entering into a loveless marriage of convenience; the voluptuous
Cora succumbed to Frank with another kiss - their kiss dissolved into
an explanatory, incriminating note about planning
to run away together: ("I'm going away with Frank - I love him.
Cora"); Cora was tempted by Frank's impulsive promise
of adventure to escape her life of boredom and defeat
- Cora's note was put
in the cash register before they deserted the diner, and hit the
road hitchhiking; however, after minor hardships by the roadside,
Cora changed her mind about being a drifter like Frank: ("If
I walk out like this, I'll lose everything and I'll never be
anybody. Oh, I love you Frank, and I want you, but not this way.
Not starting out like a couple of tramps. I'm going back");
they retreated back to the diner just in time to retrieve their
note before it might be discovered by Nick
- they watched together from the front window as the
inebriated Nick was returning, and almost drove head-on into a freight
truck; Frank suggested half-heartedly: "I'd like to see him get plastered
like that some night and drive off a cliff" - a foreshadowing
- still smitten by Cora's smoldering sexuality, Frank
remembered how fatal his decision was to stay, rather than escaping
with Cora; he felt more and more trapped and propelled further
toward leaving: ("I couldn't go,
and I couldn't stay the way things were")

Planting the Idea of Eliminating Nick Somehow

"You're smart Frank. You'll think of a way"

Conniving to Have Frank Replace Her Husband Nick
- about a week later, it was actually the
evil and conniving Cora's idea to urge Frank to be rid of her husband
Nick: (Cora: "There's, there's one thing we could do
that would fix everything for us" Frank: "What? Pray
for something to happen to Nick?" Cora: "Something like
that"); the unfaithful and soul-less Cora planted the idea
of murder into Frank's head ("You're smart Frank. You'll
think of a way") so that they could be together - and
so she could inherit the financial security of the restaurant ("Can't
you see how happy you and I would be together here, without him?")
- their first plotting was to kill Nick in an 'accidental'
bathtub fall - the plan was for Cora to strike Nick with a sock
full of ball-bearings and pretend that he had fatally hit his head
falling in the bathtub; she would then climb out the window and down
a stepladder put their for her exit; their plan went awry when a
motorcycle cop pulled into the driveway and happened to notice a
stray cat climbing up the stepladder to the second floor bathroom
where the 'accident' was set to occur;
the cat electrocuted itself on the rooftop and there was
a grisly explosion and Cora's loud screaming
- Nick was struck on
the head and injured by Cora, but survived; he was taken to the hospital
where he was revived; at the hospital, DA Kyle Sackett became suspicious
and wondered if it was potentially a murder plot; however, upon investigation,
the DA (with the motorcycle cop) concluded: "Accidents can
happen in the weirdest sort of ways"
- during Nick's week-long stay in the hospital, Cora
and Frank frolicked in the moonlight in the surreal surf at the
beach and enjoyed illicit romantic trysting; once Nick was about to
return home, however, Frank became anxious and hurriedly packed and
left without saying goodbye - he became a vagabond once more; after
a couple of weeks in LA, he couldn't resist returning to Cora: ("I
couldn't get her out of my mind. It kept naggin' me all the time");
he met up with Nick at the LA market, and was convinced to return
and reacquire his job at the diner
- that night at dinner, a turning
point came when Nick suddenly announced to them that he was selling
Twin Oaks, and retiring and moving to Northern Canada to live with
his paralyzed sister (in a house he half-owned) where Cora would
act as her nurse; Nick affirmed that he was ready to make the deal
final and immediately phoned Stanton to arrange to sign the
papers in Santa Barbara early Wednesday morning
- Cora became desperate and was contemplating suicide
for two reasons - despair over Frank's return, and her worry about
being taken away to care for Nick's invalid sister; Frank concluded
that it was his turn to murder Cora's husband: (Frank's voice-over: "A
regular drunk automobile accident with liquor in the car and all
the rest of it")
- there was a second more successful attempt to kill
Nick; a drunk-driving accident was staged as all three were in Nick's
car proceeding along the coast road to Santa
Barbara the night before the Wednesday appointment to finalize the
sale of the cafe; Frank pretended to be drunk, but Nicky was completely
soused; on the 3-mile turn-off road to Malibu Lake, they
briefly stopped and the drunken Nick was bludgeoned to death from
behind with a wine bottle; Frank placed Nick in the driver's seat
and then pushed the car off the side of the road and down a cliff;
Frank asked Cora: "It's gonna be tough going now. Are you sure you
can go through with it?"

The Plot to Kill Nick (Their Second Attempt)

Frank Pushing The Car Over a Cliff (With Drunken,
Bludgeoned Nick Inside)

Frank to Cora: "It's gonna be tough going
now. Are you sure you can go through with it?"
- afterwards, they both decided to climb down to the
car: ("We gotta mess ourselves up so we can prove we've been
in the accident too"), but then Frank suggested that Cora return
to the roadside to flag down help; Frank became trapped in the car as it plummeted further downward;
their car was followed by DA Sackett, certain that they had just
committed murder; Frank was brought by ambulance (with Nick's corpse)
to a hospital
- to neatly wrap up the case, Sackett at first wanted
to pin the murder on Frank; another motivating factor was that a
few days before Nick's death, Nick had purchased a "brand new
ten-thousand dollar insurance policy" - another reason to kill
him; but then on second thought, Sackett shrewdly proposed that Cora was the
one responsible for the murder, in order to divide the two lovers:
(Sackett: "There were just three people in that car - Nick and you and Cora. It's
a cinch Nick didn't have anything to do with it. So if you were too
drunk to do it, that leaves her");
Frank was manipulatively pressured and goaded by Sackett into signing
a complaint against Cora, as Sackett warned: "It's you or her"
- Cora was shocked in court when her shrewd
lawyer Arthur Keats ((Hume Cronyn) had her plead 'guilty' to both
counts: murder (against Nick Smith) and the attempted murder (of Frank)
- in an interrogation room alone with Cora, she denounced
Frank for betraying her, turning against her, and double-crossing her
with accusations; they both began to distrust and despise each other as their relationship slowly deteriorated;
once her lawyer entered the room, to get back at Frank, Cora vowed to both her lawyer and Frank that she
would testify to the "real truth" that Frank was very much
implicated in Nick's murder: "He was in this mess as much as
I was and I'm gonna tell it to the world...Oh, he's not gonna get away with it"

Cora During Arraignment with Her Lawyer

Frank In the Interrogation Room With Cora

Cora Denouncing Frank For Blaming the Murders on Her

Cora Angry Her at Own Lawyer For Allowing Her to Solely
Plead Guilty to the Crime

Cora: "I'm gonna tell it all right now" - She
Decides to Implicate Frank

Cora Delivering Her Confession - Transcribed and Typed
by Keats' Assistant Kennedy
- Cora delivered a fully transcribed confession that
she signed, typed by Keats' assistant Ezra Kennedy (Alan Reed): "This
will be a full and complete confession of how Frank Chambers and I deliberately
planned and carried out the murder of my husband Nicholas Smith. Frank
Chambers and I are equally guilty, although it was Frank who smashed
Nick in the head before the car went over the cliff"
- it was all a clever ploy by Keats, who turned the
tables and revealed that the transcriber was not from the DA's office
(but his own inside man), so Keats was able to keep Cora's confession
locked away in a safe - unseen by the prosecutor Sackett; before
the judge, Keats then reversed Cora's original "guilty" plea
(of the murder of Nick and attempted murder of Frank), and he negotiated
with Sackett for her to plead guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter
with leniency, since there was no evidence against her and no witnesses
- Cora was found guilty of manslaughter, but received
probation instead of serving time; she even received the insurance
policy payoff of $10,000; now that their relationship was poisoned
with distrust as they returned to Twin Oaks, they were turned against each other
- Cora's notoriety from the trial helped the business to prosper and flourish at Twin
Oaks; for respectability's sake (and so they couldn't testify against
each other), Frank and Cora were advised by her lawyer to marry,
and they were married at a justice of the peace; they pledged to
restore their love, although they remained tense toward each other
- immediately after their brief marriage license signing,
Cora departed for Iowa for a week to attend to her mother's serious
heart-attack, and in the meantime, Frank began a flirtatious week-long
affair with a young redhead named Madge Gorland (Audrey Totter);
a week later, a black-clothed Cora returned from her mother's funeral
- upon their arrival back at the diner, Keats' unscrupulous
gumshoe Kennedy (who had transcribed the confession, but had a falling
out with Keats and quit) blackmailed them for an outrageous $12,000
for the return of Cora's forced confession; Frank viciously beat
up Kennedy and forced him - at gunpoint - to call his friend Willie
(A. Cameron Grant) to bring the confession to the cafe; Cora and
Frank set up an ambush, and were able to destroy the evidence against Cora
- meanwhile, Cora had further reasons to denounce Frank;
she threatened to retaliate and send him to the "death-house" for his unfaithfulness
with the redhead during her trip; she said she could not be
tried again for the same crime, but she could denounce Frank to DA
Sackett and be rid of him for good; she warned Frank: "When it comes
time to call in Mr. Sackett, I'll let you know"; Frank
claimed that he still loved Cora: "Cause we're chained to each
other, Cora"; then, Cora dramatically announced that she was
pregnant with his child, and was tired of all the retributions
- to cleanse themselves of guilt and recrimination,
to forget the past, and to renew and re-affirm their love, they returned
to the beach where they first fell in love in the moonlight; during
a midnight swim, Cora swam out and threatened to drown herself; she
asked for Frank's assistance to live and he rescued her, and they
both vowed to trust and love each other and restore their relationship
- the film's finale was an accidental
car crash scene; as the star-crossed lovers, now reconciled, drove
along the highway and neared their home, Frank asked for a long-awaited
kiss; she was painting her lips with lipstick; her last words before
warning of an impending crash were: "When we get home, Frank,
then there'll be kisses, kisses with dreams in them. Kisses that
come from life, not death"; he responded: "I hope I don't
wait"; she replied lovingly: "Darling," and then they
kissed, but she soon cried out frantically: "Look out, Frank!"
- their final kiss was unfortunately, however, their
last and fatal one; with startling imagery - the car door opened
after the crash, Cora's lifeless arm fell off the seat, and her tube
of lipstick slowly dropped to the floor of the car and onto the ground
- in the subsequent trial, Frank was convicted
of murdering Cora (although it was truly an accident); the headlines
In Bogus Auto Accident, Charged to Face Murder Trial - Sensational
Cora Smith Case Has Aftermath in Action against Husband");
Frank was sentenced to death (execution in the gas
chamber) - charged by DA Sackett: "This man, Frank Chambers,
and the dead woman, first murdered her husband to get his estate.
And then Chambers murdered her so that he would have it all to
himself"; the jury was out only five minutes before finding Frank guilty
- in jail and about to be executed, Frank confessed
his love for Cora to priest Father McConnell (Tom Dillon): "We
got off to a wrong start. Somehow or other, we never got back on
the right track. But I-I didn't kill her. I loved her so much.
I tell ya, I would have died for her"; a reprieve of his execution
(in the gas chamber) was refused by the governor; on death row,
he begged to Sackett that he was being falsely punished for Cora's
death: 'I didn't do it...I'm not going to go in the gas chamber for killing her!"
- but Frank knew that he was fully involved in plotting
Nick's murder, and realized that it was futile to try
to defend himself; Sackett argued that Frank was guilty all along
- if not for Cora's murder, then for Nick's murder; Frank realized
that if he was innocent of the car crash death of Cora, he could
still be prosecuted for the death of Nick; he was relieved that his
execution was for fatefully plotting to murder Nick, and not for Cora's accidental demise
- in the concluding scene, Frank mused about Fate (portrayed
as the figurative 'postman'), that had determined that both Frank
and Cora would pay in the long run - thus explaining the title of
the film: "You know, there's somethin' about this that's like,
well, it's like you're expectin' a letter that you're just crazy
to get. And you hang around the front door for fear you might not
hear him ring. You never realize that he always rings twice...He
rang twice for Cora. And now he's ringing twice for me, isn't he?...The
truth is, you always hear him ring the second time, even if you're
way out in the back yard"
Frank's Final Words About the
Postman Ringing Twice
- redemptively, Frank accepted his fate with one final
prayer request of the priest Father McConnell - he would
pay with his life for a crime he didn't commit (Cora's death), making
up for getting away with the murder of Nick: "Somehow or other,
Cora paid for Nick's life with hers. And now I'm going to. Father,
would you send up a prayer for me and Cora, and if you could find
it in your heart, make it that we're together, wherever it is?"

Telltale Fateful Sign
at The Twin Oaks Diner

Hitchhiker-Drifter Frank Chambers (John Garfield)

Frank at the Diner Counter

Nick Revealing that Cora Was His Wife
Frank Grabbing and Planting a Kiss on Cora's Lips
Cora Reapplying Her Lipstick

Afterwards, Cora Acting Stand-Offish

Goodnight Kiss After Swimming Together

Cora Explaining Why She Entered a Loveless Marriage to Nick

Surrending to Frank
Incriminating Note - A Plan for Cora and Frank to Run
Away Together

Their Aborted Attempt to Hitchhike Away

Frank's Half-Hearted Hope and Plan to Be Rid of Cora's Husband

Cat Electrocuted on Rooftop During First Murder Plot Against Nick

Cora's Stunned Reaction to Frank's Return to the Diner After Leaving
for a Few Weeks

Nick's Shocking Announcement to Sell Twin Oaks and Move Away to Canada
with Cora

Cora's Suicidal Thoughts After Frank's Return and Nick's Announcement

A New Murder Plot Devised

DA Sackett Questioning Injured Frank in the Hospital

Cora's Weasely Lawyer Arthur Keats (Hume Cronyn)

Before the Judge, Cora's Changed Plea - to Guilty for Lesser Charge of

Keats with Cora and Frank Being Returned to Twin Oaks

A Few Weeks Later, Keats Advising the Two to Get Married

Immediately After His Marriage, During Cora's Absence, Frank's Flirtations
with Madge Gorland (Audrey Totter)

Cora's Return After Her Mother's Death

Blackmail Attempt by Kennedy for $12,000

Frank to Cora: "We're chained to each other, Cora"

Swimming One More Time at the Beach Together
Frank Charged With Cora's Murder After The Accidental
Car Crash

On Death Row, Frank Speaking to His Priest