The Narrow Margin (1952)
In RKO's and director Richard Fleischer's (and an
uncredited William Cameron Menzies) fast-moving noirish crime-drama
- the film's screenplay by Earl Felton was taken from an unpublished
story titled Target by Martin Goldsmith and Jack Leonard,
receiving an Oscar-nomination in the category of Best Writing - Motion
Picture Story. The film was lauded for its hand-held camera-work,
its noirish cynicism, and its "hard-boiled" dialogue between
quarreling characters who instantly disliked each other (a seasoned
cop and an acid-tongued moll he was compelled to protect).
One of the film's short taglines was: "A Fortune If They Seal
Her Lips... A Bullet If They Fail!"; two other longer taglines
summarized the plot:
- 'THAT BULLET'S MEANT FOR ME!" - Suspense every
speeding second aboard a stream-lined limited...as syndicate killers
seek to find and silence mystery woman headed for the Grand Jury!
- "She's the one for that bullet--not me!" -
Night train West---carrying two mystery women. The secret of one
can blast the crime syndicate wide open---and the key killers dare
not let it happen!
The short, economically-told 71-minute sleeper B-film
hit from RKO was followed 38 years later by director Peter Hyams' inferior remake Narrow
Margin (1990) starring Gene Hackman and Anne Archer. It was similar also to the Bond film
From Russia With Love (1963).
The film's title "Narrow Margin" referred to the trench-coated detective's
thin margin for error, between success and failure (and between maintaining
his integrity or selling out).
The well-crafted plotline was about a number of mobster
syndicate assassins who were targeting a widowed gun moll (a Grand
Jury witness) who was being transported with police protection on
a confining, cross-country Golden West (Santa Fe) Limited train from
Chicago to Los Angeles, with a claustrophobic, tense atmosphere (without
a musical soundtrack score!) - there were many surprise character
twists and secret identities:
- the cat-and-mouse plotline was simple enough: a
widowed gun moll and grand jury witness Mrs. Frankie Neall (Marie
Windsor in a breakthrough role) was to be transported via
train by incorruptible, hard-boiled Detective Sgt. Walter Brown
(Charles McGraw); the witness had information (a purported list
of payoffs - the film's MacGuffin!) that she was going to divulge
at an LA grand jury hearing probing into charges of graft
- under the opening title credits, a Chicago-bound
train from Los Angeles arrived in the evening at its destination; Los
Angeles police officers, trench-coated Det. Brown and older partner
Sergeant Gus Forbes (Don Beddoe) disembarked in Chicago, and
took a Yellow Cab from the train station; their task was to pick up
a dislikeable, tough female at her low-rent apartment hideout and escort
her back to the next LA-bound Golden West Limited train leaving in
only one hour (traveling through Kansas City, La Junta, and
Albuquerque to Los Angeles)
- on the way, they bantered together; their
respective positions on the totem-pole were reflected in their
smoking habits - Forbes smoked a large cigar, while Brown smoked
a cigarette; the two made a $5-dollar wager
on what the caustic dame Mrs. Frankie Neall might be like; Brown
assumed the worst: "Sixty-cent special. Cheap, flashy.
Strictly poison under the gravy," since she
had married a hoodlum: "What kind of a dame
would marry a hood?"

Det. Sgt. Gus Forbes (Don Beddoe) Just Before He Was Murdered

Detective Sgt. Walter Brown (Charles McGraw)

Mrs. Frankie Neall (Marie Windsor)
- after entering Mrs. Neall's apartment and realizing
how disagreeable, surly and argumentative the woman really was,
Sgt. Forbes picked up the recent Chicago Star, explaining
the circumstances - the widowed gangster wife Mrs. Neall was allegedly
in possession of her dead husband's "pay-off" list; it
would help the authorities to "break up notorious ring" and "CRACK-DOWN
- as the threesome (Forbes, Brown, and Mrs. Neall)
were about to come down the staircase from her apartment into the
foyer, pearls from Mrs. Neall's snapped necklace rolled down the
steps; a few dropped to the feet of the assassin holding a gun
and waiting in the shadows in the downstairs foyer;
the mobster killer Densel (Peter Virgo), identified by a fur-collared
coat, was then more unnerved when a tenant (James Conaty)
entered a back door and startled him from behind - and he prematurely
fired twice and gunned down Sgt. Forbes at the foot of the stairs;
as he escaped and was pursued by Det. Brown, the shooter dashed
through a series of clotheslines in the courtyard and hopped a
fence (and was "winged" in the shoulder by
Brown) into an alley, before fleeing in a getaway car; Det. Brown
returned to his slain partner, and brushed the cigar ash off his lapel
- afterwards during the cab ride back to
the train station with his protected witness, Det. Walter Brown resentfully
blamed the uncaring, cold-hearted Mrs. Neall for his
partner's untimely death (after six years of partnering),
after she muttered sarcastically: "Some
protection they sent me!"; he was clearly upset with her,
but still felt duty-bound: "You're just a job to me. A COD package to be delivered to
the LA grand jury and there's no joy in it"
- once they were settled on the moving train from
Chicago back to Los Angeles, the aggravated and annoyed Det. Brown
attempted to hide Mrs. Neall in his private, adjoining sleeper
cabin/compartment (Car # 10, Room B) from two other assassins ("creeps")
who were awaiting them at the station, but did not know what she
looked like; the two killers were mustached muscle-man Joseph Kemp
(David Clarke) and slender but oily and brainy Vincent Yost (Peter
Brocco); as the train departed, Kemp identified Det. Brown as his
target, and began to try and locate, identify - and eliminate his
subpoened grand jury witness
Mobster Assassins on the Train, Targeting Det.
Brown and Mrs. Neall

Joseph Kemp (David Clarke)

Vincent Yost (Peter Brocco)
- Kemp came to Det. Brown's private compartment (Car
# 10, Room A) with a Conductor (Harry Harvey), supposedly looking
for his mistakenly lost briefcase, but he was more interested in
checking out Det. Brown himself and his empty adjoining Pullman
sleeper compartment (Brown claimed it had been reserved for his
partner Forbes who was held over in Chicago); soon after Brown
left his compartment to enter the dining car where he again saw
Kemp (and watched him via a reflective window), he anticipated
that the killer would stealthily leave to search his two compartments
further; he briefly sat at the table of an attractive blonde (later
identified as Ann Sinclair (Jacqueline White), an important character),
as his plan to hide Mrs. Neall (and her luggage) in the Ladies
room succeeded, and Kemp found nothing
The Claustrophic Characteristics of Train Travel

The Narrow Corridors Next to Train Compartments

Reflective Windows to Watch Others

Crowded Hallways - An Obese Fellow Passenger
- however, as Det. Brown returned to his room to further
follow Kemp, he had to duck into another private compartment, where
he surprised two sleeping passengers - a
precocious, impressionable, overly-observant son Tommy (Gordon Gebert)
who fancifully accused Brown of being "a train robber" and asked:
"Do you carry a gun?", and the boy's older
nanny Mrs. Troll (Queenie Leonard) in the top bunk; he apologized,
then went to retrieve Mrs. Neall from the Ladies Room to return her
to his adjoining compartment, where she worried about her safety:
("I'm the only one who won't sleep tonight")
- Brown's loyalties, while risking his own life, were
also tested by assassin Vincent Yost to see if he would
accept a deal or "favorable agreement," involving a bribe of $25-30K
to give up his protected witness: "You
have her, we want her, how much?"; Yost even
coldly suggested that Brown could use the money to aid the wife of his
murdered partner Sgt. Forbes; although tempted, Brown responded and proved
his honest-cop credentials: "I'm not interested...not at any price";
Yost pulled out $5,000 dollars as a "sample" if Brown would "point her
out and turn the other way. You go through the motions of guarding her
until the accident occurs"; Brown stuffed the money back in Yost's
coat pocket, but then was subsequently warned: "We'll
get her whether you give her to us or not, so don't take too long. It
would be a shame if you missed your opportunity. I'm sure you'll find
me when you make up your mind"; Brown was unaware that Mrs. Neall
had eavesdropped on their entire exchange
- by morning, it was obvious that Detective Brown and
the ill-tempered Mrs. Neall had both taken an instant dislike to
each other, and often spouted
"hard-boiled" dialogue at each other
- while Kemp was in a shared train bathroom, Brown searched
his possessions left in his open berth, and found a Western
Union telegram in his pocket, stating that another gang member named
Densel would soon be providing support: "ATTRACTION DEFINITELY ON
- on his way into the dining car in the corridor, Brown
again met the golden-haired, calm and sweet-natured lady from their
previous encounter, and they shared a breakfast table, but he was
entirely distracted watching Kemp seated for breakfast and conversing
with the rotund man who had earlier blocked the corridor; the large
individual soon approached Brown and introduced himself as Sam Jennings
(Paul Maxey) - and Brown naturally deduced that Sam was one of the
assassins when he offered to buy his spare compartment; an argument
ensued when Brown refused (although he defused the situation), just
as they approached the small Colorado town of La Junta
- during the short 12-minute stop at the depot, Det.
Brown via wire-telegram informed his home office's District Attorney
about the latest developments ("....OUR CONSIGNMENT SAFE BUT EXPECT
TROUBLE"); at the train stop, he also discovered that the young boy's
mother was the same blonde woman he had often met; further complications
arose when Brown realized that the two mobsters (especially Kemp)
were mistaking Ann for his witness, and would threaten to kill her:
(Ann innocently noted: "He probably thinks I'm somebody else"); in
fact, Kemp sent a telegram informing his bosses back in Chicago (using
the cover of the Midwest Equipment Co.) that he suspected the blonde
Det. Brown and Mrs. Neall Viciously Quarreling With Each Other
- the detective was dismayed that Mrs. Neall,
through overheard conversations, also realized that the hoods thought
another "dame" was their target: ("Making this dame the target shows
you're using your head"); Brown was incensed that Mrs. Neall showed
no concern at all for the wrongly-targeted woman: "Sister, I've known
some pretty hard cases in my time; you make 'em all look like putty.
You're not talkin' about a sack of gumdrops that's gonna be smashed
- you're talkin' about a dame's life! You may think it's a funny
idea for a woman with a kid to stop a bullet for you, only I'm not
laughing!"; she snapped back: "Where do you get off, being so superior? Why shouldn't
I take advantage of her - I want to live! If you had to step on someone
to get somethin' you wanted real bad, would you think twice about
it?"; she continued by calling him a "cheap
badge-pusher"; and then after Brown told
her: "You make me sick to my stomach"; she quipped back: "Well, use
your own sink. And let me know when the target practice starts!"
- shortly later, Det. Brown worried for Ann's safety
when he saw assassin Kemp following her down the corridor; he accosted
Kemp from behind and punched him into a cramped Men's room, where
the two viciously fought, punched, and wrestled against each other;
Brown disarmed Kemp and knocked out one of his teeth, and when Kemp
asked: "What's the muscle for? You broke a tooth," Brown retorted:
"You want to try for none?"; during questioning, Kemp wouldn't divulge
any information about his mobster organization and its members, but
confirmed Brown's fears that they were targeting Ann Sinclair: "The
payoff list and the little lady with the boy. Calls herself Mrs.
Sinclair"; when Kemp again offered another bribery deal, Brown refused
to negotiate with the double-crosser: "What am I? A jumbo-sized sucker?
That list is no good while she can talk, so make some sense"
- as the conversation ended, Brown threatened to kill
Kemp if he hurt anyone: "You'll get nobody. Neither the right Mrs.
Neall nor the wrong Mrs. Neall. You'll get nobody. Do you understand?"; Brown
was grateful when aided by rotund Sam Jennings, who was summoned
and revealed to be a railroad detective/special agent; he became
helpful after Brown had beaten Kemp up, by handcuffing Kemp
to himself and detaining him in the up-front baggage car; the charges
would be "attempted bribe, resisting an officer, concealed weapon"
- however - it was now uncovered that OFFSCREEN, mob
hitman-assassin Densel (the killer who shot Det. Brown's partner
in the opening sequence) had surreptitiously boarded the coach at
the earlier train stop in La Junta, and traded places with Yost;
he accosted Jennings who was detaining Kemp, freed his gangster-buddy,
and knocked Jennings unconscious
- when Det. Brown returned to the immoral Mrs. Neall,
she remained suspiciously adamant that he was keeping it a secret
that he had already been compromised by bribes: "Don't play dumb
with me, Brown. You want that list because you've got a cash customer
for it. That hood, am I right?"; she actually encouraged him to get
rich with her, if he 'sold out' and double-crossed the other
woman so they could share in the pleasure and profits; she asked:
"What are the odds if we don't? I sing my song to the grand jury
and spend the rest of my life dodging bullets if I'm lucky, while
you grow old and gray on the police force. Wake up, Brown. This train's
headed straight for the cemetery. There's another one coming along,
the gravy train. Let's get on it"; he colorfully rejected her advice:
"I'd like to give you the same answer I gave that hood but it would
mean stepping on your face"
Det. Brown Refusing to Listen to Mrs. Neall Who Was
Urging Him to Give In, Accept the Hoods' Deal and Get Rich With Her,
While Ann Was Innocently Targeted
- the scene transitioned from Mrs. Neall furiously filing
her nails, to the churning wheels of the steam locomotive; a super-imposed
teletype strip of paper moved across the screen with a cautionary
message about Densel - sent to Detective Brown: "WALTER BROWN, GOLDEN
- Det. Brown became worried when he noticed a black
car trailing after the train, and a report that Jennings and his
prisoner had mysteriously disappeared
- he visited in the compartment of Ann Sinclair, his
newfound acquaintance, and told her his fears that mobsters might
try to kill her: ("an innocent bystander"); he explained: "You've
been mistaken for somebody else and that somebody isn't popular,"
and promised to protect her as a detective, but warned her to be "on your guard"
- while Brown was speaking to Ann, the
two mobsters (Densel and Kemp) discovered the fake Mrs. Neall in
Brown's attached compartment - they were tipped off by music coming
from her portable phonograph player, and in a dramatic scene, as
she reached for the 'pay-off list' in the closet, she actually grabbed
a gun in her purse; Densel shot her in the back -- and she was shockingly
killed; as she died and fell back next to her record player, she
swiped its play button with her hand and it began playing again;
shortly later, they rummaged through her things and found her badge
and Chicago police ID inside the phonograph player, identifying her
as "Sarah Meggs"

Mrs. Neall Discovered by Densel and Kemp

Pressured Into Talking

Reaching for Her Gun in Her Purse in the Closet

Shot in the Back by Densel

Mrs. Neall's Dying Hand Swiping Across Her Record

Her Real Identity, Shown on Her Police Badge and ID:
Sarah Meggs
- at the same time, Brown decided to level with Ann
about the witness that he was protecting; suddenly, Ann disclosed
to Brown that she was the real widowed Mrs. Frankie Neall; the twist
revelation stunned Brown for being kept in the dark; Ann explained
how the DA had instructed her "to get to the Coast and not to attract
any attention"; she revealed that the female he had been protecting was
actually a decoy -- a policewoman from Internal Affairs; the
stunned Det. Brown reacted vehemently: "I've been played for a
sucker! Why? Why did they stick me with a decoy?"
- in fact, she explained that the entire scheme was
designed to test him to see if he had integrity, as Ann continued:
"They've been testing you. There's a grand jury investigation of
graft and payoffs, remember?"; he claimed how he had never taken
a bribe in his life, although he was human and had been tempted:
("My record's clean. The Internal Affairs Division knows it"); she
further described how she had mistakenly married a mobster, and then
left him before he was killed; she told how she had found her divorced
mobster husband's payoff list, and had already mailed it to the DA
- Det. Brown was notified by the Conductor that Jennings
had been located and revived, and the "calling card" left by his
abductor was a fur-collared coat - tipping off Brown to his identity as Densel
- in the climactic scene, Densel grabbed Ann's son Tommy
in her adjoining compartment, and used him as a hostage while Kemp
pulled the emergency brake to stop the train; Densel was able to
force his way into the compartment of the DA's witness Ann Sinclair;
Brown tricked Densel into thinking that Ann had the list with her
- to buy time and stall; as Densel was impatiently compelling her
to reveal her payoff list that Brown claimed was in the medicine
cabinet, Brown was able to get Ann to move her position away from
Densel within the cabin; Brown used the reflection of another train's
window to gun down the hitman through the door without compromising
her safety; he then burst into the compartment and unloaded his gun
two more times into Densel
Det. Sgt. Brown Protecting Mrs. Sinclair by Shooting
Hitman Densel Through the Door, Using A Window Reflection to Know
Their Positions
- Det. Brown and Jennings pursued the remaining mobster
Kemp, who fled and departed from the back of the train, but a few
moments later, Kemp was arrested by awaiting police cars after he
was picked up by a getaway vehicle (with his accomplices) that had
been trailing the train for many miles
- in the brief conclusion, Brown safely escorted Mrs.
Sinclair off the train at LA's Union Station,
avoiding news-reporters and photographers, but then Officer Allen (Walter
Merrill) offered them a private escort by car; Mrs. Sinclair refused
and didn't want to hide herself any longer: ("They'll have to see
me sometime. I can't keep running and hiding all my life") and then
- bravely but safely - walked the few blocks to the Hall of Justice
arm-in-arm with Det. Brown

(l to r): Det. Brown and Sgt. Forbes in a Chicago Taxi

Mrs. Frankie Neall (Marie Windsor) Picked Up in Her Chicago Apartment
by the Two Police Officers
The Pay-Off List To Be Divulged by Police-Protected Witness
Mrs. Frankie Neall in Los Angeles Before a Grand Jury

Assassin Wearing Fur-Collared Coat in Shadows of Foyer

Det. Brown's Uncomfortable Taxi Cab Ride With Caustic Mrs. Neall Back
to the Chicago Train Station

(l to r): Kemp and Yost - Two Assassins To Continue Pursuit
on the Train

Mrs. Neall in an Adjoining Room Next to Sgt. Brown

Det. Brown Mistakenly in the Train Compartment of Tommy and Mrs.

Mrs. Neall - Worried About Her Safety

Yost's Offer to Det. Brown of a Monetary Bribe to Turn Over
His Witness

Kemp's Western Union Telegram

Ann Sinclair Again Bumping Into Det. Brown

In Dining Car for Breakfast, Sam Jennings Introduced Himself to Brown and Ann

Det. Brown Worried that Kemp Believed that Ann Was His "Protected Witness"

Brown Threatening Kemp After Their Vicious Fist Fight in the Cramped Men's Room

(l to r): Gangster Kemp, Det. Brown,
and Railroad Agent Sam Jennings

Hitman Densel (Peter Virgo) - Who Had Traded Places with
Yost After Boarding the Train at La Junta; He Freed Kemp and Beat Up
Sam Jennings

Det. Brown Explaining His Worries to Ann Sinclair That She Was in Danger

Brown Noticing A Black Car Trailing After the Train (Reflected in Window)

Film's Major Twist: Ann Sinclair to Brown: ("I'm Mrs. Neall")

Brown: "Why did they stick me with a decoy?"

Gunman Densel Using Tommy as a Hostage to Get to Ann

Densel Holding a Gun on Ann in Her Compartment

Film's Ending: Det. Brown and Ann Arm-in-Arm Walking to
Hall of Justice from the LA Station