Ms. 45 (1981) (aka Angel of
One of director Abel Ferrara's earliest films (his
second) was this low-budget, grindhouse, exploitational cult classic
of female vengeance, rape-and-revenge. However, unusual for this
type of film, there was no full nudity on display, but it was full
of sexual violence toward a meek and mute young female.
The urban thriller, shot on location in NYC, was similar
to other '70s films with the same theme of angry and violent feminist
retaliation, including: The Last House on the Left (1972), Thriller
- A Cruel Picture (1973, Swed.), Death Wish (1974), and I
Spit On Your Grave (1978). A more respectable example of the
genre would be Ridley Scott's Thelma & Louise (1991).
The film's taglines were: "It
will never happen again!" and
"It's no longer a man's world."
- in the early 1980s, Thana (17 year-old Zoe Lund
(aka Zoe Tamerlis) in her film debut) - a waifish, shy and deaf-mute
seamstress, was introduced as a worker in NYC's garment district; she
lived by herself in a small low-rent apartment in Clinton Gardens
[Note: Her name was an oblique reference to Thanatos, meaning 'goddess of death'.]
- the often-victimized, oppressed, exploited main
character was raped twice in the same evening as she returned home
from work; after visiting a supermarket, she was attacked by a
cheap, plastic cellophane-masked assailant (director Ferrara) with
a gun, who dragged to an alley and raped from behind while draped
over some garbage cans; the mugger also stole her purse
- and then, after she returned home to her apartment,
she discovered it was in the midst of being robbed and ransacked
by a burglar (Peter Yellen) with a .45 revolver who had entered
through a kitchen window; he also raped her; afterwards, she bludgeoned,
knocked unconscious, and killed the second rapist with a
blow to the head from her heavy sewing iron - and then she kept
his discarded weapon - the .45 revolver
- she gained a thirst for vengeance
after the bloody and grisly scene; she dragged his body to her
bathtub; over the next few days, she dismembered his body by sawing
off limbs with a long serrated knife; each bloody body part was
wrapped in newspaper and placed in black garbage bags that were
then stuffed into her refrigerator and freezer
- at the same time, she was experiencing frightening
hallucinatory visions and nightmares of being attacked - in one instance
when she began undressing to take a shower, she saw her first rapist
in her mirror-reflection
Thana's Frightening and Hallucinatory Visions
- A Replay of Her First Rape
- then over a long period of time, she methodically
dumped and distributed the plastic garbage bags (of the dismembered
second rapist) throughout the city into trash containers; she also
would deposit some of the bags with unsuspecting individuals; suddenly
frightened by a street-corner heckler (Vincent Gruppi) while disposing
one of the bags when he thought she had left behind her bag and
he followed after her, she impulsively shot the suspicious bystander
dead with the .45 when he ran after her into a dead-end alleyway
- after returning home, she threw up in her bathroom in reaction; her snoopy landlady Mrs.
Nasone (Editta Sherman) (with her incessantly-barking and curious
runt-dog named Phil (Bogey)) insisted that Thana call a doctor
- meanwhile, Thana's work was judged as negligent and inadequate, and was not up to
par according to her condescending, demeaning, creepy and patronizing
boss Albert (Albert Sinkys); he urged: "Be like the other girls,"
and claimed she wasn't concentrating or keeping up
- Thana was further disturbed when she saw a New
York Post headline report about a mysterious .45 caliber
murder the previous day ("NO CLUES IN BIZARRE .45 KILLING")
- after lunch with her friend Laurie (Darlene Stuto)
and other co-workers, Thana was left alone in the restaurant; as
she left, she was followed and persistently approached on the street
by a flirtatious, sleazy and boorish guy (who earlier was making
out with his girlfriend in the restaurant); he claimed he was a
famous fashion photographer named Rich Volk (Stephen Singer); he
flattered her ("You are much too beautiful to be a model"),
and invited her to share drugs and pose in his studio-loft that
afternoon; she obliged and as she entered his cheap studio-apartment
from the elevator, she pulled out her gun and impulsively shot
the sleazy male to death with multiple gunblasts, before the elevator
door closed
Thana Dressed as a Red-Lipsticked
- she was soon dressing provocatively, wearing dark
blue apparel and appearing as a red-lipsticked hooker to seductively
lure predatory males into being victims; she set herself up during
nocturnal wanderings to frequently have the opportunity to calmly
shoot and mercilessly murder potential assailants, so she would
never be exploited again; as the empowered female became more mentally
unstable and misanthropic, the lethal shootings piled up, including
three particular situations
- she murdered a black pimp (Stanley Timms) who
was arguing with and beating up one of his black prostitutes
(Faith Peters) while accusing her of cheating him of $50: ("Never
f--k with my money")
- she eliminated five male gang members in
Central Park who surrounded her and threatened: "We want
everything you got, baby"
- an Arab sheik (Lawrence Zavaglia) (and his bodyguard/driver
Hunter (Alex Jachno)) in a chauffeured limousine offered
her $100 cash for her services: ("Perhaps you'd like to
come with me tonight"); she entered the limousine, and
murdered the sheik and the driver - in tune to the rhythm of
the windshield wipers; she shot the sheik
in the groin and the driver in the head

Thana's Murder of Black Pimp Who Was Harrassing
a Prostitute

Thana Surrounded and Threatened by Gang Members
in Central Park

Thana With Arab Sheik in Back Seat of Limousine Before Murdering
Him and the Driver
- the next morning, she listened to a radio report that
described the massacres: "Police are still mystified by two
apparently unconnected multiple murders that took place in midtown
Manhattan last night in the largest mass killing in New York City
in eight years. In Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, all the victims
had been shot by a .45 caliber pistol. Meanwhile, at 48th Street
and Park Avenue, a wealthy Saudi Arabian businessman Sheikh Mohammed
al Faisal was shot to death along with his chauffeur."
- in her continuing effort to dispose of bags of body
parts, she placed a bag in the trunk of a car licensed in Georgia
by the driver (Eddie Eisele), and in the bottom of a bag lady's
(Evelyn Smith) cart
- another evening, Thana went on another excursion
looking for potential male targets; in Chinatown,
she was unable to carry through on the murder of a young Chinese
man (Michael R. Chin) who had been making out with his girlfriend
(Gerri Igarashi) before she entered a Baskin-Robbins for work - he
unintentionally eluded Thana when he hurriedly walked back
to his apartment and entered the locked front door
- and in a local bar, Thana
met a talkative, upstate traveling shoe salesman (Jack Thibeau)
who rambled on about his unhappy love life after being dumped by
his cheating wife (who turned out to be lesbian); later while seated
on a park bench in view of the Queensboro Bridge across the East
River with him, when he mentioned strangling his wife's cat in
their kitchen, in revenge for her infidelity, Thana attempted to
shoot him in the head, but the gun misfired; he grabbed her weapon
this some kind of a joke?")
and shockingly and suicidally shot himself in the head to save
herself the effort
- meanwhile, snoopy landlady Mrs. Nasone - who was
worried about her missing dog Phil (that Thana had spitefully tied
up to a post at the East River waterfront, but didn't have the
heart to shoot and kill) - went to search
through Thana's apartment; she discovered a decapitated male
head (of the rapist) in a black garbage bag in her freezer; she
reported her ghastly find to the police
- by film's end, Thana had dressed
herself in an iconic costume for her clothing firm's
Halloween costume party, it consisted of a nun's outfit with suspenders,
bright red lipstick, high-heeled boots, and a gun strapped to her
thigh; in her bedroom in front of her mirror, the deranged Thana
imagined shooting at invisible victims. [Note:
In director Abel Ferrera's later film Bad Lieutenant
(1992), a nun had been raped by two guys, similar to what
had happened to Thana.]
Nun's Outfit For the Costume Party - a Lethal
'Angel of Vengeance'
- at the party, Thana was with her date-dance partner
Albert (dressed as Dracula); as Albert was attempting to kiss Thana all over her body in his upper
private office: ("Oh, baby, oh, sweetheart,
the mound of Venus") at the top of a spiral staircase, he raised
her black dress and noticed her .45 gun tucked into her garter; she
removed the weapon from its 'holster' and murdered him (off-screen)
with a massive gun-blast

The Beginning of the Massacre at the Party

Thana's Bloodbath Massacre of Males
- indiscriminately from the top of the staircase
and then on the floor of the party, she then went on a violent,
crazed shooting spree (resembling Sam Peckinpah's slow-motion concluding
bloodbath in The Wild Bunch (1969))
- targeting all of the males
- the film concluded
with the end of Thana's deadly rampage at the party when her best
friend from work Laurie fatally stabbed her in the
back with a long cake knife; before collapsing, Thana threatened
but then hesitated to shoot Laurie, as she called her "Sister" before
falling dead to the floor; it was the only word she had uttered
in the entire film
- in her apartment, the mournful landlady
Mrs. Nasone was surprised by the return of her dog Phil unharmed
and scratching at her door
Mute and Shy Seamstress Thana (Zoe Lund)

1st Rape in Alleyway
2nd Rape in Her Home

Dead 2nd Rapist - His Sawed Off Arm
Thana's Murder of a Suspicious Heckler-Bystander While Disposing
One of Her Garbage Bags Filled With Body Parts
Thana Became a Murderous Ms. 45 - She Shot Sleazy Photographer
Rich Volk From His Apartment Elevator

Thana's Misfired Gun Aimed at the Head of a Shoe Salesman
Who Was Describing His Unhappy Love Life

With Albert as Thana's Date at the Climactic Halloween Party

Discovery of 2nd Rapist's Head in Garbage Bag by Thana's Landlady Mrs.

Thana's Close-Up Glance at Albert Before Shooting Him Dead

Removal of the .45 From Thana's Garter Holster

Although Stabbed in the Back, Thana's Refusal to Shoot Her Friend Laurie,
Calling Her "Sister"