Her to Heaven (1945)
In John Stahl's brilliantly saturated, Technicolored
melodramatic noir (told in flashback) - it was one of the few noirs
shot in color; the script by Jo Swerling was based on the best-selling
novel by Ben Ames Williams; this unsettling psychological noir thriller
and lush Technicolored melodrama from director John M. Stahl told
about a menacing, father-fixated, unstable, and deranged, darkly
alluring femme fatale. Themes of the film, even in the 1940s, included murder,
obsessive jealousy, compulsive love, abortion and blackmail, hinted
in the film's tagline: "For love she would give anything...even her
life...or destroy anything... EVEN THE LIFE OF ANOTHER!"
It received four Academy Award Nominations including
Best Actress (Gene Tierney), Best Color Art Direction/Interior Decoration,
and Best Sound Recording, and won the Oscar for Best Color Cinematography.
Tierney lost her sole career Oscar nomination bid to Joan Crawford,
for her title role in another acclaimed film noir Mildred Pierce
- in the opening sequence, author-writer
Richard "Dick" Harland (Cornel Wilde) returned home
after serving a two-year prison sentence to his lakeside lodge
("Back of the Moon") in Deer Lake, Maine; he was greeted at his
arriving boat dock by his defense attorney, Glen Robie (Ray Collins);
as Dick transferred over to a canoe and rowed away to
his lodge, Robie commented: "Well,
of all the seven deadly sins, jealousy is the most deadly"

Richard "Dick" Harland (Cornel Wilde)

Glen Robie (Ray Collins)
- in the film's lengthy flashback (provided by Robie)
set a few years before Richard's prison term, 30 year-old bachelor
and novelist Richard Harland was invited by Glen Robie to travel
by train to his ranch in Rancho Jacinto, in Jacinto, NM; on the train,
he described how he met beautiful and exotic-looking socialite Ellen Berent
(Oscar-nominated Gene Tierney) who she happily claimed resembled
her late father ("a most remarkable resemblance"); she was still
mourning over his loss and obsessively attached to his memory

Ruth Berent (Jeanne Crain)

Mrs. Margaret Berent (Mary Philips) - Ellen's Mother
- Richard became her captivated, soon-to-be future
husband after a brief stay with her at the Robie's ranch, also accompanied
by her mother Mrs. Margaret Berent (Mary Philips) and adopted
half-sister/cousin Ruth Berent (Jeanne Crain) ("Mrs. Berent adopted
me"); the occasion of the Berent family's visit was to gather for her father's funeral
- to scatter the cremated ashes of her beloved father up in the
- early the next morning, Richard followed
on horseback after Ellen into the New Mexico hills, and watched
with a fascinated look from afar as she dramatically rode over a
ridge scattering her father's ashes (dumping them from a large urn
that she moved from side to side at her waist) at his favorite place
he had called "the front lawn of heaven"
- during one afternoon, Ellen engaged in a swimming
race with the Robie children, and self-declared herself as the "Winner!"
- Glen noted: "Ellen always wins"
- it was revealed to Richard that Ellen had recently
jilted her fiancee, district attorney Russell Quinton (Vincent
Price), and broken off their engagement via telegram; after being
dumped, Russell hurriedly flew by plane to visit the ranch but
could not dissuade Ellen from her steadfast decision; in fact, he was
encouraging of her new marital plans - Quinton was there to congratulate
Ellen on her upcoming marriage to a new fiancee
- instead of pursuing Russell, the psycho-insanely-jealous,
father-obsessed, neurotically-possessive, and heartless femme
fatale Ellen expressed her strong intent to marry the deceived Richard, to his
great surprise when she called him her new "fiancee"; she fanatically
vowed that she would stop at nothing to make the man she loved her
exclusive possession: ("I'll never let you go. Never, never, never"); the marriage ceremony
was held off-screen, in New Mexico
- after celebrating a brief honeymoon
in Taos, NM, newlyweds Richard and Ellen immediately traveled to Warm Springs, GA to be with
Richard's beloved, younger teenaged brother Danny Harland (Darryl
Hickman) who was recovering from polio; in a rented cottage, Ellen
prepared an elaborate lunch for them to prove she was the perfect
"domestic" wife; completely sublimating herself as a bourgeois housewife,
she revealed her extreme, almost-pathological and fanatical devotedness
to her new husband, clinging jealousy, and her ideal view of insular
wedded life - without any hired household help
- meanwhile, Richard spent much of his time writing
a new novel and encouraging Danny to walk with crutches; Danny
was offered the prospect of joining them at the lodge
in Maine: "Now we can, all three of us, go to Back of the
Moon." Ellen listened with a concerned look - knowing that
this would cause competition for Dick's attention; the manipulative
Ellen disguised her selfish disdain of the boy whom she detestedly
called a 'cripple' to his physician Dr. Mason (Reed Hadley)
- once back in Maine, the disturbed Ellen immediately
resented the presence of Danny (who was interrupting her privacy
and marital fulfillment with Richard), became frustrated by Richard's
old family friend and resident caretaker Leick Thome (Chill Wills),
and detested the time Richard devoted to his writing and his clackety
typewriter; she groused: "If only it weren't so crowded"; she felt
resentful, frustrated and overwhelmed in the cabin by Danny's and
Thorne's presence, whom she called "chaperones"
- during an unexpected visit of her aloof mother Margaret
and her adopted half-sister Ruth, Ellen again expressed her possessiveness
and hostility toward anything that disrupted her time with Richard;
Ellen's cold reception for her family members didn't go unrecognized,
and later in their room, Ruth and Mrs. Berent spoke about leaving
soon to return to their home in Bar Harbor, Maine
- in private, Richard reprimanded Ellen for being
rude, and for becoming accusatory and jealous toward Ruth - and
for her fears that Richard was falling in love with her: (Ellen:
"Maybe you're in love with her....Maybe that's why you invited
her up here"); he became worried about her cool rigidity and
hostile attitude toward everyone except himself, and was increasingly
disillusioned about his marriage to her: "What's happened
to you? You're deliberately whipping yourself into a fit of hysterics....Ellen,
what's got into you?"
- Ellen apologized for her single-mindedness
about possessing him all for herself and her extreme, obsessive
behavior: "Oh, darling. Forgive me. I'm sorry. I can't
help it. It's only because I love you so. I love you so, I can't
bear to share you with anybody"

Richard's Upset at Ellen's Bad Behavior During Unexpected Visit of Ruth and Mrs.
Berent to the Lodge

Ellen's True Obsessive and Possessive Character Revealed
to Richard
An Apology For Her Single-Minded Obsession: "It's
only because I love you so"
- in a conversation with Richard before leaving to return
home, Mrs. Berent theorized why Ellen's behavior was so unusual -
her beliefs confirmed Ellen's over-the-top, all-consuming love for
Richard ("It's just that she loves too much") - repeating the pattern
of her obsessive love for Ellen's father
- in the film's most-frightening murder scene orchestrated
by Ellen on a bright and sunny day near to the Maine lakeside's lodge,
she was calmly and passively watching from a rowboat as her novelist
husband Richard's younger paraplegic brother Danny
(her own brother-in-law) went swimming; she cheerfully assisted Danny
in applying suntan lotion before he slipped into the water from the
boat. He asked: "Can I swim all the way across today?" When she asked: "Do you
think you can make it?", he assured: "Why sure? I made it
three-quarters yesterday and I wasn't a bit tired." She followed
in the rowboat, and promised he didn't have to worry about his direction: "I'll
keep you on your course." She steered him into the middle of the
lake and noted: "You're not making very much progress, Danny.
Are you alright?"
- when Danny became winded and had a kink in his side,
he admitted he was getting tired. She told him to "take it easy," but
then pushed him further: "You don't want to give up when you've
come so far." When he became exhausted and distressed in the
water from severe stomach cramps (after eating a large lunch), Ellen
passively watched as he floundered and called out: "Help me!" He
submerged twice and then disappeared under the surface directly in
front of her. She registered no reaction on her heartless face as
he sank below the water and never reappeared. She pretended to assist
him by diving in, but it was obviously too late
Ellen's Heartless Drowning-Murder of Her Younger
Brother-in-Law Danny
- by the fall, the couple had moved to the Berent
home in Bar Harbor, Maine; to offset Richard's depression after
Danny's death and to try out another strategy to regain Richard's
interest, Ellen became pregnant; Ellen became miffed when
Richard, without consulting her, converted her beloved father's
lab-study into a nursery; she under-handedly accused Ruth of taking
advantage of her immobility during pregnancy, and began to compare
their contrasting relationships with Richard
- Ellen detestfully felt she was losing her figure
as she looked at herself in a mirror: "Look
at me. I hate the little beast. I wish it would die"; she
told her foster sister Ruth that she loathed the coming addition
to the family: "Shocked, aren't you? If you were having the baby, you'd love it. Well, I
never wanted it. Richard and I never needed anything else. And
now this." Ruth replied: "How
can you say such wicked things?" to which Ellen admitted: "Sometimes
the truth is wicked. You're afraid of the truth, aren't you, Ruth?"

Ellen: "Look at me. I hate the little beast. I wish it would die"

Ruth: "How can you say such wicked things?

Ellen: "Sometimes the truth is wicked..."
- Ellen plotted to rid
herself of her problem (her unborn child that would rival her
love for Richard) - she changed into a longer blue robe and high-heeled
blue slippers, emerged from her bedroom, and stood at the top of
the long flight of stairs; she realized she could choreograph and
fake a tripping fall by deliberately catching her left blue slipper
under the loose rug - she flung herself forward with a scream to
purposely abort her unwanted child by miscarriage; Mrs. Berent was
suspicious of Ellen's complicit involvement in two back-to-back
Ellen Plotting Her Own "Accidental" Miscarriage
- Tripping Down the Stairs
- after Ellen recovered in the hospital, relations
between Ruth and Ellen became unbearable; Ellen became infuriated
that Richard's newest published novel "The Deep Well" was dedicated
to Ruth: ("To the Gal with the Hoe"), even though her mother-in-law
had cautioned Richard about not dedicating the book to Ellen; Ruth
made plans to depart to New Mexico because she couldn't bear to be
in Ellen's malevolent and damaging presence any longer: ("The whole
place is filled with hate. Your hate...You're the most pitifuI creature
I've ever known")
- Richard suspected Ellen's deadly schemes
and wrong-doings, including Danny's deliberate drowning murder
- and the forced miscarriage of their child; the spiteful Ellen remorselessly
admitted that she had murdered both Danny and their unborn baby
- both figures who were close to Richard: ("Yes, I did, I let him
drown and I'd do it again. I didn't want him around. I didn't want
anyone but you"); she dropped to her knees
and tried to explain away the murders as examples of her extreme
love for him: ("I wanted to be just with
you. I couldn't stand having anyone between us. Oh, I love you
so, Richard. I love you so"); Ellen's exasperated
husband threatened to leave her and divorce her (but refused to press
criminal charges)

Ellen's Remorseless Confession to Richard of Two Murders

Ellen on Her Knees: "I wanted to be just with you"
- Ellen plotted further - a final jealous two-headed
scheme: (1) she sent a letter to Quinton to alert him to Ruth's premeditated
murder plot, and (2) she planned to suicidally poison herself
by mixing up, in her adoptive sister Ruth's bathroom, a deadly potion
of powdered poison (arsenic), in order to frame and implicate Ruth
Berent as her killer, and to blame her husband as a two-timer
- at a beach picnic lunch (off-screen) after deliberately ingesting
arsenic in sweetened coffee, Ellen was hospitalized and on her deathbed
where she breathlessly requested that Richard scatter her ashes and
intermingle them with those of her father: ("I'm
going to die...And you mustn't feeI sorry for me. I'm not afraid.
Only, only, promise me one thing. I-I want to be cremated. Like my
father, and my ashes scattered in the same place. Remember?....Richard!
I'll never let you go, Richard. Never. Never. Never")
- in the subsequent scene, a trial hearing was held
regarding "cold, brutal premeditated murder"; recently
elected Boston-area district attorney Russell Quinton,
Ellen's previous jilted and vengeful fiancee and ex-lover, was
serving as the state's DA prosecutor in a case against the defendant
Ruth Berent - ("The State will prove that on the afternoon of
September 5th at a picnic attended by Ellen Harland, her mother and
her adopted sister, that Ellen met death as a result of poisoning.
The State will prove that the sugar with which Ellen that day sweetened
her coffee was mixed with poison and that she met death by reason
of that poison. The State will prove that the defendant had both
motive and opportunity to commit this dreadfuI crime. And the State
will prove that the defendant, Ruth Berent deliberately and maliciously
plotted and carried through the murder")
Richard Forced to Read Ellen's Incriminating Letter
Ruth on Trial for Murdering Ellen -
Prosecuted by Ellen's Ex-Fiancee Russell Quinton
- pretending to be a victim before her death, Ellen
had written a letter and sent it to Russell Quinton; it clearly stated
her fears that Ruth was threatening to kill her; in a dramatic scene
during the trial, Richard was forced to read it outloud:
(Dear Russ, I am
writing this letter to you because we once meant a great deaI to
each other and there is no one else to whom I can go for help. Richard
is leaving....It was after I left the hospitaI I first began to sense
a change in my husband. At first I thought it might be due to the
loss of our child and then the truth, the awfuI truth, began to dawn
on me. The reason for the change was Ruth. Russ, they love each other,
and want to get rid of me. When Richard suggested a divorce, I went
to Ruth and begged her to give him up. She said she intended to have
him and would stop at nothing. I told Ruth I would never give Richard
a divorce, and it was then she threatened to kill me....Russ, I know
she means it, and is capable of it. She will kill me the first
chance she gets (read twice)...I'm afraid to stay in the house,
but I can't leave without Richard. I'd rather die than give him up.
I don't know what to do or where to turn, except to you, Russ. Please
help me. Ellen"

Ruth's Confession: "Yes, yes, I am in love
with him. I think I've always loved him."

Richard's Denouncement of His Monstrous Wife Ellen
for Committing Two Murders
- during the trial, Quinton
viciously questioned Ruth on the stand about her love for Richard
with a series of rapidly-fired questions: "Just when did you
fall in love with Richard Harland? Did you love
him after his brother Danny was drowned? Did
you love him after the death of his stillborn child? After
his wife died? Did you love him last week? A
month before? A year before? Are you in love with him today?";
his assertion was that Ruth guiltily plotted
to kill Ellen in order to be with Richard, and that her
calculated cremation of Ellen was to prevent an autopsy
(that would reveal the cause of her death)
- Ruth did confess to innocently loving Richard (but not with evil intentions
toward Ellen), and then fainted as she left the stand
- Richard testified to the extreme depths of Ellen's
insanity and depravity, and her dual confession that she had committed
two murders: ("My wife was not murdered. She killed herself...Ellen was capable of
anything....Yes, she was that sort of monster...Who, by
her own confession to me, killed my brother, killed her own unborn
child - and who is now reaching from the grave to destroy her innocent
sister. Yes, she was that sort of monster")
- as the flashback ended, Richard's lawyer Glen Robie
told a friend at the dock about the result of Ruth's trial --- she
was found innocent, but Richard was sentenced to two years in prison
as an after-the-fact accessory to murder because he had not reported
the extent of Ellen's depraved crimes to authorities
- the film concluded with Richard paddling up to the
"Back of the Moon" lodge where he lovingly embraced Ruth on the dock
Opening Sequence - Ex-Con Richard "Dick" Harland
(Cornel Wilde) with Lawyer Glen Robie After His Release From Prison,
and On His Return Home

Flashback: Richard's Introduction to Ellen Berent (Gene Tierney) on Train
to New Mexico

Ellen Speaking of Her Love For Her Beloved, Deceased Father

On Horseback, Ellen Spreading Her Father's Ashes in New Mexico Mountains

Ellen Swimming at the NM Ranch

In New Mexico, Russell Quinton (Vincent Price) - "Jilted" by Ellen, Who
Announced Her Engagement to Richard
Marriage Promise Between Ellen and Richard: "I'll
never let you go. Never, never, never"

Ellen's Attempt to Be the Perfect "Domestic" Wife in Rented Apt. in Warm
Springs, GA

Richard Promising Danny That He Could Live at the Maine Lodge With Newlywed
Ellen and Himself

Ellen's Obvious Disappointment That Danny Would Be Living at the Maine
Lodge With Them

Ellen's Denouncement of Danny: "He's a cripple!"

Ellen's Concerns About Lack of Privacy and Interruptions For Herself
and Newlywed Husband

'Back of the Moon' Resident Caretaker Thorne (Chill Wills)

Richard's All-Consuming Writing Work on Typewriter at the Lodge

Mrs. Berent Warning Richard About Ellen's Obsessive Love Pattern

Richard's Deep Depression at Bar Harbor Following Danny's Death

Ruth's Attempt to Comfort Ellen

Ellen's Objections to Turning Her Father's Lab Into a Nursery

Ellen's Growing Jealousy Toward Richard With Ruth

Richard's Dedication of His New Book (The Deep Well) to Ruth ("To the Gal with
the Hoe")

Ruth to Ellen: "You're the most pitiful creature I've ever known"
Ellen's Additional Plot to Suicidally Poison Herself
and Frame Ruth as Killer
Deathbed Scene - Ellen's Final Wishes to Richard: "I
want to be cremated...I'll never let you go!"

Quinton at Ruth's Trial

Quinton's Vicious Questioning of Ruth About Her Love for Richard

Ending: Richard Embracing Ruth at the Back of the Moon Lodge's Dock