Largo (1948)
In director John Huston's entertaining, downbeat and
moody, film noirish, crime-gangster melodrama from Warner Bros -
it was adapted from Maxwell Anderson's 1939 Broadway stage play by
director John Huston and Richard Brooks; the subtexts of this under-appreciated
and semi-obscure film included idealism, heroism, cowardice, disillusionment,
and pragmatic and intelligent fortitude against degradation and corruption.
The tension-filled, dialogue-heavy plot and character
study (with many wordless reaction close-up shots), was beautifully
filmed with Karl Freund's B/W cinematography and supplemented with
Max Steiner's bombastic musical score. It was notable as Lauren Bacall's
fourth and final film with husband Bogart (following To Have and
Have Not (1944), The Big Sleep (1946),
and Dark Passage (1947)).
Almost the entire plot took place within a claustrophobic
Southern Florida hotel during the post-war period; the run-down establishment
had been overtaken by sleazy and menacing mobsters - in the midst
of an off-season impending storm, when volatile elements were converged
together (runaway fugitive Indians, a beaten-up deputy and suspicious
sheriff, and gangsters delayed during a counterfeit money deal with
other criminals from Miami).
- the setting for the film, described in the film's
opening scrolling-text, was the small town of Key Largo in the
Florida Keys at the southernmost point in the US: ("a
string of small islands held together by a concrete causeway. Largest
of these remote coral islands is Key Largo")
- a Florida Keys Motor Lines bus bound for Key West
was stopped by the Palm Grove Sheriff Ben Wade (Monte
Blue) and his younger partner Deputy Clyde Sawyer (John Rodney); they
were searching for "a couple of Indians broke out of
jail. Young bucks in fancy shirts"
- one of the bus' passengers was Frank
McCloud (Humphrey Bogart), a disillusioned, returning war-weary
and war-scarred ex-WWII veteran - a drifter; once the bus arrived at
one of its stops, a semi-rundown
two-story Largo Hotel in Key Largo, Frank disembarked and asked to
speak to the owner-proprietor Mr. James Temple (Lionel Barrymore);
as he strolled into the bar area, he kept being told that the hotel
and bar were closed during the summer; one of the individuals he
met in the bar who helped him to order a beer was besotted lush
Miss Gaye Dawn (Oscar-winning Claire Trevor); she was staying in
the hotel with a group of "guests...by
special arrangement"
Frank McCloud's Cool Reception in the Largo Hotel
in Key Largo, FL

Unfriendly Strangers in the Hotel's Bar Area (l to
r): 'Curly', Frank, Gaye, 'Angel'

Edward 'Toots' Bass (Harry Lewis)

Frank with Drunken Miss Gaye Dawn (Claire Trevor)
- when McCloud stated that he didn't plan to stay,
but only wanted to speak to Mr. Temple, he was directed to the
boathouse to speak to the hotel manager-owner Mr. Temple - there,
he was warmly greeted by the wheelchair-bound Temple and his sleek,
newly-widowed daughter-in-law Nora Temple (Lauren Bacall); she
was introduced as "George's wife" - Nora's
late husband George (and James' son) who had died under McCloud's
WWII command during the battle of San Pietro in Italy; Mr. Temple
insisted that McCloud spend the night with them to talk further
- and offered him to reside in George's old room
- when Nora walked back to the hotel, the Sheriff
and his Deputy came over to her father to ask about the Indians'
jailbreak, but left without searching any further after Temple vowed
the Indians were not there; it was learned that the unruly guests
in the hotel had arrived only a few days earlier; their mostly-unseen
leader named "Brown" was residing in Room 11, and had offered a large sum of money to stay
for a week in the closed hotel during the off-season; they were just
about ready to leave that night or the next day; they had identified
themselves as a group from Milwaukee on a planned fishing trip; however, alerts were received about an
impending hurricane-storm that was due to strike the Keys, that might
hinder and delay their departure
- in the Temple's living quarters on the main floor
of the hotel, McCloud offered more details to a sorrowful
Nora and James about George's time as a heroic soldier in Italy
before his untimely death; he eloquently recollected George's last heroic days
- preparations were hurriedly made to secure the hotel's
windows and shutters, and the boats on the pier; at the dock, McCloud
noticed the motorboat arrival of
the two fugitive Indians: Tom Osceola (Jay Silverheels) and John
Osceola (Rodd Redwing), who offered to turn themselves in to the
police; Nora told them to go to the hotel where her father-in-law would call the Palm
Grove authorities
Four Male Gang Members

Edward 'Toots' Bass (Harry Lewis)

Ralph Feeney (William Haade)

Richard 'Curly' Hoff (Thomas Gomez)

Angel Garcia (Dan Seymour)
- by this time, in the hotel's bar area, the four very
shady male members of the 'fishing party' had all gathered:
- Richard 'Curly' Hoff (Thomas Gomez) - a coarse-talking,
pushy 'wise-guy', heavy-set drinker who kept trying
to ingratiate himself with McCloud via drinks
- Ralph Feeney
(William Haade) - tall and stone-faced
- Edward 'Toots' Bass (Harry Lewis) - a joke-loving, well-dressed, snappy
male with spats, wide suspenders, a white tie and fedora hat
- Angel Garcia (Dan Seymour)
- a contrasting entrance scene finally revealed
the 5th male at the 25 minute mark - the unseen leader of the 'fishing'
group, earlier mysteriously called 'Mr. Brown' (Edward G. Robinson);
he was first seen in a dramatic entrance scene in which he was partially
obscured as he reclined in a bathtub; the snarling hairy-chested
racketeer was sweating profusely in his Florida Keys hotel room's
old-fashioned bathtub while reading a newspaper, smoking a cigar,
consuming an iced drink, and being air-conditioned by the revolving
blades of an electric fan nearby
- meanwhile, Sheriff Wade had phoned the hotel, looking
for his Deputy Clyde Sawyer; Sawyer was seen unconscious on a
nearby bed with a bleeding forehead; he had
returned to the hotel to conduct his own search for the two escaped
Seminole Indians (contrary to the Sheriff's orders) and had been
captured and beaten up in Mr. Brown's bedroom
- it was now clear that "Mr. Howard Brown" was
the leader of the group, and that the Temples (and McCloud) were
being held hostage at gun-point; the mobster gang had established
temporary headquarters at the small Florida Keys hotel during the
humid off-season just before a violent, tropical hurricane was due
to strike; the gang leader was on-the-run with fellow mobsters and
his alcoholic lush ex-moll and ex-nightclub singer Gaye Dawn; they
were pretending that they were a fishing party from Wisconsin; at
the hotel, the gangsters terrorized and held everyone hostage; "Mr.
Brown" promised
the hostages that they would be there only a few hours more
- "Mr. Brown" was interrupted by
the wounded Deputy Sawyer, who had revived; he emerged and threatened
Brown - using his real name Rocco; McCloud suddenly
realized that "Mr. Brown" was the notorious Chicago gangster
Johnny Rocco: ("Johnny Rocco, of course...Johnny Rocco the gangster,
Mr. Temple. The one and only Rocco")
- the sneering Rocco identified
himself to the group of hotel hostages as an "undesirable
alien" who after 30 years in the US had been deported and thrown
out of the country; Rocco had illegally entered the US via steamboat
after being deported to Cuba years earlier:
("After living in the USA for more than 30
years, they called me an undesirable alien. Me, Johnny Rocco! Like
l was a dirty Red or somethin'!"); Temple suggested that Rocco
should have been exterminated - not deported
- to butter him up, Frank wisely defended Rocco's
big ego by calling him an "emperor" - similar to Nero or
Boss Tweed: ("Johnny Rocco was more than a king. He was an emperor. His rule extended over
beer, slot machines, the numbers racket and a dozen other forbidden
enterprises. He was a master of the fix. Whom he couldn't corrupt,
he terrified. Whom he couldn't terrify, he murdered...Welcome back,
Rocco. It was all a mistake. America's sorry for what it did to
you"); however, Temple called Rocco dirty names: "You filth! You city filth!"
- Rocco enjoyed Frank's praises, and continued to recollect
the good-old-days when he ruled in the criminal underworld:
("Yeah, yeah, that's me. Sure, I was all of those
things. And more! When Rocco talked, everybody shut up and listened.
What Rocco said went. Nobody was big as Rocco. Be like that again,
only more so. I'll be back up there one of these days, and then you're
gonna really see something")
- when asked by Rocco why he fought in the war, the
principled Frank answered with a quote from President Franklin
Roosevelt's 1942 State of the Union address: ("But we are not
making all this sacrifice of human effort and human lives to return
to the kind of a world we had after the last world war. (Thunder) We
are fighting to cleanse the world of ancient evils, ancient ills");
however, Frank said he had now turned his back
on those lofty ideals and had become thoroughly disillusioned and
almost defeated
- Rocco challenged Temple's taunts at him with an
authoritarian vindictiveness: "Who's
gonna stop me, old man?"; Temple struggled to get out of his wheelchair
in a rage and shrieked at Rocco: "You
ain't comin' back ...filth, you filth"; he fell to the ground
after taking a swing, and then was defended by the feisty Nora who
beat on Rocco's chest and scratched his face; Rocco forced a kiss from
Nora (while holding her hands behind her back), calling her a "little

Enraged, Wheelchair-Bound James Temple Condemnation
of Rocco: ("You ain't comin' back...you filth!")

Nora Beating on Rocco's Chest and Scratching The Left
Side of His Face

Rocco's Forcing a Kiss From Nora
- Rocco took a phone call from a Miami contact named "Ziggy" (Marc
Rocco urged "Ziggy" - who had apparently been delayed,
to beat the hurricane out and rendezvous at the Key Largo hotel
in a few hours: "It's gotta be tonight"; Rocco was prepared
to flee back to Cuba, but had been delayed as he
awaited a counterfeit money deal with Miami mobsters; Rocco assured
his henchmen that his Miami connections were immediately leaving for
Key Largo
- Rocco was approached by his yacht's Cuban Skipper
(Alberto Morin) who insisted on moving their boat to deeper waters:
("This coral reef not safe. Got to make for deep water right
away"); Rocco threatened his Skipper with a gun: "You move that boat,
I'll blow your brains out"
- Rocco continued to demonstrate braggadocio,
while he was being shaved with a straight-razor by Angel as he talked
to the group, including the injured Sheriff's Deputy "copper" Sawyer
about his powerful connections: ("So I won't get away with it,
huh? How many times I heard that from dumb coppers I couldn't count....You'd
give your left eye to nail me, wouldn't ya, huh? Ha, ha. You can
see the headlines, can't ya? 'Local Deputy Captured Johnny Rocco'.
Your picture'd be in all the papers. You might even get to tell in
the newsreel how you pulled if off. Yeah. Well listen, hick, I was
too much for any big city police force to handle. They tried but
they couldn't. It took the United States Government to pin a rap
on me. Yeah, and they won't make it stick. Why, you hick, I'll be
back pulling strings to get guys elected mayor and governor before
you ever get a ten buck raise. Yeah. How many of those guys in office
owe everything to me? I made them. Yeah, I made 'em, just like a
tailor makes a suit of clothes. I take a nobody, see? Teach him what
to say, get his name in the papers. I pay for his campaign expenses.
Dish out a lotta groceries and coal, get my boys to bring the voters
out, and then count the votes over and over again till they added
up right, and he was elected. Yeah. And what happens? Did he remember
when the going got tough, when the heat was on? No, he didn't wanna.
All he wanted was to save his own dirty neck....Yeah. 'Public Enemy'
- he calls me! Me, who gave him his 'Public' all wrapped up with
a fancy bow on it!"); however, Rocco complained how the 'bought'
groups of politicians and cops had betrayed him
- Rocco approached Nora again and whispered obscenities
into her ear; she turned to resist and
confront him but he grabbed both of her wrists; Nora
spit directly into Rocco's face - causing him to become incensed; with
a gun, Rocco threatened the group of hostages: ("Nothin'
to stop me from wipin' you all out!"), but his henchman advised:
("What good'll that do, boss? Forget it. Her kind's a dime a dozen."); Toots
suggested: "I say smack her and let it go at that," while McCloud chimed in: ("That
would be right for you, Toots, not for him...The Roccos don't, or
they wouldn't be Roccos. No 'Toots', smacking her isn't enough for
such an insult. He'd have to kill her. Then he'd have to kill the
rest of us because we witnessed it. Not just Mr. Temple and me, but all the
witnesses. It's kill us all or nothing. He needs you and Curly and
Angel. So it'll be nothing"); Rocco realized he couldn't eliminate
all the witnesses, including his own gang members, and "wise-guy" McCloud
was able to defuse the situation for the moment
- later, Rocco challenged and mocked McCloud's heroics
and disillusionment about the world's degradation by offering him
a chance to kill him in a face-to-face duel; however, McCloud backed
down and tossed away the gun provided for him (not knowing it was
purposely unloaded); McCloud muttered
that his choice was pragmatic self-preservation over heroics: "One
Rocco more or less isn't worth dying for"
- however, Deputy Sawyer lept up and grabbed at the
gun to re-challenge Rocco to another duel; as he tried to escape
through the doorway, Rocco gleefully blasted him with two shots, as
the Deputy's gun clicked empty; Sawyer fell dead onto the lower lobby
floor; Nora noted: "The gun wasn't loaded. He didn't have a chance";
there was a brief discussion about whether McCloud was a coward or
not: (i.e., Gaye: "It's better to be a live coward than a dead hero...
I fight nobody's battles but my own"); McCloud explained his motivation
to not fight: ("What do I care about Johnny Rocco, whether he lives
or dies? I only care about me! Me and mine!'); Nora thought that
Frank was a coward: "You are a coward"

Deputy Sawyer Grabbing the Gun That McCloud Had Discarded

Sawyer Shot Dead by Rocco As The Deputy's Gun Clicked Empty
- out on the rough sea, 'Curly' and Angel dumped Deputy
Sawyer's body from a rowboat, while Ralph mopped up the downstairs
lobby floor where the Deputy had fallen
- Rocco became increasingly impatient that
Ziggy in Miami hadn't left yet for the Keys, and
he threatened him on the phone: "Either
you show tonight or the deal is off. Well, I know a dozen guys who'd
just break their necks to get their mitts on this shipment." Rocco
gave the Miami gang a deadline of only two more hours - until 10:00
pm, to arrive or the deal was off

Rocco's Offer of A Drink to Gaye After a Song

Gaye Dawn's Rendition of "Moanin' Low"

Rocco's Evaluation of Gaye's Singing: "You were rotten"
- in a memorable scene in the bar area during a power
outage, Rocco proposed that his desperate and inebriated ex-moll
Gaye Dawn, a washed-up nightclub singer - sing in order to get
a drink; she gave an acapella rendition of the torch
song "Moanin' Low" (originally from Broadway's 1929 The Little Show by
Libby Holman, and popularized by Billie Holiday in 1937) to
hopefully earn a Scotch whiskey drink from Rocco: ("Now
you sing us your song, you can have a drink... the song, then the
drink"); afterwards, he denied her the promised drink and complained that her off-key
performance was awful: "You were rotten"; risking Rocco's
wrath and taking pity on Gaye, McCloud went to the bar and poured
a Scotch for her - she greedily and appreciatively drank it down
and gratefully thanked him: ("Thanks, fella"); Rocco responded
by slapping McCloud three times across the face - but there was no
reaction from him except two words spoken as a reply to Gaye: "You're welcome"
- Nora apologized privately to McCloud for her accusations
of cowardice earlier, and realized that he was a 'true hero' even
though he denied it and was discouraged about the world; Nora recognized
that McCloud's earlier account of her husband's heroism during
a three-day assault was false and that the roles were switched - McCloud was the real hero
- Rocco and his gang members became even more frazzled
and anxious as the storm intensified - suddenly, a large palm
tree crashed through the downstairs window and rain poured in. Outside,
waves crested over the Keys and surged toward the hotel, as Indians
sought shelter on the porch - they were seen huddled there during flashes of lightning
- after the storm passed, Rocco learned that the Skipper
(Alberto Morin) of Rocco's boat had apparently taken off with their
luxurious yacht to avoid damage (even after Rocco's serious death
threat) - leaving them stranded in Key Largo; Rocco had another
idea - to take the Temples' boat (the Santana) to Cuba - and McCloud
(who had some seaman skills) would be forcibly recruited to run
it ("You're taking us to Cuba")
- the Sheriff arrived searching for Deputy Sawyer,
and found his washed-ashore body face-down in some shallow storm
water with two lethal gun shots in his corpse; Rocco deflected
the blame for the gruesome discovery and implicated the two Osceola
brothers as the deputy's killers; the Sheriff raced to the pier
with his flashlight, and confronted the pair of brothers; without
due process or fair treatment, they were both shot dead (off-screen)
as they fled

The Sheriff's Discovery of Deputy Sawyer's Washed-Up Corpse

The Sheriff Gunning Down the Two Osceola Brothers
on the Pier

Arrival of Ziggy (Marc Lawrence) to Purchase Counterfeit Money from Rocco
- at about the same time, the gangsters from Miami
(led by Ziggy) drove up and after negotiations, Ziggy paid Rocco
real cash for a leather case filled with wrapped wads of fraudulent
counterfeit bills; meanwhile, both Gaye and Nora worried that if
McCloud joined the gang on the boat to Cuba, it would be his death
sentence; McCloud felt he was compelled to combat the gang's corruption
and not "walk away" from the fight; McCloud was given the
choice - a beating from 'Toots' or agreement to join them, and he responded simply: "You win"
- as the group was preparing
to depart, Gaye realized she would be left behind and abandoned;
as she desperately hung onto Rocco and embraced him during their farewell,
she cleverly pickpocketed the gun from his coat pocket, and then
slipped the gun to McCloud who hid it under his hat in his hands
- during a series of deadly confrontations on the small
fishing boat (SANTANA) bound for Cuba, McCloud began a methodical
and patient plan to outwit the gang on the boat; one by one, he vanquished
the gang members, beginning with Ralph (who was thrown overboard
with a sharp turn of the boat); then, McCloud fired at the sea-sick
'Toots' on-deck and lethally-wounded him, but was hit in the side
before 'Toots' fell dead; 'Curly' was shot and also lethally-wounded
as he emerged from below deck at the top of the stairs - he died
below deck; Rocco became exasperated with the cowardly Angel below
deck and shot and killed his sole remaining cohort point-blank
The Deadly Confrontations With the Gang Members

The Gang and McCloud Onboard the SANTANA Bound For Cuba

'Toots' Shot Dead on the Deck, Although He Was Able
to Wound McCloud

'Curly" Lethally-Shot As He Emerged Onto the

McCloud Peering Down Into Wheelhouse Cabin

Cowardly 'Angel' Shot Dead Point-Blank by Rocco

Sole-Surviving Rocco Bargaining with McCloud From
Below the Deck
- in a tense cat-and-mouse game, Rocco's familiar trick
or ploy was to bargain, step-by-step, with McCloud, now that he was
the only survivor, but McCloud wasn't fooled by offers of cash; the
wounded McCloud decisively shot Rocco three times from above as he
entered the wheelhouse - falsely claiming that he was unarmed after
throwing Angel's gun up the stairs while still in possession of
Curly's weapon
- McCloud circled the boat around to return
to Florida (toward Boot Key Harbor), as he alerted the authorities
with a May-Day call to his need for medical attention
- in the film's epilogue set in the hotel, the Sheriff
announced that Ziggy and his gang had been apprehended by the
state police as they were crossing the border
into Georgia; Gaye (who had squealed on Ziggy) would also be required
to join the Sheriff to identify them after turning state's evidence;
she also blamed Rocco for the Sheriff's killing of the two Osceola
brothers; Nora was relieved when McCloud radioed into the hotel
through the phone line that he had survived and was returning to
them; Nora shared the good news with her father-in-law
Two Concluding Images
- the film concluded with Nora opening one
of the shuttered windows to let the sunshine stream in, while the
heroic McCloud was steering the boat back to his new home, as the
fog lifted and the sunshine broke through - a metaphoric signaling
of hope and optimism for their futures

Opening Scene: Bus Searched for Fugitive Indians - Frank McCloud (Humphrey
Bogart) in Seat Behind Driver

Largo Hotel in Key Largo

James Temple (Lionel Barrymore) and Daughter Nora Temple
(Lauren Bacall)

Sheriff Ben Wade (Monte Blue) and Partner
Deputy Clyde Sawyer (John Rodney) - Looking for Two Fugitive Indians

(l to r): John Osceola (Rodd Redwing) and Tom Osceola
(Jay Silverheels)
Entrance of Chicago Gangster Johnny Rocco (Edward G. Robinson)
in a Hotel Bathtub

Unconscious Deputy Sawyer Sprawled on a Bed With an Injured Forehead

"We'll be out of here in a couple of hours"
Rocco's Complaints About Being Deported to Cuba
Frank's Wise Defense of Rocco's Ego: "Johnny Rocco
was more than a king..."

Rocco's Boasting About His New Rise to Power: ("I'll be back up there
one of these days...")

Rocco Theatening His Cuban Skipper
(Alberto Morin) to Not Move His Yacht to Deeper Waters
to Save it
Rocco's Demonstration of Braggadocio While Being Shaved

Rocco Whispering Obscenities into Nora's Ear

Nora Spitting In Rocco's Face
Rocco Threatening Hostages With a Gun

Rocco Challenging McCloud to an Unfair Gun Duel - McCloud Refused and
Tossed the Gun Aside

After Sawyer's Death, a Brief Discussion About Whether McCloud Was a
Coward or Not

Deputy Sawyer's Body Dumped Into the Ocean

Gaye Dawn Desperate For a Drink

The Hostages In the Bar Area With Rocco and 'Toots'

McCloud Slapped Three Times By Rocco For Giving Gaye A Drink

Nora Apologizing to McCloud For Earlier Calling Him a Coward

Rocco and His Thugs Unnerved by the Storm

Rocco Pressuring Frank McCloud: ("You're taking us to Cuba")

The Counterfeit Money Deal with Ziggy's Miami Gang of Thugs

Gay Realizing That Rocco Was Leaving Her Behind

Gaye's Transfer of Rocco's Pickpocketed Gun to Frank

Rocco's Death: Shot Three Times From Above by McCloud Aboard the Santana

Nora Receiving Good News From McCloud That He Was Alive