Human Desire (1954) (aka
The Human Beast)
In Fritz Lang's grim, noirish, melodramatic tale of fate,
infidelity, deceit, blackmail and obsessive passion - it was based
on Emile Zola's 1890 novel La Bete Humaine; this Columbia Pictures
remake was already filmed twice before: the silent film Die Bestie
im Menschen (1920, Germ.) and Jean Renoir's French film La Bête
Humaine (1938, Fr.) (aka The Human Beast); the film
brought together the two main stars of Lang's previous year's classic
crime noir The Big Heat (1953) - Glenn
Ford and Gloria Grahame, and it was very similar in plot to Lang's Clash
by Night (1952):
- in the film's opening, returning
Korean War veteran (after three years) and streamliner train brakeman/engineer
Jeff Warren (Glenn Ford) was beginning to adjust to life on the homefront
and work; he took up his old job at the fictional Central National
Railroad in New Jersey, hauling passenger trains
- Jeff was boarding
in the home of his co-worker Alec Simmons (Edgar Buchanan) and Alec's
wife Vera (Diane DeLaire); Alec's beautiful, flirtatious, buxom grown-up
brunette daughter Ellen (Kathleen Case), Jeff's childhood friend,
caught his eye, and showed off how she was attracted to him; however,
Jeff claimed that he only wanted a very simple return to ordinary
life: "Nothing but a lot of fishing, trains, and for excitement, a big night at the
Three Early Views of Vicki Buckley (Gloria Grahame):
"She was born to be bad...to be kissed...to make trouble!"
- Alec introduced Jeff to the assistant
railway yardmaster Carl Buckley (Broderick Crawford) -
he was a violence-prone, moody, brutish, abusively sloppy drunk
and depressed older man; Carl had recently married a trophy wife
- no-good femme fatale Vicki Buckley (Gloria Grahame), an amoral, erotic, brassy, manipulative
and sexually-frustrated, unloved wife
- Carl could
quickly be triggered to show his temper and violent tendencies, and
soon enough, was fired from his job for his anger and insubordination
toward his boss John Thurston (Carl Lee); Vicki offered to work again
and suggested that they could move East, but he refused: ("I
don't want my wife working. I didn't marry you so you could take
care of me")
- to restore and reinstate his job, the
scheming Carl begged his wife Vicki to intervene with influential
and powerful businessman John Owens (Grandon Rhodes), who conducted
alot of shipping business with the railroad; Owens was the former
boss of Vicki's house-keeper mother and a childhood acquaintance
- Vicki and Carl took the train from NJ to NYC, and while Vicki
was away meeting with Owens, Carl waited for her; the impatient,
menacing and domineering Carl suspected that Vicki, who returned
after five hours, had been unfaithful and slept with Owens after
successfully beggging for favors he wanted: ("What
has he got, a private apartment he can drop into for a drink? Is
that the bar you went to?")
- when Vicki retorted: "Oh,
don't paw at me. I'm sick of it, from all of you," Carl
violently threatened to kill her by slapping her and grabbing her;
after asserting: "You've been making a fool out of me, both
of you," the black-hearted and vengeful Carl forced her to confess
to adulterous infidelity, and pressured her to hand-write an intimate
message to Owens, who was due to take the night train to Chicago; Vicki
requested another rendezvous-meeting with Owens that evening in his
sleeping car train compartment: "Darling:
My husband is staying in town tonight. I'll come to your compartment after the
train leaves the station. Love, Vicki."
- all of the members of the 'love-triangle' were on
the night train to Chicago, including Jeff who was off-duty and hitching
part of the way to return home; when Vicki went to the door
of Owens' private drawing room compartment, the insanely-jealous
Carl also barged in and murdered him with his pocket-knife; the off-screen
stabbing occurred behind the closed compartment door - followed by
Carl's hand wiping the blood off the blade onto his coat
- to cover up for Carl's murder of Owens, the crime scene
was made to look like a robbery
had been committed; he took Owens' wallet and his pocket-watch
- and he also removed Vicki's incriminating message
- Jeff became inextricably involved the night of the
homicide when he was smoking in the vestibule-corridor between cars
near the murder scene. With literal 'blood on his hands,' Carl instructed
Vicki to distractedly seduce Jeff so that he could escape unnoticed
- and threatened to take the message to the police if Vicki accused
him of the lethal stabbing: ("Just get him out of there. And
don't get any foolish ideas in your head, Vicki. Remember that letter
you wrote")
- Vicki befriended Jeff and successfully led him away
from the crime scene; the two went for a drink and conversation in
the Club Car, but it was closed, so they opted for a smoke in his
empty compartment that ended up with an embrace and a kiss; Jeff
was immediately attracted to Vicki
- when a very drunken Carl
and Vicki bumped into Jeff while disembarking at their home station
in New Jersey, Vicki pretended to meet Jeff for the first time, and
he realized she was actually Mrs. Buckley; in their home, Carl burned
his blood-stained coat to eliminate evidence, but refused to burn
Vicki's message although she begged him to. He threatened to use
it on her: "This letter
is gonna keep us together. There's not gonna be anybody else, Vicki."
- during the murder trial inquest, as a witness, Jeff
protectively avoided identifying Vicki as the passenger in car #
843 that he saw near Owens' compartment; later, Jeff was skeptical
about Vicki's veracity and confronted her for an explanation; Vicki
perjured herself to him when she said that she had visited Owens'
compartment alone for a sexual liaison, but he was already dead: "I
couldn't tell him I went to Owens' compartment that night. I wouldn't
dare. He'd suspect something awful. I don't know what he might have
done to me...He has a terrible temper when he gets jealous"
- Jeff asked Vicki why she wasn't more distressed
or frightened when they were on the train and he saw her leaving Owens'
compartment; she also confessed to Jeff that she was in an abusive
and unhappy, crumbling marriage, and that hot-tempered Carl frequently
beat her - she revealed bruisings on her bare left shoulder

Jeff's Questioning of Vicki's Veracity

Evidence of Vicki's Abusive Beatings from Carl -
Bruises on Her Shoulder

Jeff's Sympathy For Vicki's Predicament
- Vicki turned cold toward her husband Carl due to the
murder, and wouldn't allow him to touch her: ("Every time you
touch me, I see you in that compartment, standing over him, with a
knife in your hand"). He realized her real intentions when she
stated: "If you really loved me, you'd destroy that letter."
- meanwhile, Jeff and Vicki entered into their own torrid and passionate adulterous
affair, and it was beginning to be noticed around the small town. His
libidinous desire for her led him to demand that she divorce Carl and
marry him: ("We can't go on meeting this
way, like in a borrowed apartment or a railroad shack. That's no good,
Vicki. I want you to marry me")
- Vicki explained that she was mostly
afraid of the police, and then confessed what had really happened the
night of Owens' murder. She told how Carl was threatening blackmail
if she left him, with an incriminating message that she was forced
to write: ("The day I got Carl his job
back, that same night, Carl killed Owens. I lied to you about finding
the body. I was there when he killed him, he forced me to go with
him...He thought I was having an affair with Owens...He was like
a wild animal. He knocked me down and beat me. He called me names.
He said I only married him because I had to. He hit me again and
again and again and then, he made me write a letter to Owens, saying
I'd meet him on the train...He forced me to get on the train with
him. He pushed me into Owens' compartment, closed the door...Carl
has the letter I wrote. If he ever showed it to anybody, the police,
they'd think I did it. That's what he's holding over me. That's why
I can't leave him. That's why I had to lie to you")
- Jeff
knew he was getting embroiled into something dangerous that could
incriminate him as an accomplice to the crime: ("I want the
whole truth, Vicki, because if I don't go to the police now, I'll be
just as guilty as Carl is or you are....You had to tell me about the
murder, didn't you? You had to tell me, because once I knew about it,
I'd be in it just as deep as you are"); Jeff demanded to know if Carl
had a legitimate reason for being jealous of Owens; Vicki explained
in the past when she was a teenager and she and her mother lived with
- Vicki again lied to Jeff and told
him that her alleged affair with Owens didn't happen, even though she
told him that under pressure when beaten by Carl, she had blurted out
that it was true; although dubious, Jeff responded that they'd work
things out somehow
- in the meantime, during a conversation Jeff had with Ellen, she asserted
that she was the "right girl" for him.
She hinted, with tears in her eyes, that she was really in love with
him for the right reasons: "I don't know too much about the kind
of love that makes people hurt one another. I don't think I want to
know. But I do know there are other kinds of love and they're not so
hard to find. All you have to do is look for them"
- when Carl was again fired from his job, he threatened
to sell their house and leave town the next day. Vicki told Jeff about
her newest predicament, and that she couldn't find the damning letter;
she also warned that if their affair was revealed, Carl would
kill Jeff. His own lust for her (and Vicki's own murderous intentions
to eliminate Carl) led him to promise to retrieve the letter
- Vicki
planted a murderous seed in Jeff's head, suggesting that Carl might
have an accident in the yard; that evening, Jeff was tempted to
nearly kill her violence-prone, drunken, and unstable husband;
he grabbed a large monkey wrench and stalked Carl from a bar as
he stumbled through the railyard (seen in an overhead dolly
sequence), but then relented and failed to carry through on murder,
but he was able to take the letter from Carl's pocket
- afterwards, Jeff returned to Vicki and told her: "I
didn't do it." He told her that murder was wrong and dirty: ("It
takes somebody who has no conscience and no decency"); instead of
killing Carl, he had helped him to the hospital
- Jeff accused Vicki of playing him for a fool, making
him lie on the stand, and then deceiving him and setting him up as
Carl's murderer; he said she couldn't really have loved him by manipulating
him in that way; in an attempt to win him back, Vicki confessed that
she had a "no good" nature - she blamed her wickedness
due to her seduction when she was 16 by Owens; after marrying Carl,
she claimed that their marriage was ruined since Carl continued
to harbor jealousy for Owens
- she claimed that Jeff would
have killed Carl if he really loved her; Jeff decided to end their
affair and reject her ("It is finished"), prompting her to
admit that it was the wrong thing to do to ask him to kill Carl; although
she again professed her love for him, he felt completely manipulated
and used - and gave up on her, but before leaving, he gave her the
black-mail message
- in the film's doom-laden, deadly
conclusion, as the jilted Vicki was riding on Jeff's train to leave
town, Carl entered her compartment and begged her to not desert him;
he also offered to give her the message - but she snapped back that
he couldn't bargain with her because the letter was no longer in
his possession ("You haven't got me or the letter
or a job or anything"); Carl accused her of infidelity with Jeff,
but she claimed she was leaving on her own
- in turn, she taunted him by truthfully admitting her
love affair with Jeff (but that he had left her because of her request
to kill him); she added that she had also thoroughly enjoyed seducing
Owens to help acquire Carl's job back; the insanely jealous and enraged
Carl then began choking Vicki and strangled her to death; the film
had come full circle - she died in an identical-looking compartment
similar to the one where Owens had been murdered
The Final Deadly Confrontation Between Vicki and

Train Brakeman-Engineer Jeff Warren (Glenn Ford)

Ellen Simmons (Kathleen Case)

Carl Buckley (Broderick Crawford) with His Femme Fatale Wife Vicki

Carl Confronting Vicki About Suspected Adultery with Owens

Carl Wiping Blood Off His Pocket Knife After Murdering Owens

Vicki Distracting Jeff From the Murder Scene on Train - With an Embrace and Kiss

The Incriminating Message Vicki Was Forced by Carl to Write to

Long, Heart-felt Conversations Between Jeff and Vicki

Beginning of Vicki's Torrid Affair with Jeff

Jeff Tempted to Either Find the Message or Kill Carl

Jeff Stalking Carl

Vicki Stunned that Jeff Didn't Murder Carl

Jeff's Refusal to Do Vicki's Dirty Work By Killing Carl