Harvey (1950)
In director Henry Koster's screwball comedy with fanciful
elements - it told about eccentric and cheerful, often inebriated
and 42 year-old dipsomaniac Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) who had
an invisible friend (identified as a "pooka" or mischievous
Celtic-Irish spirit of mythology - "a fairy spirit in animal form")
- a giant 6 foot three-and-a-half-inch rabbit named Harvey that accompanied
him everywhere:
- in the opening scene outside Elwood Dowd's large
residential estate, his peculiar personality and insane behavior
(including references to his invisible and silent friend Harvey)
had obviously become an embarrassment to his family, including
Elwood's eccentric older sister Mrs. Veta Louise Dowd Simmons
(Josephine Hull), and Veta's unmarried daughter Myrtle Mae Simmons
(Victoria Horne) - Elwood's niece; Elwood was being accused of
continually driving people away due to his lunacy, and causing
his family members to feel "disgraced" and become social
outcasts, while preventing Myrtle from meeting eligible young men

Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) (with Harvey) in Front of His Estate

(l to r): Elwood's Older Sister Veta (Josephine
Hull) and Her Unmarried Daughter Myrtle (Victoria Horne), Elwood's
- as Veta and Myrtle were preparing a secret Wednesday
afternoon tea party or forum (with a reception and social program)
for some of the prominent members in the
community, they worried that if Elwood returned home, he would
spoil everything, disrupt the event and disturb their guests; Veta
frantically telephoned her friend Judge Omar Gaffney (William Lynn)
to send one of his assistants named Minninger (Sam Wolfe) to distract
Elwood from returning home, but he failed
- as Elwood walked about town, he carefully guided
Harvey across a busy street, causing befuddlement amongst townfolk
who saw him talking presumably to himself (they couldn't see his
large furry white friend); he often spent time drinking in Charlie's
Bar, where he ushered Harvey to a seat at the bar; the bartender
Mr. Cracker (Dick Wessel) and one of the oft-imprisoned patrons
named Mr. Meegles (Harry Hines) humored Elwood by acknowledging
his friend and accepting his strange behavior; at the bar, Elwood
ordered two martinis, one for himself and one for Harvey
- after learning from the newspaper's Society Column
that Veta was preparing an afternoon social party, Elwood hurriedly
returned home and ruined the gathering by scaring elderly Aunt
Ethel Chauvenet (Grayce Mills) away after he introduced her
to Harvey; others followed her lead and hurriedly excused themselves;
Myrtle threatened to pack up and leave home: "I'm going to lose
myself in some strange city. I'm going to change my name!"
- although Veta questioned Elwood's sanity, she surprisingly
and ironically occasionally could see Harvey and acknowledged his
- Veta led efforts to get Elwood committed to an insane
asylum, Chumley's Rest, run by Dr. William Chumley (Cecil Kellaway);
she convinced Elwood to join her in a drive to the front of
the gated institution; while sitting in the backseat next to
Harvey in a taxi driven by Henry Riley (Norman Leavitt), the delusionally-lunatic
Elwood caused confusion when he spoke to Harvey: - Elwood "Charming place,
isn't it, Harvey?" - Henry: "Name's Henry." - Elwood: "It's
Henry, Harvey." - Henry: "No, just plain Henry."

Chumley's Rest Sanitarium
Elwood Speaking to Harvey in the Backseat of a Taxi
and to Cab Driver Henry

Dr. Sanderson and Nurse Miss Ruth Kelly at the Chumley's Rest
- inside the hospital while Elwood was being roughly
escorted upstairs to hydrotherapy by a white-coated orderly named
Marvin Wilson (Jesse White), the frazzled Veta spoke to Nurse Miss
Ruth Kelly (Peggy Dow), and to attending young assistant physician
Dr. Lyman Sanderson (Charles Drake) in his office; Veta insisted:
"I want him committed out here permanently because I cannot stand
another day of that Harvey!"; due to her absurd insinuations about
her brother and a rabbit, she ashamedly admitted: "Every once in
a while, I see this big white rabbit myself! Now, isn't that terrible!
And what's more, he's every bit as big as Elwood says he is!"
- thinking that she was a mental case herself, Dr. Sanderson
decided to immediately admit Veta for treatment instead
of Elwood; Wilson was ordered to seize her, and he forcibly carried
her over his shoulder to the upstairs ward; Sanderson - who feared
that he had acted in error and mistreated Dowd, informed his
superior Dr. Chumley; both thought that the
hospital would be charged with false commitment, wrongful incarceration
and rough treatment of Dowd, so Sanderson immediately released Dowd,
but kept Veta for temporary observation
- shortly later, Dr. Chumley realized that Dowd was
actually the insane one, after seeing Dowd's left-behind hat for
Harvey (with two rabbit ear holes), and Mrs. Hazel Chumley's (Nana
Bryant) observation that Dowd had called his "pooka" companion Harvey;
he reprimanded Dr. Sanderson and threateningly promised to fire him:
"You've allowed a psychopathic case to walk out of here and roam
around with an overgrown white rabbit! You've laid me open to a lawsuit!";
during efforts made by Veta's friend Judge Gaffney and
Myrtle Mae to release her, Veta was delivered back to the Dowd house
- she was hysterical and threatening to have the Judge sue the hospital
for mistreating her "like a crazy woman," stripping her of her clothes,
and dumping her in a tub of water
- a town-wide search commenced
for Elwood to return him to Chumley's; Wilson arrived at the Dowd
house where the attention-starved Myrtle was instantly attracted
to him and offered to make him an egg and onion sandwich, as he told
her: "You got the screwiest Uncle that ever stuck his puss inside
our nuthouse"; when the distressed Dr. Chumley also arrived, Judge Gaffney informed him that Veta
had retained him to file a lawsuit against the hospital - for $100,000
- four hours later, Elwood was
eventually tracked down to Charlie's Bar but found alone; he asserted
to Dr. Sanderson: "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years,
Doctor. And I'm happy to state I finally won out over it"; he
claimed that he had spoken with Dr. Chumley, but the doctor had wandered
off with Harvey after several rounds of martinis to another joint;
the pleasant and sane-sounding Dowd recalled how he seemed to
be able to magically convince Dr. Chumley of Harvey's existence ("At
first, Dr. Chumley seemed a little frightened of Harvey, but that
gave way to admiration as the evening wore on")
- fearing that Dr. Chumley was in danger, orderly Wilson went searching for him, while
Dowd served as a matchmaker for Sanderson and the Nurse by encouraging
them to dance in the bar; he also described to them in the bar's
outdoor alleyway how he and Harvey often made the lives of others
happier and friendlier just by their presence, and how when he chose
the name Harvey for the rabbit, Harvey told him that Harvey was coincidentally
his actual name
- Wilson arrived with a policeman and they grabbed
Elwood to take him back to the sanitarium; back
at the hospital, a disheveled, frazzled and slightly paranoid Dr.
Chumley (who feared that he was being followed by the invisible presence
of Harvey) arrived on foot, entered, and was there to meet privately
with "crackpot" Dowd in his office
- Dowd bragged how Harvey had miraculous powers - he could stop time and
send anyone to a destination: "Did I tell you he could
stop clocks?... Well, you've heard the expression 'His face would
stop a clock'? Well, Harvey can look at your clock and stop it. And
you can go anywhere you like, with anyone you like, and stay as long
as you like. And when you get back, not one minute will have ticked
by....You see, science has overcome time and space. Well, Harvey
has overcome not only time and space, but any objections"
Dowd's Description of Harvey's Miraculous Powers
to Dr. Chumley in His Office
Dr. Chumley's Description of a Dream Trip to Akron,
Ohio |
- Dr. Chumley described his own perfect, therapeutic
two-week destination: Akron, OH, to visit
a "cottage camp" in a beautiful grove of maple trees, accompanied by cold beer and a
pretty, strange, but quiet woman - who after listening to his deepest,
locked-up secrets would call him a "poor, poor thing"
- Chumley had obviously taken a liking to Harvey,
and requested that Harvey be allowed to stay with
him for a while (presumably so he could experience a fanciful dream
trip to Ohio); as Dowd's friend, Chumley also cautioned about Veta's "conspiracy"
against him to commit him in the sanitarium, but Dowd downplayed
the seriousness of the threat
- after all of the other characters arrived at the hospital (by cab),
Dr. Sanderson recommended that Dowd could be cured of
his third-degree hallucinations of the rabbit ("to shock him back
to reality") with a serum injection of "Formula
977"; Chumley restored Dr. Sanderson's terminated
job and promoted him to head of staff as a "very capable" young man,
to handle Dowd's case; Dowd declined Dr. Sanderson's offer of curing
him with the serum: ("I don't think I'd care for it") over Veta's objections
("I wish there might never be another tomorrow!
Not if Myrtle Mae and I have to go on living with that rabbit! Our friends
never come to see us anymore. We have no social life whatever! We've
no life at all. We're both perfectly miserable"); however, to please
his older sister, Dowd politely agreed to take the treatment in Dr. Sanderson's
- when Ellis Logfren, the taxi
driver (Wallace Ford) entered to collect the unpaid Apex Cab fare, Veta
couldn't locate her coin purse, and had to interrupt the treatment
by asking Elwood to leave the office and pay the cabbie; the driver learned
of the impending injection and became very opinionated; he was hesitant
for Dowd to be treated and returned to normal - he knew that the
patient would negatively change and revert back to "a perfectly
normal human being, and you know what stinkers they are";
Veta clearly saw that Dowd's cure would be worse than his ailment and
intervened to stop the injection
- and then in the film's twist, Veta discovered her
previously-missing coin purse was back where it should have been,
and realized that the mischievous Harvey had intervened to save Elwood:
("Why look at that! It's my coin purse. It must've been in there
all the time. I could've paid that cab driver myself. Harvey!")
- two "beautiful couples" had been brought together
by positive contact with Dowd during the proceedings: Myrtle with
Marvin, and Dr. Sanderson with Nurse Kelly
- in the film's conclusion, Harvey briefly remained
behind with Dr. Chumley (who asked: "Have you ever been to Akron?"),
but after an instantaneous trip of two weeks to Akron, Harvey rejoined
Elwood as he walked out of the hospital's gates toward the
bus stop; the two followed behind Veta and Myrtle as they headed
into the sunrise, as Elwood responded to Harvey: "Well, thank you,
Harvey. I prefer you too"

Elwood Entering Charlie's Bar with Harvey

Elwood with Harvey Inside Charlie's Bar, Offering Him a
Seat - and Then a Martini

Elwood Seated and Reading Sense and Sensibility to Harvey

Veta Wrongly Admitted to Chumley's Rest Sanitarium - Kicking and Screaming

Dowd (Seated Next to Harvey) As He Was Released from Chumley's by Dr. Sanderson

Dr. Chumley (Cecil Kellaway) with Dr. Sanderson

Veta Threatening to Sue The Sanitarium for Mistreatment
Elwood's Admiring of The Painted Portrait of His Invisible
Friend-Companion Harvey

Elwood's Description of How He and Harvey Made People Happy, and How He
Named Harvey 'Harvey'

All of the Major Characters Back at Chumley's Rest Hospital

The Cab Driver's Advice: Don't Give Elwood the Shot To Cure Him

Veta and Her Reappearing Coin Purse: "Harvey!"

Ending Image: Elwood Walking with Harvey To the Bus Stop