The Greatest Show on Earth
In producer/director Cecil B. DeMille's undeserving,
overwrought, splashy, star-filled Technicolored Best Picture winning
epic - a quasi-documentary and soapy showbiz melodrama
about life (involving love, jealousy, and competing one-upmanship
and rivalry amongst the circus folk) behind the scenes of the Ringling
Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus - with three interwoven plot lines:
- the film's opening, voice-over narration (by director
DeMille) was about the spectacular pageantry of the "Greatest
Show on Earth" - described as a "massive machine" involving
1,400 employees: ("We bring you the circus - the Pied Piper whose magic tunes greet children
of all ages from six to 60, into a tinsel and spun-candy world
of reckless beauty and mounting laughter, whirling thrills; of
rhythm, excitement and grace; of daring and blaring and dance;
of high-stepping horses and high-flying stars. But behind all this,
the circus is a massive machine whose very life depends on discipline
and motion and speed. A mechanized army on wheels, that rolls over
any obstacle in its path, that meets calamity again and again,
but always comes up smiling. A place where disaster and tragedy
stalk the big top, haunt the backyard, and ride the circus train.
Where death is constantly watching for one frayed rope, one weak
link, or one trace of fear. A fierce, primitive fighting force
that smashes relentlessly forward against impossible odds. That
is the circus. And this is the story of the biggest of the big
tops, and of the men and women who fight to make it 'The Greatest
Show on Earth.'")
- to save the circus financially and preserve hundreds
of jobs, the hard-working and earnest circus manager and ringmaster
Brad Braden (Charlton Heston) was forced by the show's stingy board
of directors to hire world-class trapeze artist The Great Sebastian
(Cornel Wilde), known as "the Debonair King of the Air";
the dashing, conceited foreign circus performer made a dramatic
entrance in a speeding sports car with a police escort (and sirens
- during the film's story, makeup-wearing
Buttons the Clown (James Stewart) was slowly revealed to be hiding
a dark secret about his past life as a medical doctor who had
'mercy-killed' his wife and was a wanted man; the mysterious character
gave early hints to his secret past: "They
say each man kills the thing he loves. A coward does it with a
kiss, a brave man with a sword"; he also demonstrated unusual skill
in bandage wrapping that he claimed he had learned as "a
pharmacist's mate"

Brad with Buttons the Clown

Brad with Girlfriend - Trapeze Artist Holly

(l to r): Phyllis and Elephant Girl Angel
- Buttons discussed his loss of love to blonde trapeze
artist Holly (Betty Hutton): ("Clowns are funny people, Holly,
they only love once"); she responded: ("All men aren't
that way, even if they act like clowns")
- a competitive romantic triangle with discord soon
developed between Holly, her unaffectionate and distracted boyfriend
Brad, and the womanizing, roguish ladies' man Sebastian; with the
arrival of the world-class trapeze performer, Holly was ousted
from being the star attraction in the center ring
- in a dramatic scene during high-stakes competition
between the aerialists,
Sebastian (who had removed his safety net) experienced a high-flying
fall during his circus act; although seriously injured, he asked
Braden for a favor: ("Walk me off. Do not rob me of my exit");
subsequently, Holly returned as the star of the center ring (and
she became Sebastian's love interest when she blamed herself for
the tragic incident)
- of the film's many cameo appearances, the most memorable
one was of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby sitting in the circus audience
eating popcorn - viewed during iron-jawed
brunette artiste Phyllis' (Dorothy Lamour, Hope and Crosby's co-star
in the Road To... series of films) extravagant performance of her South Seas
hula number (the musical song "Lovely Luawana Lady")
Cameo of Hope and Crosby During Phyllis'
South Seas Extravagant Show Act
- the conflict within an on-going love triangle was
also displayed when elephant girl red-head Angel (Gloria Grahame)
fell for Braden, causing jealousy in her boss-trainer boyfriend
Klaus (Lyle Bettger); during the show, he threatened to command
a jumbo elephant to smash her face with its giant foot; he
was subsequently fired by Braden from the show
The Film's Major Catastrophe -
A Spectacular Circus Train Wreck
- the film's catastrophic highlight was the scene
of a spectacular circus train wreck, sending train cars off the
tracks, and releasing wild animals from their smashed cages;
Buttons was compelled to reveal his secret past in order to perform
a life-saving blood transfusion between Sebastian and the critically-injured
Brad who was profusely bleeding from a ruptured artery
- Buttons
was arrested by Special FBI Agent Gregory (Henry Wilcoxon) who
had been on his trail for awhile, for killing his terminally-ill
- in the triumphant and exciting ending after the
loss of property in the train wreck, a circus
parade was led by Holly; she had taken charge and had promoted the
improvised, open-air circus (without a tent) for the town with a
massive parade down the main street to the circus grounds: ("They
made it! Listen to that band!"); Holly performed with the
sensational singing of a chorus of "The
Greatest Show on Earth", with Brad proudly looking on: ("Come
to the circus! Come on along and see. Hooray for lions and the camels.
You'll have fun and look at all the other mammals. Come see the clowns,
who play their part. They'll wear a smile that hides a broken heart.
Tremendous, stupendous, the circus show shall be. The Bengal tiger
and the lion. The trapeze artist does a leap that's death-defyin'.
A land of mirth, your money's worth. Come on along to the circus
- the greatest show on earth!")
- the film ended with the rousing final words of the
midway barker (Edmond O'Brien), promoting the continuation of the
show's tour: ("That's all, ladies and gentlemen, that's all. Come again to the greatest
show on earth. Bring the children. Bring the old folks. You can shake
the sawdust off your feet, but you can't shake it outta your heart.
Come again, folks. 'The Greatest Show on Earth.' Come again")
"The Greatest Show on Earth" Opening Narration
Buttons with Holly
The Great Sebastian - the "Debonair King of the Air"
Sebastian's High-Flying Fall

Angel Threatened With Having Her Head Crushed Under Elephant's Foot
Ending: Parade Led by Holly to the Circus Grounds
Brad Proudly Looking On
Midway Barker: "Come Again to the Greatest Show on