The Great Escape (1963)
In this WWII prison-camp escape action-film and box-office
champ from John Sturges - it was a critically-acclaimed, epic film
about the building of a tunnel in 1943 for a 'great escape' (based
on a true story) from the Stalag Luft North German POW camp. It was
based on Paul Brickhill's 1950 factual account of the true story
of 76 Allied servicemen POWs during World War II who escaped from
Stalag Luft Nord III in Germany. This "great
escape' was the largest mass escape during the war. The war film
was enhanced by a stirring musical score by Elmer Bernstein.
The escapist adventure film told about an all-star
group of Allied prisoners (American, Scottish, Canadian, Australian,
and British), starring Steve McQueen as Allied POW loner Captain
Virgil "Cooler
King" Hilts, and others including James Coburn, Richard Attenborough,
Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasence and James Garner. There were no female
characters, and director Sturges had worried that it would be a difficult
film to market.
- the film opened in late 1942 at a new Allied POW 'escape-proof'
camp, Stalag Luft III, where the Third Reich was in the process of
moving all of its prisoners who had attempted to escape captivity,
to keep them contained in one new, high-security facility (as was
later described: "We have in effect put all our rotten eggs in one
basket, and we intend to watch this basket carefully")
- during an initial meeting between the German camp's
Luftwaffe Commandant von Luger (Hannes Messemer) and
high-ranking group Senior British officer Capt. Ramsey (James Donald),
the Third Reich officer reminded Ramsey: "There will be no escapes
from this camp," but Ramsey asserted:
"It is the sworn duty of all officers to try to escape. If they
can't, it is their sworn duty to cause the enemy to
use an inordinate number of troops to guard them, and their sworn
duty to harass the enemy to the best of their ability."
- the film's central character was "hot-shot pilot"
USAAF Captain Virgil "Cooler
King" Hilts (Steve McQueen) - an irreverent Allied
POW loner, who was shot down, imprisoned, and had
developed a troublesome reputation for 18 numerous attempts to escape from prison camps
- during a test of the German prison camp's defenses
and blind spots, Hilts casually tossed his baseball through the
barbed-wire perimeter fence, and stepped over the warning
wire - and as a result, he received a barrage of machine-gun fire
to stay clear; he complained and explained to prison-camp officer
Strachwitz (Harry Riebauer) that his baseball had rolled under a
barbed-wire perimeter fence: ("But my baseball rolled over there.
How am I gonna get my baseball?"), although the officer had
warned: "You fool! To cross the wire is death!...The warning
wire! It's absolutely forbidden to cross it. You know that"
- then, Hilts admitted the real truth to superior Luftwaffe
Commandant von Luger: "I was trying to cut my way through your
wire, because I wanna get out" - he turned over his wire cutters,
and then insolently noted: "I haven't seen Berlin yet, from
the ground, or from the air. And I plan on doing both before the
war's over"; Hilts was punished with twenty days in "the
cooler" (an isolation block) for rule-breaking and for being
irreverent and "ill-mannered"
- during Hilts' "cooler" punishment in an
isolation cell, he wiled away the time by tossing a baseball against
the concrete wall and catching it with his mitt, and befriended another
fellow POW in the 'cooler' - Scottish Flying Officer Archibald "Archie"
Ives ('The Mole') (Angus Lennie) for attempting to escape in the back
of a truck filled with tree branches
- while they were imprisoned together for 20 days, British
RAF Squadron Leader Roger Bartlett (known as the "Big X")
(Richard Attenborough) arrived at the maximum-security camp with
a reputation for leading numerous criminal escape attempts; Bartlett
was warned that if he attempted to escape again and was caught, he
would be executed

Roger Bartlett (Richard Attenborough)

Danny Welinski (Charles Bronson)

Virgil Hilts (Steve McQueen)

Griffith (Robert Desmond)

MacDonald (Gordon Jackson)

Sedgwick (James Coburn)

Bob Hendley (James Garner)

Eric Ashley-Pitt (David McCallum)

Colin Blythe (Donald Pleasence)

Archibald "Archie" Ives (Angus Lennie)

Dennis Cavendish (Nigel Stock)

Willie Dickes (John Leyton)
- the first night, the defiant Bartlett began an effort
to create meticulous plans for a mass escape from the high-security
POW camp; he recognized
that fortunately, he had been imprisoned with "every escape
artist in Germany" -
a team of experts who were familiar with ways to evade the enemy;
Bartlett had created an escape committee known as the "X Organisation" that
would again plan to provide a way out for about 250 of the prisoners;
he stated his goal: "I'm gonna cause such a terrible stink in this Third
Reich of theirs that thousands of troops that could well be deployed
to the front will be tied up here looking after us"
- Bartlett
led an effort to construct three different tunnels (nicknamed "Tom,"
"Dick," and "Harry") just in case; he
placed the Allied POWs into different groups depending on their specialties
- each one was recognized with descriptive nicknames for their special
skills, and were assigned various tasks for "the great escape":
- Flight Lieutenant Alexander "Intelligence" MacDonald
(Gordon Jackson), 2nd in command behind Bartlett
- Flight Lt. "Tunnel King" Danny Welinski
(Charles Bronson) - a Polish RAF officer, a digger, known for
the construction of 17 other tunnels, although claustrophobic
- Flight Lieutenant Willie Dickes "Tunnel King"
(John Leyton) - RAF officer, the co-leader of the diggers with
his friend Danny
- Flight Lt. Bob "Scrounger" Hendley (James
Garner) - an American RAF flyer, a scavenger of materials on
the black market
- Flight Lieutenant Colin "The Forger" Blythe
(Donald Pleasence) - a British expert forger who created fake
IDs, travel documents and papers
- Flying Officer Sedgwick "The Manufacturer" (James
Coburn) - an Australian flyer, a tool creator who used scavenged
scrap metal and other materials to create picks, air bellows,
- Flight Lieutenant Dennis Cavendish ('The Surveyor')
(Nigel Stock) - an Australian flyer, assigned to map out the
tunnel routes
- Lieutenant-Commander Eric Ashley-Pitt ("Dispersal")
(David McCallum) - UK Fleet Air Arm Officer assigned to dispose
and hide the excavated, dug-out tunnel dirt, by hiding dirt in
bags inside their pants to be scattered outside
- Griffith ("Tailor") (Robert Desmond)
- a British officer, tasked with acquiring military uniforms
and civilian clothes as needed for disguises
- once Captain Virgil "Cooler King" Hilts
was released after 20 days, he announced to Bartlett and MacDonald
that he and Ives were planning their own breakout that evening -
their attempt immediately failed and they received more punishment
in the "cooler"; Bartlett considered their efforts to escape
as a positive distraction that would keep the suspicious Germans
ignorant of their other major tunneling plans: "If we stop all
the breakouts, it may only convince the goons that we must be tunnelling"
- during tunnel digging, other prisoners participated
by creating diversions, making noise (for instance, with a choir
singing Christmas songs) to drown out the sounds of digging, spreading
dirt, scavenging for tools or food and other contraband items to
serve as bribes for guards, or an intricate system of lookouts and
alerts; there were many challenges and setbacks, such as the scare
of unannounced inspections, cave-ins, various physical issues (i.e.,
the Forger's poor eyesight over time), and the task of building an
air pump and gathering wood to shore up the sides of the tunnel;
Hendley was able to steal various official documents in the wallet
of naive guard Werner (Robert Graf), nicknamed 'The Ferret', to be
duplicated by "The Forger", and then bribed him to get them a 35mm
- after Hilts' release, Bartlett and MacDonald proposed
that he make a 3rd escape through the weakened part of the camp
perimeter to scout the surrounding geography on a local reconnaissance
mission, and then allow himself to be captured and brought back with
crucial information, such as the location of the train station, train
schedules and a mapping of the area - Hilts initially refused due
to his 'lone wolf' status as an outsider
- Bartlett made a crucial decision - to close down "Harry"
and "Dick" and concentrate on the shortest escape tunnel ("Tom"):
"Put the entire effort into Tom and press on into the trees"
- in the scene of the demise
of Officer Archibald "Archie" Ives, he had become so desperate
when the shortest escape tunnel ("Tom") was discovered during
a July 4th celebration as the prisoners were drinking potato-mash "moonshine" that
they had manufactured; the distraught Ives walked in a daze to the
barbed wire surrounding the camp, climbed up in full view of guards,
and was shot dead (Hilts was too late in saving him)

Discovery of a Tunnel by Germans

Ives in a Daze Walking Towards the Fence Perimeter

Ives Shot Climbing the Barbed Wire Fence
- Hilts was now motivated to help the escape committee
and informed Bartlett that he would engage in a reconaissance mission: "Sir,
let me know the exact information you need. I'm going out tonight";
he escaped at the blind spot by cutting through the wire, completed
the mission, and then turned himself in the next day - and was
again faced with the "cooler"
punishment for the third time
- Bartlett now turned everyone's attention to the second
tunnel "Harry" to be finished by working "around the
clock" - but when it partially collapsed and Welinski suffered
a nervous breakdown due to his long-time claustrophobia, he almost
foolishly revealed himself by making an escape attempt through
the barb wire, but was prevented by his friend Willie from being shot
- a breakout in the spring of 1944 through the completed
"Harry" was partially successful; but they suddenly realized
that the tunnel hadn't been dug long enough - there was a miscalculated
gap of about 20 feet from the tunnel to the forested woods; however,
76 escapees made it out during an air raid blackout with Hilts'
rope-signal from the woods to help escapees know when the coast
was clear; the escape plan worked until Griffith became impatient
and surfaced prematurely - and a guard was alerted

Hilts In the Woods With a Rope-Signal System

Discovery of Tunnel Exit Outside Compound

Tunnel Entry Inside Building
- the fate of Hilts once he escaped became the
film's most memorable and well-known scene; Hilts (actually
stuntman Bud Ekins) stole a German soldier's motorcycle
(a Triumph TR-6 Trophy 650CC, actually a British model and not a German
made BMW) by stringing a wire across a rural road; on his way toward
neutral Switzerland, he came upon a German roadblock or checkpoint;
he kicked a German officer and then made an
exciting, daring cross-country escape across some farmland when cornered;
he attempted to vault over the first of two six-foot
barbed-wire/wooden fences at the German-Swiss border, but before
he was able to jump the higher second-line fence, his motorcycle was
shot from under him, and he become entangled and ensnared - and was
Hilts' Famed Stolen Motorcycle Jumps Over Barbed-Wire
Checkpoint Fences
- the escaped POWs attempted to spread out using every
means possible - via bicycle, train, rowboat,
bus, motorcycle, plane, walking or hitchhiking, etc.; much
of the remainder of the film followed their fates; only
three of the escapees (Welinski, Dickes, and Sedgwick) were able
to ultimately reach freedom
- after many of them were recaptured,
rounded up and trucked back to the POW camps, 50 of the men were
diverted - and under Hitler's direct orders were shot dead in a
field (including Bartlett, MacDonald and Cavendish); the remaining
eleven surviving prisoners were returned (including Hendley), and
soon after, the POWs conducted a memorial service to honor those
who had been murdered by reading the names
- in the closing scene, the bruised and bloodied Hilts
was dramatically brought back to prison in handcuffs, where he
was told by the recently-relieved Commandant, Luftwaffe Colonel
von Luger (due to having failed to prevent the breakout), that
he was "lucky" because "fifty" other POW friends
of his who had been recaptured were murdered (under the pretense
that they were trying to escape); the Commandant added: "It looks,
after all, as if you will see Berlin before I do"
- Hilts was returned to the "cooler,"
where he was again heard by the guard, who paused to listen to him
endlessly bounce a baseball against his cell wall into his mitt,
presumably planning his next escape
- the film's epilogue was a final dedication to the "Fifty" who
had lost their lives: "This picture is dedicated to the fifty,"
followed by THE END

Camp's Commandant von Luger (Hannes Messemer)

Allied Liaison: Capt. Ramsey (James Donald)

Virgil Hilts (Steve McQueen) - Surveying for Blind Spots

The Prison Camp - Surrounded by Barbed Wire
Hilts Reprimanded by Prison Camp Officer
Strachwitz (Harry Riebauer) For Crossing Barbed Wire Perimeter
Punishment Issued by Luftwaffe Commandant von Luger (Hannes
Hilts Punished In the Cooler, With His Baseball Mitt

Roger Bartlett (Richard Attenborough) - New Arrival - "The Big X" (Ringleader
of Escape Plan)

"Tom" Tunnel to Be Dug Under Stove Pipe Heater

Eric's Plan to Distribute Tunnel Dirt Through Pant-Leg Bags

Dickes Secretly Digging One of the Tunnels

Danny Measuring Length of Tunnel

Hilts Rejecting Request to Go on Reconaissance Mission and Then Get Recaptured

Gullible and Naive German Guard Werner (Robert Graf)

Wood Taken From Bed Slats to Shore Up Sides of Tunnel

Sampling Potato-"Moonshine" (Reaction: "Wow!")

Celebrating the American Revolution on July 4th

After a Reconaissance Mission, Hilts Back in the Cooler For the 3rd Time
Hand-Cuffed Hilts Back at the Prison, and The Commandant's
Words to Him: "It
looks, after all, as if you will see Berlin before I do"

Hilts Returned to the "Cooler"

Film's Dedication