The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980,
S. Africa/Botswana)
In this sleeper hit from director/actor/writer/producer
Jamie Uys about the bushmen of the Kalahari:
- the careless discarding of a glass Coke bottle
from an airplane and its discovery by Xixo (N'xau), a Junt-wasi
tribesman from the African Kalahari Desert - who assumed it was
a gift from the gods, according to the film's voice-over narrator
(Paddy O'Byrne): ("Lately, strange new things sometimes appeared
in the sky. Noisy birds that flew without flapping their wings.
One day, something fell from the sky. Xi had never seen anything
like this in his life. It looked like water, but it was harder
than anything else in the world. He wondered why the gods had sent
this thing down to the earth. It was the strangest and most beautiful
thing they had ever seen, and they wondered why the gods had sent
it to them")
- the aftermath - anger, jealousy, and greed among his
tribe: ("It was the most useful thing the gods had ever given
them. A real labor-saving device. But the gods had been careless.
They had sent only one. And now, for the first time in their lives,
here was a thing which could not be shared because there was only
one of it. Suddenly, everybody needed it most of the time. A thing
they had never needed before became a necessity. And unfamiliar emotions
began to stir. A feeling of wanting to own, of not wanting to share.
And other new things came: anger, jealousy, hate and violence")
- Xi's reaction to the newfound emotions: ("Xi
was angry with the gods. He shouted, 'Take back your thing! We don't
want it! Look at the trouble it brought.' But the gods did not take
it back. He shouted, 'You must be crazy to send us this thing! Take
it back!'") - the derivation of the film's title
- Xi's journey to return the peculiar glass object
back to the gods - by finding the edge of the earth (a cliff above
a cloud-covered valley) and throwing back the offensive object, in
the film's ending: ("Xi was beginning to think he'd never find
the end of the earth. And one day, suddenly, there it was")
The Glass Coke Bottle
Xixo Tribesman in Kalahari
Repercussions of Coke Bottle

Tossing the Bottle Off Cliff