The Girl Can't Help It (1956)
In writer/director Frank Tashlin's and Fox's mid-50s
satirical, cartoon-like comedy musical starring buxom (42DD)
blonde bombshell Jayne Mansfield in her best-remembered film at a
time when she was competing for top honors with another blonde sexpot,
Marilyn Monroe; the role recreated Born
Yesterday (1950) - in its story of the hiring of a publicity
agent to train a gangster's moll - in this case, to be a rock 'n'
roll singing star in just six weeks:
It was filled with ribald sexual humor (racy for
its time) and the display of Mansfield's exaggerated hourglass figure
that both brought battles with the Production Code Administration.
A former cartoonist, Tashlin inserted outrageous, saucy sight-gags
into the film, and named his two main characters Tom and Jerri; the
film was also a veritable showcase of rock n roll stars in the 1950s,
including Little Richard, Fats Domino, Julie London, Eddie Cochran,
the Platters, and Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps:
- in the introduction, bow-tied "small-time
theatrical agent" Tom Miller (Tom Ewell) opened the
film by walking out onto a open stage to speak to the camera (and
break the fourth wall) and to introduce the feature; and then, annoyed
with the small sized B/W picture, astonished audiences by literally
stretching the black edges of the boxy black and white picture by
the flick of his fingers - opening the viewable picture up into
the wider, rectangular Cinemascope aspect ratio - and then he commanded
that the picture change from B/W to Technicolor - "gorgeous
life-like color by DeLuxe!"
- Tom then stated the purpose of the picture: "Our story is about
music, not the music of long ago but the music that expresses the
culture, the refinement and the polite grace of the present day" --
next to him, a juke-box played the rock-n-roll title
song: "The Girl Can't Help It" - drowning out any further words - and setting
up the title credits sequence; the predominance of the juke-box was
a comment about how the music industry was dominated by jukebox manufacturers

Tom Miller's (Tom Ewell) Words Drowned Out by Jukebox
The Jukebox Playing Rock-n-Roll Song: "The Girl Can't Help It"
- the washed-up, bankrupt and impoverished
alcoholic publicity agent was summoned to the Park
Avenue 15th floor apartment of retired, has-been ex-slot machine
gangster Marty "Fats" Murdock
(Edmond O'Brien); Tom had a reputation for
successfully training singer Julie London and other pretty
vocal starlets ("canaries") before he began drinking heavily:
("Once had a great nose for finding new talent. Dug up some big canaries. But the booze got
in your way. Couldn't hold on to the canaries, right?"); however,
"Fats" complimented Tom on his "hands-off" approach toward his clients:
"Besides havin' an eye for talent, you never mix business with pleasure.
Kept your hands off the lady clients. That I like"
- the two viewed an old newsreel of Murdock's past
as "the king of the slot machine syndicate" who was taken into
custody by the Mayor of New York, while his gambling equipment
was raided and confiscated at his Long Island casino, due to a
"tip by rival mobster Legs Wheeler (that) resulted in killing 13
of Murdock's mob"; after jumping bail and fleeing from the US to
the Riviera to make "whoopee with European bathing beauties," he
unwisely returned home, was arrested, and sent to the Atlanta Penitentiary,
serving three counts for income tax evasion; "Fats" explained how
he used to be "somebody" but now was a has-been: "Nobody remembers Fats no more"
- Murdock then explained his real motivation - to
make a comeback in show-business (for both of them) through his
curvaceous blonde moll-bimbo girlfriend/fiancee Jerri Jordan (Jayne
Mansfield) (real name Georgiana), an old associate of her father’s;
he described her as "a nice, sweet, innocent dame. I'm nuts about
her, but she's a nobody. How can I marry a nobody?"
- his objective, a spoof of the record industry,
was to transform Jerri into a rock 'n' roll star and pop sensation
("a big canary") in six weeks (and thus cash in on her popularity),
although she had little singing or acting talent besides her voluptuous
figure ("That's where you come in. You're gonna make
her into a star...So you got nothin' to worry about except to concentrate
on buildin' the dame into a big canary. Only remember, hands off,
like you got the rep for"); in exchange, Tom would be paid $10,000 to start - plus expenses
- Tom was unsure he could transform her so quickly, but
then she entered wearing a shimmery white dress and a white-fox fur on her
shoulder; after one look, he was hooked; "Fats" continued with
his pitch: "Tommy boy, I'm puttin' her in your hands,
figuratively speaking. You got six weeks to have her a star";
Tom asked for more time: "Six weeks? Oh, easy, Fats. It takes time. Rome wasn't built in a day," but
Fats reassured him: "She ain't Rome. What we're talkin' about is already built! Right?";
Tom affirmed: "No argument"; that evening, Tom drank heavily
in a nightclub to celebrate and danced with the cigarette girl
Jerri Turning Heads By Her Appearance
- the next day, Jerri made a spectacular hip-swinging
walk (to the tune of "The Girl Can't Help It") down
the street (wearing a tight-fitting dark blue dress and broad-rimmed
hat) to Tom's apartment building (accompanied by the song "She's
Got It" sung by Little Richard); she caused many racy reactions
to her sexually-charged appearance; the ice in the back of an iceman's
(Henry Kulky) delivery truck melted - and her swiveling moves up
the apartment stoop's steps past a milk bottle delivery man (Richard
Collier) caused the milk in the bottle to overflow frothily from
the top (an ejaculatory metaphor); a downstairs apartment neighbor's
eyeglasses shattered
- Jerri climbed to the second floor for her first
meeting with recently-hired agent Tom Miller, who was suffering
from a hangover; after entering his unlatched and unlocked front
door, she found him in the bedroom, where she held up two recently-delivered
glass bottles with fresh milk (picked up from his front door)
to her gigantic, well-endowed chest - one in front of each breast
- an obvious visual gag, and greeted him: "Good
morning, Mr. Miller!" - he was aghast until she explained:
"But Mr. Murdock sent me over....So you can start working on me"
- after Tom bathed and dressed, he found that Jerri
was more interested in settling down as a homemaker than learning how
to sing with a career in show business; she was in the kitchen
making a breakfast of egg souffle for Tom and proclaiming how she was ready for domesticity: "I'm
domestic. I hope you like eggs souffle....It's not exactly a breakfast,
but it's eggs"
- while pouring his coffee and serving his meal, she
provocatively leaned forward (to reveal cleavage), and explained
how she often practiced domestic chores at her own place on the maid's
day off: "I figured you for strong coffee... It's one of my favorite pasttimes...
cooking... keeping house, you know, keeping everything neat. How's
your souffle?...I'm glad you like it, Mr. Miller... You know, sometimes
I think I'm mixed up...Mr. Murdock doesn't want me to work. He
says I have to be a career....'Pretty'? You should see me in the
morning without makeup. I'll show you sometime. 'Pretty' is just
how good you apply your base...I just want to be a wife and have
kids. But everyone figures me for a sexpot. No one thinks I'm equipped
for motherhood!"
- the next scene in a nightclub was introduced by a
number from Little Richard: "Ready Teddy" (standing at
a piano); Tom's strategy was to take Jerri to a series of nightclubs to show
off her appeal with a slow "build-up" - during this first
visit, she was wearing a sexy, form-fitting, and eye-catching red
dress; Tom instructed her about 'Operation Powder Room': "Take
your stole off and go to the powder room...Just visit a while. But
on the way there and back, walk by the reservation desk. That's where
the owner hangs out"; he also told her to say nothing
except "Ask my agent"; Jerri performed an attention-getting
walk to and from the night club's powder room in her stunning red
dress for maximum effect during Little Richard's rendition of "She's
Got It," passing by the owner Lucas (George Givot) who was immediately
impressed, came over and asked about her; Tom remained coy: "She's
under wraps...see you around" before leaving
- at a second nightclub, the Thunder Room, Eddie Fontaine
entertained guests, and at a third known as The Hi Hat Club, The
Chuckles performed; Tom used the same successful strategy and routine
with Jerri at each club, to encourage interest in his new mystery
client; in a fourth club, the Late Place Club, Abbey Lincoln (as
Herself) performed "Spread the Word, Spread the Gospel" in
front of a shimmering dark blue curtain [Note: Later, it was specified
that he had picked her up at 9:25 pm and returned her at 2:40 am,
after a succession of five nightclubs]
- shortly later, Tom spoke to Jerri about his successful strategy: "See
how the strategy pans out? The first time out, and already four
owners are drooling over you"; he expected the gossip papers to soon
be abuzz with offers of contracts to follow; after their late night
tour of "pub crawlin'", the completely-soused Tom returned Jerri home
via cab; she asked if he had a girlfriend: "Why do you drink so much?...A
girl habit?"; he replied he had no girl, although she mentioned she
knew of his previous former client Julie London (who "wasn't very bright")
- in the next sequence that same evening, the tipsy
Tom returned to his bachelor pad with thoughts of torch singer Julie
London (as Herself) on his mind - she had been his greatest discovery;
she made an ethereal-ghostly and haunted appearance to him; he had
deliberately kept their relationship strictly business, and it resulted
in their break-up; he was driven to drink resulting in damage to his managerial career
The Haunting Julie London: "Cry Me a River"

Record Cover: "Julie is her name"

Ghostly Image At His Kitchen Table

On His Living Room Sofa

Lounging On His Bed

At His Fireplace Mantle

On His Staircase
- Tom had a treasured collection of Julie
London's 33 rpm records, and placed one of them - "Julie
is her name" on his turntable to play her signature tune "Cry
Me a River";
as her song began to play, he poured himself a drink in the kitchen
and imagined her slowly materializing before his eyes - haunting
and tormenting him in various locations and in suggestive and provocative
poses, each time in a different colorful costume throughout his two-story
home - he was unable to escape from her; she was visible at his kitchen
table, on his living room couch, again in the kitchen, lounging on
his bed, standing by his fireplace mantle, and standing partway up
his staircase; as she sang the last few lines at his front door hallway,
she slowly vanished from sight; he sadly sank down onto his hands at
the top of the stairs as the song ended
- the next day, Jerri (in a bright yellow dress) picked
up Tom in a 1957 Lincoln Premiere red convertible for a drive along
the coast to an ocean spot for a fried-chicken picnic, where she
ran to a small twig of a tree to "undress" (remove her skirt) for
a swim; afterwards, while sitting on a blanket with Tom, she described
her first meeting with Murdock: "I was just a kid. You know, young,
but developed early" - at the Atlanta Penitentiary during visiting
day; she went there with her father, one of Murdock's former business
associates; later after she'd "grown up," Murdock told her: "Mr.
Murdock looked at me funny, and then he told me he was falling in
love with me" and "he was gonna make me a somebody"
- later at Murdock's place, Jerri tended to an outdoor
BBQ while Murdock recalled the shootout that killed 13 of
his gang members at his house; Tom stated he wanted out of the deal,
because Jerri "isn't interested in a career," but Murdock insisted
that he create a star out of her like he did with Julie London, who
was also uninterested in show-business: "You pushed her into a career
she didn't want. Personally, I think you made a mistake. She was
a good-lookin' dame. But the point is, she's a big record name now";
at a bar later that night, Tom began to have a haunted vision of Georgiana
- Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps' "Be Bop A Lula"
were rehearsing in the Beaux Arts Rehearsal Hall, when Tom arrived
with Jerri in tow, asking: "We need a room - to rehearse in"; Jerri
realized Tom's mood had changed and pressured Tom to reveal that
he had tried to quit, because he knew singing wasn't in her heart:
"I told him I wanted out of our deal. You're not interested in show
business. I didn't want to be part of making you anything you didn't
want to be...Well, whatever it was, it didn't work....You're going
to be Jerri Jordan, girl singer, darling of the jukeboxes whether
you want to be, or whether I want you to be. Let's get to work"
- during a rehearsal, however, he soon realized she
sang off-key, and her singing was so awful that she exploded a light
bulb in the room; they both chuckled as he affirmed: "You can't sing"
- she joined in the laughter: "I know I can't. Have you ever heard
anything so awful?...Now he'll have to let you go"; she squealed
when he added: "And you don't have to be in show business"; her intentions
were to settle down and become a married homemaker - with him
- Tom reported back to Murdock that Jerri's singing
voice was untrainable: ("She can't sing. She just doesn't have a
voice") and Jerri joined in: "I stink, Mr. Murdock," but Murdock
insisted: "She's gonna be a singer like I want her to. She's gonna
be comin' out of every jukebox I put a dime in and I got lots
of dimes for puttin' in!"; Tom argued: "Her speaking voice has nothing
to do with her singing voice. I'm telling you she can't sing!"; Tom
demonstrated again how she could shatter a light bulb with her voice
- Murdock insisted they watch Eddie Cochran's rockabilly
performance of "Twenty Flight Rock" on a TV, and then argued that
Cochran's voice was untrained but he was still one of the most popular
singers in the country with a "new sound" - he concluded and ordered:
"So Jerri's got a new sound. You cut a record with her tomorrow"
- Murdock suggested that Jerri sing one of his own songs
composed while he was in prison for the annual X-mas show, not ""No
Lights on the Christmas Tree, Mother. They're Using the Electric
Chair Tonight," nor "I'll Get No Good Behavior, Baby, If I Keep Thinking
of You," but "Rock Around the Rock Pile" - a parody of "Rock Around
the Clock"
- in a recording studio, Jerri provided the sound effects
of a prison siren scream ("Woo!") during the singing of Murdock's
song, performed by male crooner Ray Anthony (as Himself) with his
band; Tom reluctantly planned to take the record to Wheeler Music
Enterprises in Chicago, to promote it to Legs Wheeler (John Emery),
the head of the jukebox industry and business who was also Mudock's
ex-rival mobster
- as Tom and Jerri were getting to know each other,
she hinted and mentioned how she wanted to settle down and have a
large family of children with him, now that a career in show-business
was unlikely: "I like a large family. Don't you, Mr. Miller? Oh,
I hope I have a large family - I mean, it's fun"
- on Thanksgiving Day, as Jerri was cooking up a turkey
meal for Tom, Fats appeared with suspicions about her: ("It's
like I don't trust her and him. She's a good cook, and I got a feelin'
something's cookin'"); she hid the evidence of her cooking, and pretended
that she had been taking a shower; he invited her out for Thanksgiving
dinner, while his associate Mousie (Henry Jones) was
ordered to wire-tap and listen in to her phone calls
- later that night, Tom called from Chicago telling
Jerri how he was delayed a week in seeing Wheeler, and missed Thanksgiving
dinner with her, but would be back the next day; they both expressed
longing for each other: Jerri: "Oh, I miss you, Mr. Miller. It's
been over a week." Tom: "I miss you too, Georgie"; she sobbed after
hanging up; later when Mousie played back the tape for Murdock, he
edited out the parts that would be incriminating (he was sympathetic
to their feelings for each other), but Murdock was still suspicious
that Tom would move in on his girl if she failed singing: "Something's
wrong. I know I figured right...They-They gotta be soft-talkin' each other!"
- when Tom finally met with Wheeler and auditioned the
song "Rock Around the Rock Pile," Wheeler asked about the "weird
siren sound" and learned it came from Tom's female client; he responded
favorably: "Voice like that will catch on. This girl will be a star.
I definitely want to sign her to a long-term contract. Mmm! I like
the song also"; but when he learned the song was written by his long-time
rival "Fats" Murdock, Tom was physically thrown out of the building
by his two hitmen Lawrence and Eugene, and suffered an injured face
- upon his return, the ailing Tom was suspiciously found
wearing Jerri's red and white striped pajamas (a Christmas present
brought for her brothers) in her bed, and the apron-wearing Jerri
was serving him spoonfuls of buillon; Murdock was furiously jealous
and Jerri fought back ("Now, I was just giving him bouillon, you
dumb dummy!"); she poured the pot of hot bouillon over his head
- when Murdock cooled down, he learned from Tom that
Wheeler liked Jerri's "singing" but hated that the song was written
by Murdock; he ordered a "cold hot war"; he proceeded to strong-arm
bar owners into purchasing jukeboxes from him instead of Wheeler,
in order to promote his song "Rock Around the Rock Pile" (with Jerri's
bit part); Murdock''s Musik jukeboxes were moved in to replace Wheeler's,
mostly in the New York area; to retaliate and prevent further spread
of the jukeboxes, Wheeler planned to assassinate his rival at the
Rock & Roll Jubilee where Jerri would be performing the song in her
debut performance; the record had sold over 1,000,000 platters in 3 weeks
- at the Jubilee, rock icon Fats Domino was also a headliner, singing "Blue
Monday" and the Platters sang "You'll Never, Never Know"; on
the way to the Jubilee, Murdock was planning on forcing Jerri to
marry him, with tickets for a honeymoon; Mousie confessed he had
doctored the "soft-talk" on the taped phone call between Jerri and
Tom; he also encouraged Murdock to let Tom and Jerri get married
since they were really in love with each other
- by the end of the film, basically a love story, Jerri
revealed that she truly loved her nebbish agent Tom, who had become smitten by her; Tom passionately
kissed her before she was about to be forced to marry Murdock and
go on a honeymoon with him; he was ready to leave (he had
a "train on tap")
- in the finale, Jerri was about to perform in her debut
with the song "Rock Around the Rock Pile", but she announced a change
in the program; instead, she sang (her voice was dubbed) the dreamy song: "Ev'ry
Time It Happens" accompanied by Ray Anthony and his band, about her love for Tom
- to his utter surprise, when Tom confessed that he
had just kissed Jerri and was completely in love with her, Murdock
congratulated him, shook his hand, and offered to be his best man;
Wheeler arrived with a gun threatening to kill Murdock; to save him
from being shot in front of everyone, Tom pushed Murdock on stage
in front of the large audience to sing his own composition: "Rock
Around the Rock Pile" - and Wheeler was so impressed that he made
an about-face, and offered a singing contract to Murdock ("Don't
shoot. We'll sign him. That's talent up there") instead of to Jerri;
at the same time, Jerri admitted to Tom that she really could sing,
but had deliberately faked that she couldn't so that she could get
away from Murdock ("I always could sing. I thought if I was real
awful, I'd get out of owing him")
- the film concluded with Tom and Jerri kissing on their
honeymoon (in the background on a TV, Murdock and Mousie were performing)

Jerri and Tom Kissing on Their Honeymoon

Murdock and Mousie Performing on Television in Their Room
- the film (similar to the film's opening) closed with
Tom, Jerri, and their many children on stage; Murdock joined them
and was greeted by the children as "Uncle Fats," and they
urged him: "Sing for us, Uncle Fats"; he pointed to Tom
and replied: "Ask my agent"; Fats was refused by Tom who
instead suggested: "Let them buy your records"; to take
the spotlight in a cartoonish bit, Murdock
- like the cartoon character Porky Pig ("That's all folks!")
- stepped through the enclosing frame of the final shot, walked forward
through the black, now-empty space to directly address the audience: "Don't
listen to him, folks. I'll see ya outside in the lobby when you leave.
I'll sing anything you want. I'm a Jim-Dandy singer." Then,
he grabbed a cigar from somewhere, as the title song began to play

Opening: Widened and in "Color by DeLuxe!"

Tom's Meeting with "Fats" Murdock (Edmond O'Brien)

Tom's Startled First Look at Blonde Moll Bimbo Jerri
Jordan (Jayne Mansfield)

Milk Bottles (Visual Pun): Lactating Joke

Pouring Coffee
Jerri Leaning Forward (with cleavage): "No one thinks
I'm equipped for motherhood"
Little Richard: "Ready Teddy" (standing at piano)

"Operation Powder Room" - Removing Her Fur Stole

Jerri's Walk to and From the Powder Room - To the Tune
of "She's Got It"

In a Third Nightclub - The Same Routine
In the 4th Nightclub, Abbey Lincoln Sang: "Spread
the Word,
Spread the Gospel"

Undressing (Removing Skirt) at Picnic Spot Before a Swim
and Fried-Chicken Picnic

Tom's Haunted Vision of Georgiana

Jerri Singing "Do-Re-Mi" Scales Off-Key

"I stink, Mr. Murdock"

Recording Studio: Jerri Providing Sound of Prison Siren in "Rock Around
the Rock Pile"

Jerri: "I hope I have a large family - I mean, it's fun"

Murdock's Associate Mousie Listened in to Jerri's Phone Call from Tom
in Chicago

Jerri Tending to Injured Tom in Bed - Caught by Murdock

Jerri's Debut Singing Performance at Rock & Roll Jubilee

Fats' Domino and the Platters: "Blue Monday"

Jerri with Tom - Passionate Kissing Before Her Forced
Wedding to Murdock
Jerri: "Ev'ry Time It Happens"

Murdock: "Rock Around the Rock Pile"