Detour (1945)
In director Edgar Ulmer's great B-film noir - a gritty,
cheaply-made ("Poverty Row"), fatalistic, cultish crime
drama was about the bleak and nightmarish
twists of fate. The cultish film was made in only 6 days (some have
claimed 15), and was largely ignored when first released. Due to
its cheap and minimalist low-budget approach, this post-war noir
relied heavily on stock footage and rear projection (during the many
car-related travel scenes), and an over-active fog machine. The film
was remade as Detour (1992) and starred the son of the original ill-fated protagonist,
Tom Neal, Jr.
The film's main tagline was: "He
went searching for love...but Fate forced a DETOUR to
- the opening title credits appeared under a rear-view
of a retreating two-lane road seen from a moving vehicle
- the almost non-stop flashbacked, existential story
was cynically narrated by the world-weary fatalistic, self-pitying,
down-and-out, impoverished protagonist Al Roberts (Tom Neal), an
unreliable and often delusional narrator who was often the
'guilty' perpetrator of his many problems
- in the opening scene, the disheveled traveler Al
Roberts had just been dropped off and was seated in a tawdry roadside
diner in Reno, NV; he was in the midst of hitchhiking back East
after a disastrous westward trek to Southern California; at the
counter, he appeared upset by questions from a sociable driver
named Joe (Pat Gleason), and by the man's jukebox selection: "I
Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me" ("That music, it
stinks!"); flooded with bad memories, in voice-over, Al uttered
statements about fate and destiny finally catching up with him,
as he appeared to be running away from his past
- the emotionally-drained loser, with highlights on
his eyes, began to describe a tale of how he had been haplessly involved in fateful
events during a previous thumbing trek westward from NY to Los
Angeles, and had ended up with a dangerous, blackmailing dame:
("Did you ever want to forget anything? Did you ever want to cut away
a piece of your memory or blot it out. You can't, you know, no matter
how hard you try. You can change the scenery, but sooner or later,
you'll get a whiff of perfume or somebody will say a certain phrase,
or maybe hum something. Then you're licked again")
- in the start of Al's flashback, in a romanticized
image, he was playing the piano and accompanying his
unattainable girlfriend/night-club singer Sue Harvey (Claudia Drake)
in a NYC nightclub (the Break O' Dawn Club), who was
crooning: "I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me"; later
that evening at the low-rent club when he was playing solo
on stage with chairs stacked on tables behind him (his normal
gig was the late night hours until 4 in the morning), he recalled
how he had a "healthy romance" with Sue
- the talented, classically-trained
East Coast musician had higher aspirations (Sue: "You're gonna
make Carnegie Hall yet, Al") beyond the tawdry "dump" of a club,
but seemed embittered and had given up hope about his future; he
believed he was destined for greater things
- after leaving the club together, the two walked
along in a very thick and threatening foggy NY
street scene on Riverside Dr.; they discussed their impossible
futures together and how they had "struck out" in their current
situation; the ambitious starlet confessed to postponing their marriage
plans and instead had decided to venture to Hollywood on her own to
pursue a career and 'make good' - was she trying to give him the brush-off?;
she suggested that he might follow along afterwards
- after Sue had departed, while masterfully playing
at the club one evening, the manager delivered a $10 tip
from a generous patron, but Al was ungrateful and spiteful:
"When this drunk handed me a ten spot after a request, I couldn't
get very excited. What was it, I asked myself? A piece of paper crawling
with germs. It couldn't buy anything I wanted"
- in a brief follow-up scene, Al talked to Sue on
a long-distance phone call (she was already in Los Angeles); the
mechanics of the transmitted call were traced via a montage of
images of switchboard operators and roadside telephone lines; it
ended up being a one-sided conversation, however, and Sue's voice
was never heard (was the scene just a figment of Al's imagination?);
after learning that she was a lowly "hash-slinger," he announced
his plans to soon join her and get married right away: ("I'll come
to you...just expect me")
- during his arduous thumbing trek from NY
to Los Angeles/Hollywood, his progress from
east to west (right to left) on a super-imposed map illustrated
his westward trajectory [Note: The film's negative was horizontally
flipped or reversed to achieve the illusion, creating problems
by having the steering wheel on the wrong side of the American
car]; he thought to himself how he was placing himself in danger:
"Thumbin' rides may save you bus fare, but it's dangerous.
You never know what's in store for ya when you hear the squeal of brakes"
- in Arizona, the destitute Roberts
was picked up in a convertible driven by 30 year-old Charles Haskell,
Jr. (Edmund MacDonald), a losing horse-race gambler-bookie from
Miami, FL (with a dubious murderous past, later revealed) who was
headed to Los Angeles (the Santa Anita race track in Pasadena),
and was taking prescription pills for his heart condition
- Haskell also had three suspicious
deep scratches ("puffy lines") on his right hand, and described the
origin of the wounds (presumably after making an unwanted advance
on a defensive female): "Beauties, aren't they? They're gonna
be scars someday. What an animal!...I was tusslin' with the Most
Dangerous Animal in the World - a woman!...You know, there oughta
be a law against dames with claws! I tossed her out of the car
on her ear. Was I wrong? You give a lift to a tomato, you expect
her to be nice, don't ya? After all, what kind of dames thumb
rides? Sunday School teachers? The little witch. She must have
thought she was ridin' with some fall guy...I've known a
million dames like her, two million" -
a prophetic and fateful comment about the perpetrator; Haskell tossed
her out of his car: ("I stopped the car, I opened the door. Take
it on the Arthur Duffy, sister, I told her"] [Note: the phrase,
'Take it on the Arthur Duffy' was slang of the day, meaning to
'run off', 'quickly leave,' or 'escape'; Duffy was the US world
record-holder of the 100-yard (100m) dash (1902–5).]
- during a quick half-hour stop for food, Haskell
volunteered to pay for Al's meal, as he continued to discuss his
past - how he had left home as a teenaged runaway after plucking
the eye out of another boy during a sword-dueling accident, and
how he had just lost $38 grand in Miami to bookie-"scoundrels"
("They cleaned out my portfolio")
- after their stop, Roberts took over the late-night
driving while Haskell slept; now briefly hopeful, Al began to think
of his "brighter" future with Sue, and fantasized that Sue was
"shooting to the top" - backed by a trio of silhouetted musicians
and singing a reprise of "I Can't Believe That You're in Love With
- Roberts became haplessly
involved in an ambiguous death when he had to stop to
put up the convertible top in heavy rain; as Al opened the passenger
side door, Haskell passed out or suffered an apparent heart attack
and fell out of the car (and his head struck a rock); Was it an
accident or was more involved?; fearing
that he would be blamed ("Who would believe he fell out of the car?")
or identified by the gas station attendant or waitress, he believed
it would be suicidal to tell the truth: "The next possibility
was to sit tight and tell the truth when the cops came, but it
would be crazy. They'd laugh at the truth. They'd have my head
in a noose"

Haskell's Ambiguous Death

Al's Fateful Decision to Adopt Haskell's Identity
- Al's fateful choice was to
dump and hide Haskell's body in bushes along the Arizona road, steal
Haskell's car, money and clothes, and adopt his identity (his wallet
with driver's license, $768 dollars, clothes, and car); he became
paranoid as he drove 60 miles further to the California state line;
after passing through the inspection station using his new alias,
the exhausted Roberts stopped for the night, suffering from nightmares
of his crime; the next morning, he found a letter that Haskell
was preparing to send to his estranged father in California, revealing
Haskell to be a "chiseler" posing as a salesman of hymnals to raise
money from his rich father before returning to Miami
- during a stop at a Richfield gas station in
Desert Center, CA (in eastern Riverside Co.), with a backdrop of
telephone lines strung along the road, Al fatefully
picked up the vulturous, nasty and despicable, yet sexy hitchhiker
Vera (Ann Savage) who had previously
been Haskell's pick-up ride; he initially described her as lacking
outer beauty: "She was facing straight ahead, so I couldn't see her eyes. But she
was young, not more than 24. Man, she looked as if she'd just been
thrown off the crummiest freight train in the world. Yet in spite
of this, I got the impression of beauty. Not the beauty of a movie
actress, mind you, or the beauty you dream about when you're with
your wife, but a natural beauty. A beauty that's almost homely
because it's so real"
- after a short nap, Vera suddenly sat up (after Al's
mention of the word "nightmare" in a voice-over about how he imagined
being reunited with Sue in Hollywood - "This nightmare of being
a dead man would be over"); she began to suspiciously question
Roberts' true identity - accusing him of not being Haskell: ("Where
did you leave his body? Where did you leave the owner of this car?
You're not fooling anyone. This buggy belongs to a guy named Haskell.
That's not you, Mister!") - she was the one who had hitchhiked with Haskell, all the way
from Shreveport, Louisiana (with her own murky past), and had tussled
with him and left her mark; Roberts felt he was now doomed: "My
goose was cooked. She had me"; he commented
upon fate and the blackmailing, vindictive, castrating, sadomasochistic
and exploitative femme fatale con Vera: "That's life
- which ever way you turn, Fate sticks out a foot to trip you"
- with another verbal attack, she didn't believe his
version of the story, and accused him of 'killing' Haskell; she
demanded the cash that he had stolen from Haskell, and then held
Roberts hostage to her wishes by scheming to turn him in as a murderer:
("What'd you do? Kiss him with a wrench?...I'm not through with you by a
long shot....You're a cheap crook and you killed him. For two cents,
I'd change my mind and turn you in. I don't like you!...Just remember
who's boss around here. If you shut up and don't give me any arguments,
you'll have nothin' to worry about. But if you act wise, we'll
pop into jail so fast it'll give you the bends...See that you don't.
You know, as crooked as you look, I'd hate to see a fella as young
as you wind up sniffin' that perfume that Arizona hands out free
to murderers")
- her unrealistic, greedy plan was to not just abandon
the car somewhere, but to sell the car to a used car-dealer (and
then be paid off); once they arrived in Hollywood, they
rented a cheap hotel room together (registered as and pretending
to be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haskell) - stripping Al of his own identity;
it was a darker version of domestic life as it might have been with Sue
- she insisted on cleaning up first by taking a bath,
and then asserted: "I must be ten pounds lighter"; she encouraged
him to be grateful and "cheer up" since she hadn't turned him in
yet; after a few drinks and a few hours of chatting together,
she had confessed that she was failing in health: "We all know
we're gonna kick off some day. It's only a question of when"; he
noticed her failing health - a chronic cough - and compared her
to the dying heroine Camille suffering from consumption; she admitted
that his circumstances would change if she died: ("Wouldn't
it be a break for you if I did kick off. You'd be free with old
Haskell's dough and car"); with a hand on his shoulder,
she hinted and urged a romantic response: "I'm
going to bed," but he was disinterested; Al attempted a secretive
phone call to Sue, but his fear of Vera silenced him
- by the next noon-time, Roberts mused (in voice-over):
"If this were fiction, I would fall in love with Vera, marry her,
and make a respectable woman of her. Or else she’d make some
supreme, class-A sacrifice for me – and die"; Vera was still
her "rotten" self, but fished for compliments: "Do
I rate a whistle?"; he was anxious to get to a used car dealership,
sell the car (and pay Vera off), and then split from the imprisoning
Vera; although offered $1,850 for the car, the used car salesman (Don
Brodie) became suspicious when Al couldn't identify his insurance company;
Vera abruptly aborted the deal
- while eating lunch at an outdoor drive-in, Vera
explained that her pecuniary motivations had now changed - as a
result of reading a newspaper article, she wished
to claim a substantial inheritance from Haskell's dying father
(from 3 weeks of bronchial pneumonia)
living in LA; Roberts refused to comply with Vera's crazed idea
or scheme: ("I won't do it...I could never get away with it. That's
the stupidest thing I've ever heard...Forget it, find yourself
another stooge"); he knew that he could never prove that he was
Haskell's son (he was missing a major scar on his forearm), but
she was insistent and ordered them to wait around until Haskell
Sr. died ("a death watch") to collect
- that evening, Al kept arguing with Vera that her
greedy plan was a "dizzy long shot" and that she had made a mistake
in not taking the car money - Vera was unphased when he threatened
to "squeal' on her if she carried through on her plan by claiming
that she was already almost dead: "I'm on my way anyhow"; he riskily
dared Vera to call the cops: ("See if I care. At least they'll
give me a square deal"); their words became even more heated as
the night wore on, and she became vicious, "crazy mad" and drunk
- Vera seriously threatened to phone-call the Hollywood
police station and turn him in: "You
won't be dreamin' when the law taps you on the shoulder. There's
a cute little gas chamber waitin' for you, Roberts, and I hear
extradition to Arizona's a cinch...I'm gonna get even with you";
after she had called him a "yellow stinker" and accused
him of not being a "gentleman," she ordered him to open
up the windows. It was a ploy - she grabbed the phone and raced
into the adjoining room where she locked herself in
- as she hid in the locked bedroom to make a phone
call, Vera ignored his promise to do anything she asked for; he
began to yank and tug on the long phone-cord extension (inexplicably
wrapped around her neck) through the closed bedroom door; he pulled
it as tightly as possibly (with a close-up of his straining fists).
When he broke the door and burst into the room, he found her sprawled
(reflected in a mirror image) on her back and hanging off the bed;
she had been accidentally strangled with the telephone cord - appropriately
perishing from respiratory failure; his voice-over continued:
- The world is full of skeptics. I know.
I'm one myself. And the Haskell business, how many of you would
believe he fell out of the car. Now after killing Vera without
really meaning to do it, how many of you would believe it wasn't
premeditated? In a jury room, every last man of you would go
down shouting that she had me over a barrel and my only out
was force.
- this was a second disastrous twist of fate for the
self-pitying Roberts - signified by the in-and-out of focus shots
from his deranged mental state and POV as he looked around the incriminating
bedroom; now he had another murder to
be accounted for, and he knew his fate was sealed as a guilty
man; he realized he could be identified by many witnesses:
the landlady, the car dealer, the waitress in the drive-in, the girl
in the dress shop, the guy in the liquor store:
- The room was still. So quiet that for awhile,
I wondered if I had suddenly gone deaf. It was
pure fear, of course, and I was hysterical but without making
a sound. Vera was dead, and I was her murderer. Murderer! What
an awful word that is. But I'd become one. I'd better not get
caught. What evidence there was around the place had to be
destroyed. And from the looks of things, there was plenty.
Looking around the room at things we'd bought was like looking
into the faces of a hundred people who'd seen us together and
who remembered me. This was the kind of testimony I couldn't
rub out. No, I could burn clothes and hide bottles for the
next five years. There'd always be witnesses. The landlady
for one, she could identify me; the car dealer; the waitress
in the drive-in; the girl in the dress shop and that guy in
the liquor store - they could all identify me.
I was cooked, done-for. I had to
get out of there. While once I'd remain beside a dead body, planning
carefully how to avoid being accused of killing him, this time
I couldn't. This time I was guilty, I knew it, felt it. I was
like a guy suffering from shock. Things were whirling around
in my head. I couldn't make myself think right. All I could think
of was the guy with the saxophone and what he was playing. It
wasn't a love-song anymore. It was a dirge
Final Sequence

Returning to The Present: Back in the Reno, NV

Al Imagining His Arrest by Highway Patrol Outside Diner
- in the final sequence, Al was back in the tawdry
Reno, NV diner (was the directionless Al on his way back East?)
following the extensive flashback; he realized his previous identity
as Al Roberts could never be resurrected - and he had nowhere to go:
("I had to stay away from New York for all time, 'cause Al Roberts
was listed as dead and had to stay dead. And I could never go back
to Hollywood. Someone might recognize me as Haskell. Then too,
there was Sue. I could never go to her with a thing like this hanging
over my head. All I could do was pray she'd be happy")
- he had few alternatives left; as he departed from the diner,
the voice-over continued with the film's final lines of dialogue - he referenced how the police
didn't know his identity nor did anyone else - a key noirish theme:
- "I was in Bakersfield before I read that Vera's body was discovered,
and that the police were looking for Haskell in connection with
his wife's murder. Isn't that a laugh? Haskell got me into this
mess, and Haskell was getting me out of it. The police were searching
for a dead man. I keep trying to forget what happened, and wonder
what my life might have been if that car of Haskell's hadn't
- the great film ended with the quote by self-pitying Roberts who knew his fate was sealed
as a guilty man and that he would eventually be caught: "But
one thing I don't have to wonder about. I know. Someday a car will
stop to pick me up that I never thumbed. Yes, fate or some mysterious
force can put the finger on you or me for no good reason at all."
- as the film concluded in 'no man's land' (of sorts),
he imagined his arrest by the Highway Patrol outside the diner
(to appease the Hays Code censors of the time); the film
ended with Roberts' fantasy of being picked up by a patrol car for
the murder of his 'wife' Vera

Al Roberts (Tom Neal) - Flashbacked Story of His Own Fate,
Told in Reno Diner

Flashback: Al Playing Piano in a NYC Nightclub with Girlfriend-Singer
Sue Harvey (Claudia Drake)

Sue to Al: "You're gonna make Carnegie Hall yet, Al"

On Foggy Street, Al with Sue Discussing Their Future Together

Thumbing Rides Westward - (Notice Reversed
Steering Wheel)

Picked Up in Arizona

Al Picked Up by Charles Haskell, Jr. - With Scars on Hand

Imagined Vision of Al's Girlfriend Sue Harvey Making It in California

Vicious Hitchhiker Vera (Ann Savage)

At a Used Car Dealership in Hollywood

Newspaper Article - The Haskell Inheritance
Vera's Greedy Plan to Claim Haskell's Inheritance From
His Dying Father
That Evening, a Drunken Argument and Vera Threatening
to Call Police - Behind Locked Bedroom Door

Lethal Accident - Vera's Strangulation in Bedroom
(Behind Locked Door) with Phone Cord
Roberts - Murderer!
Vera's Dead Body on the Bed