Calm (1989, Australia)
In director Phillip Noyce's R-rated, taut erotic horror-thriller
produced by George Miller - its tagline was: "High Seas. Deep
Terror. Try to Stay Calm." The tense, claustrophobic, psychological
suspense potboiler (with basically only three characters and very little
dialogue) centered on the tenacious efforts of a terrorized, strong-willed
wife to outwit and defeat a psychopathic castaway.
Terry Hayes' screenplay was adapted
from Charles Miller's 1963 novel Dead Calm. Filmed mostly on
location in the Great Barrier Reef area of northern Australia, it provided
the first leading role for Australian actress Nicole Kidman.
The film's budget of $10 million (Australian dollars)
was basically recouped with its worldwide revenue of $10.2 million.
- in the film's opening, husband
John Ingram (Sam Neill), a Royal Australian Navy career officer, arrived
at a train station but was greeted not by his family but by two police
officers; he was taken to a hospital to see his badly-injured and
emotionally-scarred wife Rae Ingram (Nicole Kidman)
- a flashback reenacted the horrible car wreck-accident
on a rainy night that she survived (with severe facial injuries),
but took the life of their toddler son in the back seat; he had unhooked
his carseat's seat belt to pick up his dropped teddy bear; Rae took
her eyes off the road and crashed head-on into another car; the young
boy was propelled through the windshield, was rendered unconscious
and died about 20 minutes later when an ambulance arrived

John Ingram (Sam Neill)

Rae Ingram (Nicole Kidman)
- in the next scene, as Rae was at the start of a
long period of recovery, the married couple, with their dog Ben,
attempted to forget and recover from the tragedy; they were taking
a sailing trip on their sailboat-yacht Saracen in
the Pacific waters; Rae was still experiencing haunting
nightmares of the accident; she wanted to return
home, but he told her: "When you're strong, then we'll go home and
we'll start again"
- one morning at dawn (on April 2nd, after 32 days at
sea), they found themselves in an extended, exceptionally calm period
of no wind ("dead calm") in the middle of nowhere, and had seen no
other boats for 3 weeks; the couple spotted a black schooner
that had "been through some weather";
John made a note in his log about the sighting
- they rescued Hughie Warriner (Billy Zane), a panic-stricken, unhinged
castaway in a dinghy; he rowed up, raced on board and cowered in
fear in a corner; he explained he had been outward bound from Tahiti
for Fiji for 32 days
- the frantic Hughie claimed that he had survived a
slowly-sinking schooner named Orpheus ("Trouble is she's
going down, that's the trouble. She's not gonna last the morning");
he described how everyone died 10 days earlier, "one by one" from
botulism poisoning after eating canned salmon; he had a handful of
passports for the five other passengers, including one male Britisher
named Russell Bellows (Rod Mullinar); Hughie refused to return to his
boat ("I can't go back there right now. Ever")
and went to sleep; John locked the cabin door from the outside - just
in case

Passport Photo of UK Citizen Russell Bellows - A Photographer

One of the Snapshots of Models

FREE South Sea Island Cruises Advertised by Bellows
- John looked through Hughie's belongings and found
snapshots of young female models (some of the other passengers?); in
the yacht's log, he saw notes about a storm, strange drawings, and
a notation about Hughie telling Bellows he refused to continue filming;
the crew had run out of fresh food, and the motor failed; John saw
a newspaper clipping advertising: "SOUTH SEA ISLAND CRUISES - Four
young women wanted for photo assignment. Must be attractive and broadminded.
- John left the castaway with his wife, while he took
Hughie's small dinghy back to the Orpheus to investigate Hughie's
dubious claims ("I just can't swallow it") - he found
himself on the sinking craft and in danger of drowning himself and
fearing for his own life; on the disabled Orpheus, he
waded in calf-deep water through the interior of the disheveled cabin;
as he opened up one of the hatches, it unleashed a flood of water
and naked dead bodies (four women and a male) including a decapitated
head - the members of a low-budget photography or film crew (a male
photographer/director and four "Cruise
Girl" models-actresses); it became clear to John that Hughie
was a psycho-homicidal drifter and mass murderer who had actually violently
slaughtered the entire crew on his vessel
John in Danger of Drowning and Sinking
in the Schooner, Surrounded by Dead Corpses
- John made frantic efforts to return in the dinghy
and row back to his own yacht to warn Rae, but
his yelling spooked the unstable and domineering Hughie who had escaped
from his locked cabin, pushed Rae aside and began struggling with her
on deck, in full view of John - she was knocked unconscious; Hughie's
plan was to motor away in the opposite direction and sail off with his
kidnapped victim; John was unable to jump onboard - he ended up in the
water, and watched as the yacht pulled away from him; he realized the
water around him was bloodied from an upper left-arm injury, and climbed
back in the dinghy; John returned to the Orpheus that had only
a few hours left before it would sink; Rae was now alone on the
Ingram's yacht-schooner with the terrorizing, deranged killer who was
deliberately directing the sailboat away from John's location
- John was finally able to pump out some of the water,
and start the Orpheus' ailing motor, in an attempt to chase after his own yacht; meanwhile, after
Rae regained consciousness, she was unsuccessful in urging Hughie
to turn the boat around and rescue her husband off the sinking ship;
he insisted that everyone was after him: "Now, they were trying to
kill me. Do you understand?"
- with intermittent power restored on the boat, John
viewed video footage (including two topless females) and the photographer-director
Bellows expressing anger toward Hughie: ("When I want
your advice on how to take photographs, I'll ask you. Until then,
keep your mouth shut"); John was able to give chase after his
own boat the Saracen; Rae determined through radar that they
were separated by a distance of 42 miles; the couple was able to
communicate via radio - he could hear her, but she couldn't hear
his voice due to his damaged radio; cleverly, she asked
questions and he answered with one click for yes, and two clicks
for no; he was able to tell her that his boat wasn't sinking and
that he wasn't hurt; they basically determined that she should try
to stop the boat
Cat-and-Mouse Game with the Boat's Keys - Ben Retrieved
the Key From the Ocean
- Rae took the main ignition keys
and threw them into the ocean, but she was sabotaged by her dog
Ben, who thought she was playing fetch and dutifully brought the keys
back to her; she was ultimately unable to prevent Hughie from navigating the
boat away from the Orpheus; Rae had no choice but to give in
and be "friends" with Hughie
- as John made more nautical calculations to catch up
to his boat, he listened to more videotape rantings of Hughie who
was taunting photographer Bellows: "Russell Bellows, big, brave
war photographer. The man on the edge capturing the face of death.
But now, no, now, appearing with his five new refugees. Yes, that's
right. Five suckers on a sinking boat. The ultimate session. Moral
decay. What 60-minute wet dreams are made of, am I right?";
John realized the boat was sinking further and went to investigate
with a dangerous underwater dive into the hull - he was shocked to
see the bloated corpse of Bellows
- Rae was able to communicate with
John one more time that she had failed to get rid of the ignition keys;
however, she promised to get to John's boat by sunset before his
boat was predicted to sink in 6 hours, and then tried to tell
him that she loved him, but she lost all radio communications as
the power went dead on his boat - and she became very distressed
- Hughie came below deck and noticed how upset she was;
he began to touch her face and hands, and kiss her, and she realized
she must succumb to his sexual advances and
make love to him - as part of a resourceful strategy to possibly
catch him off guard and eventually subdue the psychotic madman
- she let him passionately
kiss her and touch her left breast; he dragged her over to the floor
where Rae laid on top of him and removed her white
T-shirt; he ripped off her shorts and panties and she was stark naked
atop him
On the Floor Stripped Naked and Lying
on Top of the Psychotic Killer Hughie |
- however, she told him that she had to go to the bathroom
- she put on a short black robe and snuck up to the top deck
to assemble a shotgun; her ploy was aborted when he came looking
for her and she alleged that she was looking for a pack of cigarettes;
they retreated to her cabin bed, where Rae surrendered
and accepted intercourse without having any
other further excuses to use - she experienced an intense, gasping
and faked orgasm
- back on the sinking Orpheus,
John was forced to give up the chase and save himself from the sinking
craft, as he gathered useful supplies during an intense lightning
rainstorm; he found himself trapped when the broken mast from
a lightning bolt blocked his exit hatch, and he feared drowning under
the deck
- after having sex, Rae was able to convince Hughie
to drink a sedative-laden lemonade drink, and then successfully made
a second attempt to get the shotgun from the upper deck and load
it with shells, while Hughie was distracted adjusting the sails;
although Hughie was beginning to succumb to the drug's effects,
he caught her with the shotgun; they wrestled
for it and he confiscated it, but could not steady himself enough
to fire accurately, and he wasted his ammo with two aimless shots
- Hughie lunged at her as she
grabbed a spear gun and fled from him and locked herself in her cabin
room; while defending herself with the spear gun inside the bedroom
cabin against him, she thought she had hit him through the door and
cautiously emerged from the room; unharmed, he lept at her and began
to strangle her, but then passed out; as the door on the cabin slowly
shut, Rae sadly realized she had accidentally struck their dog Ben
with her harpoon and killed him
- the resourceful Rae tied up the unconscious Hughie
on the lower deck floor and then sealed his window exits with nails;
she realized to her horror that the boat was out of fuel and just
drifting, so she deployed the sails to set a course back in the direction
of her husband
- meanwhile, John's pumping efforts were failing and
he was left with only a small pocket of air-space above the flooded
lower deck; he was forced to make a daring underwater swim to find
a way to escape, and found an exit through the schooner's damaged
hull; he then set the schooner on fire to signal his location; Rae
saw a reddish light on the horizon and set the yacht's direction
toward it

John's Burning and Sinking of the Orpheus

Rae With a Harpoon Spear-Gun

Hughie Shot in the Left Shoulder With Harpoon
- Hughie revived and cut through his constraining rope
with a broken mirror shard, but after he burst through lower deck's
door to confront Rae, she held him at bay with a harpoon spear-gun;
when he came closer, she shot him in the left shoulder; when he approached
her and grinned lasciviously, she punched him in the groin and in
the head with her weapon and knocked him out; then after deploying
the yacht's emergency rescue raft in the water, she pushed Hughie's
unconscious body onto the raft and set him adrift; meanwhile, with
a flare and spotlight, Rae located John's own makeshift rescue raft
of floating debris nearby and brought him onboard
- the next morning, the couple noticed Hughie's empty,
free-floating life raft in the open sea, and happily believed that
he had perished; Rae sank the raft with two flare-gun shots, although
a panning shot to the other side of the boat where a rope dangled
into the water (with blood smears on the boat's side)
hinted that Hughie was possibly alive and had climbed back on board
- Rae returned to the bow of
the deck after another refreshing swim, where her husband helped
to rinse her hair of the salt water, and shampoo her hair; he tempted
her by mentioning some 'extravagant' things: "A steaming hot bath
that you can slip into up to your ears with coffee and a croissant...covered
in bitter and dark marmalade"; he suddenly left the
deck for awhile to prepare a lunch meal, as she put her head back
and closed her eyes; a bird's eye-view showed her relaxed and reclining
- a pair of dirty, bloodied hands resumed
the soothing shampooing some time later, she fantasized what she
would like: "You know what I'd love for lunch? Fresh asparagus, then, um, pasta. Angel
hair pasta with heaps of basil, garlic, olive oil, and, um, apple
pie. Yeah. Uh, John, do you have the towel?" - the film's last line of dialogue
- suddenly, she realized that the hands belonged to
the vengeful Hughie, who had reappeared in the startling shock 'return-from-the-dead'
twist ending; he attempted to cover her mouth to stifle her screams, and to strangle her
- John reappeared with a beautifully-prepared meal
tray, and saw the 'silhouetted' struggle occurring behind the sail;
he dropped the tray, grabbed a flare gun, and aimed it at Hughie
Suspenseful Shampoo Scene With Hughie Attacking Rae

John Firing Flare Gun

Flare Pierced Sail

Hughie's Death
- the fiery flare tore through the sail, struck Hughie
in the mouth, exploded, and forcefully propelled him backwards off
the deck into the ocean; presumably, he was now dead (and killed once
and for all), floating away face-down, as the relieved couple hugged
each other

Rae Ingram (Nicole Kidman) With Facial Injuries In Hospital After Deadly
Car Wreck

Nightmares Still Haunting Rae About the Night of the Accident

Rae - Beginning to Heal - Swimming in the Ocean Next to their Saracen Yacht

Spotting Another Schooner - The First in Three Weeks

John's Notes in His Log

Castaway Hughie Warriner (Billy Zane)

John Kissing Rae Before Leaving in the Dinghy For the Disabled
Schooner Orpheus

Hughie Escaping From His Locked Cabin and Taking Control of the Yacht, to
Get Away From John and the Orpheus

Hughie - A Deranged and Paranoid Killer: "They were trying to kill me"

Video of the Orpheus Crew with the Director and Cameraman Hughie

After Her Last Radio Communications with John, Rae Attempted to Become
"Friends" With the Deranged Killer

Fooling Him By Claiming She Was Looking for Cigarettes

Rae Having Sex In Her Cabin Bed with Hughie

Rae Handing Hughie a Sedative-Laden Glass of Lemonade

Hughie Wrestling With Rae Over the Shotgun

Hughie Attempting to Shoot Rae - But Disoriented and Dizzy

Hughie Strangling Rae

Dog Ben Accidentally Harpooned by Rae

John Threatened with Drowning in His Flooded Boat

Rae Locating John's Raft With a Spotlight

Reunited Together Back on Board

The Relieved Couple: John and Rae