Curse of the Demon (1957, US) (aka
Night of the Demon, UK)
In director Jacques Tourneur's fourth true horror film
(a fantasy horror thriller), an intelligent and thoughtful adaptation
of the original ghost story "Casting the Runes" by noted
practitioner Montague R. James - about a US psychiatrist's investigation
into a Satanic cult in England:
- the ominous opening voice-over narration was heard
over views of the ancient stone circle ruins of Stonehedge, describing
demon magic and witchcraft over many centuries: "It
has been written since the beginning of time, even unto these ancient
stones, that evil supernatural creatures exist in a world of darkness.
And it is also said man using the magic power of the ancient runic
symbols can call forth these powers of darkness, the demons of
Hell. Through the ages, men have feared and worshipped these creatures.
The practice of witchcraft, the cults of evil have endured and
exist to this day"
- in the opening sequence, scientist and
Professor Henry Harrington (Maurice Denham) met
with mysterious, occultist warlock cult leader Dr. Julian Karswell
(Niall MacGinnis), accused of leading a group of cultists who
worshipped an ancient Satanic demon; Professor Harrington was conducting
an investigation into Karswell's Devil Cult, but then found himself
fearing a deadly curse; at Karswell's residence known as Lufford
Hall, an urgent Dr. Harrington asked for Karswell to call off his
curse: ("Call it off, Karswell. Stop this thing you've started...")
in exchange for Harrington's public admission that he had wrongly
caused a public scandal: ("I'll admit publicly I was totally
wrong and that you were totally right"); however, when Karswell
asked for a parchment with runic symbols to be returned to him,
Harrington answered: "They burned. I couldn't stop it";
Karswell quickly ushered Harrington out of the house, knowing that
the hex was now irreversible, and in a short time, a demon would
be summoned to destroy Harrington
- as the cursed Harrington drove into his home's
car garage, a demonic figure emerged from the trees in the woods
and scared him; he accidentally reversed his car into an electrical
pole and was electrocuted by live wires as he exited his vehicle;
afterwards, his body was mutilated by a giant demonic beast-monster
- skeptical disbelieving American psychiatrist Dr.
John Holden (Dana Andrews) arrived in England to attend the Professor's
international parapsychology convention and to debunk the supernatural,
witchcraft and devil cults represented by Karswell's beliefs; the
film's theme was the dramatic conflict between their two opposing
world-views; upon Dr. Holden's arrival, he learned of the recent
death of Dr. Harrington - by accidental electrocution
- Dr. Holden spoke of his doubts about the single-most
important link that could prove Karswell's involvement in the Professor's
death - the character of accused murderer Rand Hobart (Brian Wilde),
an uneducated farmer who was also a member of Karswell's devil
cult, who was incarcerated in an institution for the criminally-insane,
and had recently and coincidentally become catatonic; Hobart was
blaming a fire demon for committing his crime of murder
- Dr. Holden denounced the whole idea of a demon monster: "The
whole question of this demon monster that you think shocked Hobart
out of his mind is a perfect example of auto-suggestion and mass
hysteria. Just the same as flying saucers. Someone imagines that
they see moving lights in the sky. And the next thing, a thousand
hysterical witnesses turn up all over the world swearing that Martians
are attacking us. And now, this nonsense. It even affects serious
men like yourselves. Sometimes even me. But logic -- the reality
of the seeable and the touchable -- that's what convinces me finally.
Certainly not rumor or intuition or funny feelings"
- in the British Museum's Reading Room, Dr. Holden
briefly met with Karswell, who was opposed to the American's skepticism,
but invited Holden to visit him at his home Lufford Hall; Dr. Holden
also met Harrington's niece Joanna Harrington (Peggy Cummins) at
her uncle Henry Harrington's funeral; she presented him with Harrington's
detailed diary chronicling Karswell's power; she explained how
her uncle had been given a runes-covered parchment that flew by
itself into a burning fire, and shortly thereafter, her uncle was
cursed and killed; she cautioned Dr. Holden to end his denunciations
and investigation of the Karswell cult group
- in the scene set at an annual Halloween party held
at Karswell's country estate, the sinister cult leader (dressed as
a clown to entertain the children) expressed his views to Holden: "Do
I believe in witchcraft? What kind of witchcraft? The legendary witch
that rides on the imaginary broom? The hex that tortures the thoughts
of the victim? The pin stuck in the image that wastes away the mind
and the body?" Holden answered: "Also imaginary";
Karswell continued: "But where does imagination end and reality
begin? What is this twilight, this half world of the mind that you
profess to know so much about? How can we differentiate between the
powers of darkness and the powers of the mind?"
- in the next sequence, to prove his words to the skeptical
Holden, Karswell removed his hat and pinched his forehead - soon
after, a violent wind storm was summoned or conjured up by a spell
initiated by Karswell; after retreating to the indoors, Holden spoke
to Karswell: "I didn't know you had cyclones in England!"
and Karswell replied: "We don't"; Karswell predicted that
Holden, similar to Harrington, had already been cursed and would die
in three days (Holden was unaware that an ancient parchment had been
secretly passed to him by Karswell, originally in Harrington's possession;
it held that curse written in runic script that claimed he had been "chosen"
to die); the runic script in the parchment resembled the runes at Stonehedge
- luckily for Holden, while having dinner with Joanna
at Prof. Harrington's house, he discovered a parchment with runic
symbols in his briefcase (amongst papers given to him by Karswell),
and was able to prevent the document from being burned in the fire,
thereby saving himself from the curse
- he told Joanna Harrington,
the dead professor's niece: "Nobody's free from fear. I have
an imagination like anyone else. It's easy to see a demon in every
dark corner. But I refuse to let this thing take possession of my
good senses. If this world is ruled by demons and monsters, we may
as well give up right now"
- in a dark sequence, Dr. Holden
snuck into Karswell's country estate house, when an ordinary small house cat was transformed
or morphed into a predatory panther that attacked him in the study; after
briefly speaking to Karswell, Dr. Holden departed, and
in a very eerie, atmospheric and scary scene, he was pursued
by a flaming ball of fire and smoke in the forest outside Karswell's dwelling
- Dr. Holden learned from the hypnotized Rand Hobart
that the parchment had been passed to him by Karswell because he
had been "chosen" to die, but Holden could avoid the curse
and death by passing it back to Karswell; Hobart misinterpreted and
thought that Holden was passing the parchment onto him - causing
him to become hysterical and jump to his death; Holden began to realize
that the curse was real
- in the film's conclusion, Dr. Holden learned that
Karswell would be on the 8:45 pm train to Southhampton (with Harrington's
kidnapped and hypnotized niece onboard); after catching the same
train, Holden was able to cleverly return the ancient parchment to
Karswell's own coat pocket that was given to him by a policeman;
when the piece of paper flew out of Karswell's hands as he attempted
to take it out of his coat pocket, he was forced to chase after it
as the wind carried it onto the train tracks
- it cursed him and doomed him to death at 10 pm - this was the scheduled
time for Holden's predicted death (only two minutes away), now transferred
to Karswell; after the paper burned to combustible ash against one
of the rails as he reached for it, the parchment was transformed
or manifested itself as a monstrous 30 foot demon; Karswell was caught
between an oncoming train and the huge demon approaching on another
set of tracks; as the oncoming train raced by, it appeared that a
large demon claw picked him up and shredded him into pieces
Karswell Chasing Along Train Tracks
After The Parchment - After It Combusted, the Demon Manifested
Itself and Attacked
- after witnessing the terrible accident (or attack),
Joanna gave an opinion to Dr. Holden about what had just happened:
"Maybe it's better not to know"; Holden rushed to the site
of Karswell's smoking body next to the tracks where one train official
announced that he had been struck and killed by the train - not
destroyed by a supernatural being: "The
train must have hit him and dragged him"; Detective Simmons
(Lloyd Lamble) disagreed: "I
thought he was on the other side, sir," but he was ridiculed: "Don't
be ridiculous, Simmons, look at him. The train must have hit him"
- as they walked away, Holden
agreed with Joanna in the film's final line that they shouldn't try
to figure out what had actually happened: "You're right. Maybe
it's better not to know"

The Stone Circle at Stonehedge

(l to r): Dr. Julian Karswell with Professor Henry Harrington
Who Feared the Curse

The Cursed Professor Harrington's Electrocution Death
and Mutilation

A View of The Beastly Satanic Fire Demon

Devil Cult Leader Dr. Karswell Summoning a Windstorm with
US Psychiatrist Dr. Holden

Attack on Dr. Holden by Karswell's Morphed House Cat/Panther

Dr. Holden Pursued in Forest by Flaming Ball of Fire
Outside Karswell's Home

On the Train, Holden Confronted Karswell

Joanna to Dr. Holden: "Maybe it's better not to know"

Holden to Joanna: "You're right. Maybe it's better not to know"