In director Cecil B. DeMille's classic:
- the triumphant arrival of Queen of Egypt Cleopatra
(midriff-bearing Claudette Colbert) and Caesar (Warren Williams)
into Rome for their wedding
- the scene of Caesar's assassination by stabbing from
members of the Roman Senate, including by Brutus (Arthur Hohl) -
"Et tu Brutus?!" - followed by Cleopatra's stunned reaction
to the news of the murder; when she was urged to think of Egypt, and
warned to flee and escape from Rome before being killed, she responded: "Gone.
Yes, gone. What do I care for empire now? Caesar is dead. My lover
is dead!"; she was in blind disbelief when told that Caesar didn't
love her, but only wanted to acquire Egypt's treasure
- the infamous barge/bordello scene (the prelude to
the seduction of another Roman, Marc Antony (Henry Wilcoxon)) that
began with near-naked dancing girls accompanying an ox (with a dancer
riding upon it and stroking its side) - and the remarkable sequence
in which 'clams' that were hauled up in a net were revealed to be
more dancing-girls wrapped in seaweed who prostrated themselves and
held out opened jewel-filled seashells, followed by leopard-skinned
animals/girls led by trainers with whips - and more!
The Infamous Barge/Bordello Sequence
- and in the film's conclusion when wearing a low-cut
black gown - Cleopatra's memorable request for a basket to kill
herself after learning of the suicidal death of Marc Antony: ("Now
give me the basket - it holds victory"); after reaching in,
she removed a real, one-foot long snake/asp and applied it to her
naked breast in one of the most memorable suicidal death scenes
in film history; she was bitten, and then expired while sitting
on the throne- she sat immobile and defeated there as her kingdom
was conquered
Cleopatra's Suicidal Death by Asp
Cleopatra's Triumphant Entry into Rome
Caesar's Assassination

Receiving the News of Caesar's Murder