Chicken Run (2000, UK)
In the UK's Aardman Studio's claymation adventure
film directed by Peter Lord and Nick Park was the studio's first
feature-length film. It told of the plight of the doomed feathered
inhabitants of a chicken farm - it was a comical escape drama set
in 1960s England, based upon the plot of The
Great Escape (1963), Stalag 17 (1953), and The Flight
of the Phoenix (1965), with the taglines: "THERE'S NOTHING MORE
DETERMINED THAN POULTRY WITH A PLAN", and the humorous: "This ain't
no chick flick!":
- in the film's opening, there were
repeated futile and disastrous attempts of fiesty, tough-minded
heroine and plucky chicken leader Ginger (voice of Julie Sawalha)
to escape from her 'WWII-type POW or concentration camp'
chicken coops (with numbered coops, roll calls, barbed wire and
a high fence) located in Yorkshire, England; as punishment after
being caught by dim-witted farmer Mr. Tweedy (voiced by Tony Haygarth),
she was thrown into a coal bin and suffered solitary confinement
- the rustic, egg-laying chicken farm business with
guard dogs was operated by Mr. Tweedy
and his hen-pecking wife - evil, money-hungry
Mrs. Tweedy (voice of Miranda Richardson) - two malevolent versions
of the 'American Gothic' painting; although Mr. Tweedy
was suspicious that the chickens were getting organized to escape,
Mrs. Tweedy shot down his ridiculous notions: "They're chickens,
you dolt! Apart from you, they're the most stupid creatures on
this planet. They don't plot, they don't scheme, and they are not
- there was the unusually grim, memorable execution
by Mrs. Tweedy of chicken Edwina (#282) when she failed to lay
eggs and she was singled out of the group of hens. Mr. Tweedy snatched
bug-eyed, fearful Edwina from the group and she was brought to
Mrs. Tweedy (who donned red rubber gloves) outside a wooden shed;
in silhouette, Mrs. Tweedy's shadow was seen raising the axe above
a chopping block. There was a dull whack sound (off-screen) as
the axe cut off Edwina's neck. It caused all of the chickens on
the farm to slightly flinch; a fterwards, Edwina's gruesome fate
was revealed as a pile of chicken bones on the Tweedy's dinner
Edwina's Head Chopping Execution
- dim-witted, innocent and bumbling Babs (voice of Jane
Horrocks) stated: "I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy" -
she was disappointed after a near-death experience: "All me
life flashed before me eyes... it was really boring"
- swaggering, smooth-talking, Rhode Island Red cockerel,
a would-be swashbuckling American Yankee rooster named Rocky (voiced
by Mel Gibson), flew over the fence and accidentally crashed into
the coop; to the enamoured hens, he introduced himself with roguish
swagger: ("The name's Rocky. Rocky the Rhode Island Red. Rhodes for short...Catchy,
ain't it?"), and explained why he came to England: ("Why, all the beautiful
English chicks, of course")
- the audacious Rocky falsely claimed that he could
fly (after Ginger saw a circus poster of him appearing to fly); Ginger
(often called "Dollface" by Rocky) bargained with
Rocky, promising to hide him from his circus owners if he helped
the chickens escape; he blamed an injured wing for a delay in their
rescue, and meanwhile spent many hours of ineffectual flight training
for the chickens with aerobics and Tae-bo-like exercises
- after a long day of exercises and trying to fly,
Rocky suggested that the hens take a break ("We've been workin'
too hard. Time to kick back a bit, shake all the tail feathers...That's
called a beat, sister, feel it pulsin' through your body?...Well,
go with it, baby"), and most of the chickens irresistibly began
to dance, to the tune of "Flip Flop and Fly"
- a turning point came in the film when a giant
18-wheel truck delivered a modern, Rube Goldberg-like, automated
chicken pie-making machine; the chickens became
suspicious when the Tweedys doubled the chickens' rations to
fatten them up before slaughtering them inside the barn; Babs objected:
"I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy"
- the Tweedys kidnapped Ginger to test her in their new pie-making
machine: ("Chickens
go in, pies go out"); she promised
her husband: "In less than a fortnight, every grocers' in
the county will be stocked with box upon box of Mrs. Tweedy's Homemade
Chicken Pies"; when he objected to being excluded, Mrs. Tweedy
explained: "Woman's touch. Makes the public feel more comfortable"
- Rocky daringly rescued Ginger, but they were both
in danger of becoming chicken pie ingredients: ("It's like
an oven in here"), before he was able to temporarily sabotage
the machine by clogging the gravy sprayer
- however, Rocky's
bravado and bold promises were just a charade - the second half
of his torn circus poster revealed that
he was actually a stunt cockerel who was shot from a cannon (he
couldn't independently "fly" on his own); the cowardly
and disgraced Rocky fled from the farm
- Ginger took charge of the chickens and organized
them to assemble and build an airplane (constructed from chicken
coops using stolen tools from Mr. Tweedy) to fly out on their
own, using pictures and the personal memories of RAF planes flown
by elderly, curmudgeonly war vet cockerel Fowler (voiced by Benjamin
Whitrow) during the war; it was a race against time to build
the flying machine before the Tweedys' pie machine was repaired
- as lightning struck, Mrs. Tweedy ominously ordered
her husband to "get the chickens...all of them!" to
feed into their fixed pie machine; Ginger led the chickens to
assault Mr. Tweedy when he entered the barn to retrieve the chickens
and shockingly realized they had organized themselves - he
was attacked, tied up, and gagged; Ginger urged on the nervous
chickens: "Listen, we'll either die free chickens, or die trying"
- in the crowd-pleasing climax, Rocky (with a tweaked
conscience after viewing a controversial billboard ad for the
chicken pies), redeemed himself and returned just in time to
help the chickens; as
they were launching the chicken-shaped flying aircraft (the Old
Crate) into the air, they battled the Tweedys
- "hard-boiled egg" chicken heroine Ginger
rewarded American "Lone Free Ranger" Rocky's timely
return with a tremendous slap. He had conned the chickens of
Mrs. Tweedy's Chicken Farm, fooling them into thinking he could
fly and could teach them how, so that all could escape. She angrily
told him: "THAT'S for leaving!" Then, Ginger
softly cooed, as she drew him near to kiss: "And THIS is
for coming back!"
- their kiss was interrupted by the jolt
of Mrs. Tweedy clinging to and climbing up the Christmas lights
rope attached to the plane that they were flying; she swiped
her hatchet-axe at Ginger -- momentarily, it seemed as if Ginger
had been beheaded, but revealed she'd ducked and tricked Tweedy
into severing the line, causing Mrs. Tweedy to plunge head-first
into a safety-valve vent of her own pie-making machine; the entire
machine exploded from a build-up of pressure, covering the entire
farm with gravy, as the chickens flew to freedom, and Mr. Tweedy
smugly told his gravy-covered wife: "I
told you they was organized!"
Final Defeat of Mrs. Tweedy

Axe-Swiping Mrs. Tweedy

Ginger Beheaded?

Ginger With the Severed Christmas Tree Lights

Mrs. Tweedy Falling From the Plane

Head-First into Pie-Making Vent

Upside-Down Inside Machine
- after Mrs. Tweedy was disposed of, Ginger tackled
Rocky to the ground and they kissed off-screen, as the rest of the
chickens sighed: "Awwwwwwwwwwwwww..."'; in the film's epilogue,
the chickens reached the safety of a bird sanctuary, where Rocky
and Ginger became a couple
- during the end credits, the two black-marketing,
contraband-smuggling, wisecracking rodent-rats Nick (voice of Timothy
Spall) and Fetcher (voice of Phil Daniels) made plans plans to open
up their own chicken farm to supply them with eggs; however, they
became engaged in an endless chicken-and-egg
debate: (Fetcher: "If you don't have a chicken, where are you
gonna get an egg?" Nick: "From the chicken that comes from
the egg." Fetcher: "Yeah, but you have to have an egg to
have a chicken." Nick: "Yeah, but you've got to get the
chicken first to get the egg, and then you get the egg...");
earlier during the film, they had numerous quotable lines: ("Birds
of a feather flop together!", "Is that your first of-fence?", "Poultry
in motion!")

WWII POW-Styled Chicken Coop Camp

Ginger Caught by Mr. Tweedy Trying to Escape and Thrown Into Coal Bin for Solitary
Roll Call With Mrs. Tweedy (voice of Miranda Richardson)

Flight School Exercises and Training for the Chickens

"Shake Your Tail Feathers"

Babs: "I don't want to be a pie"

Ginger Used as a Test Chicken in the Pie-Making Machine

Rocky's Rescue of Ginger in a Test Run Inside of the Pie
The Threat of the Chicken Pie-Making Machine

Rocky's "Nick of Time" Return to Help the Chickens

The Flying Machine - With Ginger and Rocky Hanging on the Trailing Christmas
Tree Lights

Mrs. Tweedy Hanging On to the End of the Light String
The End Credits: Chicken-and-Egg Debate