Chasing Amy (1997)
In this low-budget independent film comedy-drama from
writer/director Kevin Smith - an honest and appealing story
of opposites-attract love between two New Jersey comic-book artists:
heterosexual comic book writer Holden McNeil (Ben Affleck) and
another comic-book creator in the profession named Alyssa Jones
(Joey Lauren Adams), a lesbian-identified bi-sexual; critics of
the controversial film felt that Alyssa's 'conversion' to heterosexuality
was writer/director Kevin Smith's assertion that lesbianism was
- the film opened during a NYC comic-book convention
where Holden and his homophobic buddy, another comic book artist
named Banky Edwards (Jason Lee), were promoting their latest comic
series Bluntman and Chronic; during a panel seminar at the
comic convention, militant black activist Hooper X Lamont (Dwight
Ewell), author of the comic White-Hatin' Coon, lectured
about how Star Wars was a racist film: "Those movies
are about how the white man keeps the brother man down, even in
a galaxy far, far away. Check this s--t: You got cracker farm boy
Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy, blond hair, blue eyes. And then
you got Darth Vader, the blackest brother in the galaxy, Nubian
- Banky asked an ill-advised question: "What's
a Nubian?"; his question was followed by Hooper's elucidating
reply: "Vader, he's a spiritual brother, y'know, down with
the force and all that good s--t. Then this cracker, Skywalker,
gets his hands on a light saber and the boy decides he's gonna
run the f--kin' universe; gets a whole clan of whites together.
And they go and bust up Vader's hood, the Death Star. Now what
the f--k do you call that?...Gentrification! They gon' drive out
the black element to make the galaxy quote, unquote, safe for white
folks. And Jedi's the most insulting installment! Because
Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his
mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man! They tryin' to
tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white!"
- when Banky replied: "Well, isn't that true?",
Hooper pulled out a gun and shot Banky while crying out: "Black
Rage!" (it was only a set-up)
- at the convention, they met another struggling,
comic-book artist Alyssa Jones, who was friends with Hooper; that
evening, the foursome of Holden, Banky, Alyssa, and Hooper X went
for drinks at a local bar, where an attraction began to develop
between Holden and Alyssa during a dart game
- later, Alyssa invited Holden (with Banky tailing
along) to another bar that she often visited - he didn't know it
was a dyke bar; Alyssa was brought onstage: ("Get up here
and sing, bitch") to perform the song "Alive" ("I
want to feel passion, I want to feel pain") dedicated "for
that someone special out there." Shockingly, the "special" person
turned out to not be Holden but Kim (Carmen Llywelyn) - a platinum-blonde
dyke wearing a white T-shirt who was watching in the audience
- after the song finished, Alyssa pointed to the admiring
woman, beckoning with one finger for her to come forward; the lesbian
couple then kissed while Holden did a double-take as he looked
on in disbelief (he mistakenly thought the love song was for him);
Banky applauded and then said about the pairing: "Hot! Now
that, my friend, is a shared moment." The lesbian couple continued
to get "mushy" and kiss each other, as the two guys shared
their booth table in the club, when the wide-eyed Banky confessed: "When
are we ever gonna get a chance to see this kind of s--t live without
paying for it?"
- as their honest sexual banter (typical of the
entire film) continued in the bar booth, Alyssa described to an
incredulous Banky how she could 'f--k' the other woman without
strap-ons, explaining: "F--king is not limited to penetration,
Banky. For me, it describes any sex when it's not totally about
love. I don't love Kim, but I'll f--k her. I'm sure you don't love
every girl you sleep with"
- one of the film's most memorable scenes followed
- a parody of a similar scene in Jaws (1975),
in which Banky and Alyssa revealed their sexual scars from past
oral sex encounters (Banky's broken tooth, Alyssa's back scar from
a heel wound, Banky's injured neck, and Alyssa's scarred knee)
- during their growing relationship, while sitting
on playground swings together, Holden and Alyssa discussed and
debated definitions of virginity - the experienced Alyssa forced
the conservative-minded Holden (who at first stated that a person
remained a virgin until they had intercourse with a member of the
opposite sex) to often revise his "standard definition." Alyssa
stated her own belief: "I think virginity is lost when you
make love for the first time." Both of them discussed extenuating
circumstances that blurred the definition, such as rape, or a broken
hymen, or non-penetrative lesbian sex, or anal sex
- Banky (who was jealously miffed at Holden's strong
interest in dykish Alyssa) discussed a scenario involving four
individuals on a four-way road with a $100 dollar bill in the road's
intersection: a male-friendly lesbian, a man-hating dyke, Santa
Claus, and the Easter Bunny; he asked Holden: "Which one is
going to get to the hundred dollar bill first?"; when Holden
answered the man-hating dyke, Banky congratulated him for having
the right answer and explained: "Because the other three are
figments of your f--king imagination!"; his implication was
that Alyssa would never become a male-friendly lesbian, but was
rather a man-hating dyke; Banky blew up at Holden: "What is
it about this girl, man? You know you have no shot at getting her
into bed. Why do you bother wasting time with her?"
- Banky was beginning to develop feelings of romantic
jealousy (as a closeted homosexual), and he described how he risked
losing his close friendship with Holden: ("This relationship
is affecting you, our work and our friendship and the time's gonna
come when I throw down the gauntlet and say it's me or her. Then
what are you gonna say?...Would you trash twenty years of f--kin'
friendship because you got some idiotic notion that this chick
would even let you sniff her panties, let alone f--k her?...What
the f--k makes this bitch all that important?"); Holden was
forced to admit that he was in love with Alyssa
- soon, Holden was pursuing Alyssa even in spite of
her sexual leanings; no longer able to hold back his feelings,
he confessed his love to her in a long speech; he stopped his car,
turned to her, and blurted out: "I love you....I love you.
And not, not in a friendly way, although I think we're great friends.
And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way, although I'm sure
that's what you'll call it. I love you. Very, very simple, very
truly. You are the-the epitome of everything I have ever looked
for in another human being. And I know that you think of me as
just a friend, and crossing that line is-is-is the furthest thing
from an option you would ever consider. But - I had to say it...I
know that some part of you is hesitating for a moment, and if there's
a moment of hesitation, then that means you feel something too.
And all I ask, please, is that you just - you just not dismiss
that, and try to dwell in it for just ten seconds"
Holden's Speech, Professing His Love for Alyssa
- after his heart-felt confession, in the pouring
rain, Alyssa unburdened her own feelings to him about his "crush" on
her: "No, it's unfortunate that you're in love with me. It's
unfair that you felt the f--king need to unburden your soul about
it. Do you remember for a f--king second who I am?...THERE'S NO
CRUSH?"; after dismissing him, she ran back into Holden's
arms and passionately kissed him before they had sex together
- Alyssa explained how she had made a conscious decision
in her sexual decision-making to be open to lesbianism:
"There were no examples set for me in the world of male-female
relationships. And to cut oneself off from finding that person, to
immediately halve your options by eliminating the possibility of
finding that one person within your own gender, that just seemed
stupid to me. So I didn't. But then you came along. You, the one
least likely. I mean, you were a guy....And while I was falling for
you I put a ceiling on that, because you were a guy. Until
I remembered why I opened the door to women in the first place: to
not limit the likelihood of finding that one person who'd complement
me so completely. So here we are. I was thorough when I looked for
you. And I feel justified lying in your arms, 'cause I got here on
my own terms, and I have no question there was some place I didn't
look. And for me that makes all the difference"
- a roadblock to their gender-transcended relationship
surfaced when Holden questioned her sexual past (he learned that
it was one of wild experimentation and adventurous sex; she had
acquired the nickname 'Finger Cuffs' after engaging in a menage
a trois threesome with two guys during HS - Rick Darris and
Cohee Lundin (John Willyung), involving both oral sex and intercourse
simultaneously: (Cohee: "So Rick's the one that come up with
the nickname, cause that day she had us locked in tight from both
sides like a pair of god-damned Chinese finger cuffs!")

Flashback: The Origin of Alyssa's Nickname in
HS Told by Cohee Lundin (John Willyung)

Alyssa to Holden: "I was an experimental
girl, for Christ's sake!"
- when the conservative-minded Holden confronted Alyssa
about her high-school promiscuity ten years earlier and how she
had been "used," Alyssa vehemently defended herself:
("You don't think I would've let it happen if I hadn't've
wanted to, do you? I was an experimental girl, for Christ's sake!
Maybe you knew early on that your track was from point A to B,
but unlike you, I was not given a f--king map at birth, so I tried
it all! That is until we, that's you and I, got together and suddenly
I was sated! Can't you take some f--king comfort in that? You turned
out to be all I was ever looking for - the missing piece in the
big f--king puzzle!"); Holden ended their conversation by
stating his hope: "I want us to be something that we can't...A
normal couple"
- after Holden's conversation with Alyssa, during
lunch at a local diner with local stoners and drug dealers Jay
and Silent Bob (Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith), Holden listened as
Silent Bob told about his own past romantic relationships; he happened
to explain the reason for the film's title when he descibed dating
someone named Amy; Silent Bob confessed that his insecurities (similar
to Holden's) about his girlfriend Amy's past sexual escapades,
adventures, and history unfortunately led to their inevitable break-up
when he mistakenly and regretfully pushed her away: ("So I've
spent every day since then chasing Amy... So to speak")
- Holden gathered both Alyssa and Banky together and
suggested a threesome as a solution to resolve all of their issues:
("I know what we have to do. And then you - Bank, you Alyssa,
and I - all of us can finally be alright...We've all got to have
sex together"); his proposal was not well received by Alyssa
who promised to always love Holden, but said she could not agree
to any more sexual experimentation: ("I'm past that now. Or
maybe I just love you too much. And I feel hurt and let down that
you'd want to share me with anyone. Because I never wanted to share
you. Regardless, I can't be a part of this. Or you. Not anymore
I love you. I always will. Know that. (She slapped him) But I'm
not your f--kin' whore"); she then stormed off to move on
with her life - they were all left to live their separate lives
At NYC Comic-Book Convention, Banky's Question: "What's a Nubian?"
Black Activist Hooper's Reply About Star Wars Being Racist
Banky (Jason Lee), Kim (Carmen Llywelyn) and Holden (Ben Affleck) in the Audience
(l to r): Kim (Carmen Llywelyn) and Alyssa (Joey Lauren Adams)

In the Bar Booth, Holden and Banky Watched the Two Lesbians Kiss: ("When
are we ever gonna get a chance to see this kind of s--t without paying for it?")

Banky and Alyssa Sharing Oral Sex Battle Scars

Holden and Alyssa Discussing the Definition of Virginity

Banky's Scenario About a $100 Dollar Bill at a Crossroads

Alyssa to Holden After His Confession of Love: "I'm f--king gay!"

Alyssa's Past Reputation and Nickname: 'Finger Cuffs'

Silent Bob's Explanation of the Film's Title: "Chasing Amy"

Holden's Preposterous Proposed Solution to the Threesome's Problems: "We've
all got to have sex together"