Cat Ballou (1965)
In director Elliot Silverstein's satirical western
comedy, it was an adaptation of Roy Chanslor's 1956 serious novel The
Ballad of Cat Ballou; the parody western told about the title
character hiring a notorious gunman to protect the ranch of her
father Frankie Ballou (John Marley) from pressure by developers
(the Wolf City Development Corporation - WCDC) to acquire his
land and water rights:
- Columbia Pictures' studio logo was spoofed, when
the female torch-bearing lady figure removed her robe and turned
into a cartoonish western cowgirl firing her six-guns
- the film featured musical interludes from two traveling
minstrels (balladeers or troubadours) playing banjos -- the Sunrise
Kid (Nat King Cole) and Professor Sam the Shade (Stubby Kaye) who
intermittently performed songs and functioned as a 'Greek chorus'
to comment upon the action: ("Well now friends. Just lend
an ear, for you're now about to hear. The Ballad of Cat Ballou.
It's a song that's newly made. And Professor Samuel Shade, and
the Sunrise Kid are singing it for you. Cat Ballou-u-u. Cat Ballou-u-u.
Cat Ballou-u-u"); the opening credits appeared in the pages
of a Police Gazette magazine being read by a bearded old-timer
- the opening sequence was during preparations for
the gallows' hanging-execution of female outlaw Catherine "Cat" Ballou
(Jane Fonda), who was jailed in her hometown of Wolf City, WY;
Sam and the Sunrise Kid sang: "She killed a man ln Wolf City,
Wyoming. Wolf City, Wyoming. Killed a man, it's true. And that
is why they're hanging. Hanging Cat Ballou"
- in flashback, in the year of 1894 after graduating
from Sumpqua Normal School, prim and proper schoolteacher Cat Ballou
returned home by train, although she was secretly reading a western
pulp novel about legendary and notorious outlaw Kid Shelleen ("KID
inadvertently aided the escape of handsome accused cattle rustler
Clay Boone (Michael Callan) from Sheriff Maledon (Bruce Cabot),
when Boone's associate - drunken Uncle Jed (Dwayne Hickman) disguised
as a preacher distracted the lawman
"Uncle Jed" (Dwayne Hickman) with Sheriff
Maledon (Bruce Cabot)

Escaped Convicted Cattle Rustler Clay Boone (Michael
Clay in Cat's Train Berth Hiding From Authorities
- she was determined to help protect her defenseless
father Frankie and his young, mild-mannered, sole ranch hand -
a Cherokee named Jackson Two-Bears (Tom Nardini), their well water
had already been poisoned (by the dumping of manure into it) to
run them off; at the ranch when he appeared
"outta nowhere," she briefly met the "muscle" employed
by a railroad magnate to acquire her father's land - tough and threatening
gunman Tim Strawn (Best Actor-winning Lee Marvin in a dual role)
dressed in black with a prosthetic nose; he was known as Silvernose
due to his tin nose (after his own was bitten off during a fight);
in town, Cat realized that the weak-willed, newly-elected Sheriff
Cardigan (Jay C. Flippen) was an ineffective law-enforcer and would
be of no help; Jackson suggested to Cat that she hire a protective
gunman: "They got a gun fighter. You get a gun fighter"
- at first, she considered hiring convicted cattle
rustler and womanizing Clay Boone whom she had initially met in
the film's opening during his escape on the train to Wolf City,
and Clay's associate "Uncle" Jed; however, Cat became
apprehensive when her initial efforts at protecting the family
ranch failed; she decided to wrote a letter to reputed fast-draw
gunfighter Kid Shelleen (also type-cast actor Lee Marvin spoofing
his own macho image) asking to hire for $50 dollars - sight unseen
- without knowing that he was a whiskey-soaked, staggering drunkard
- the scene of Kid Shelleen's drunken arrival by stagecoach
was a classic, prefaced by Sam and Sunrise mockingly singing about "the
fastest gun you've ever seen" - the dusty, semi-conscious
gunman was curled up under the back burlap flap of the stagecoach
and fell to the ground where he was greeted by Cat and Jackson,
and taken in an open buckboard wagon back to the ranch
- the Kid demonstrated that he was unable to shoot
anything ("He did it! He missed the barn!"), although
he was a crack shot if he was inebriated (he begged: "If I
had one little nip, you know..."); Kid bragged about the good
ol' days when he worked with the Wild West Show: "I'll tell
you something else, I used to work for the Buffalo Bill Wild West
Show and a Congress of Rough Riders. And I rescued many a stagecoach
passengers from road agents and drunkard injuns in the nick of
time! Twice a day, three times on Saturday"; while shooting
at one of his targets, he drew his pistol and his pants fell down;
Frankie was unimpressed: "Now I ain't runnin' no dude ranch
for misfits and unemployables. You keep him away from me"
- shortly later at the ranch, Frankie was gunned down
outdoors by black-garbed Tim Strawn - who was on horseback at a
far distance; after racing after Strawn into town, Cat confronted
the hired killer who was sitting on a rocking chair outside the
saloon, but she received little support from the corrupt Sheriff
to arrest Strawn and bring him to justice; she attempted to shoot
Strawn with Clay's revolver, but during a struggle to subdue her,
she missed; she vowed to Strawn: "You'll never make me cry!"
- upon her return home, she discovered that her father's
property had been moved out of the house, and the ranch was declared
the "Property of Wolf City Development Corp. No Trespassing";
inside, Cat was dismayed to find her father's pine-box coffin with
her father smiling and complained: "My father never smiled
like that in his whole life!"; undertaker (Frank DeVol) coldly
explained: "Well, he'll smile on now, forever, just as you
see him. Free gratis, from the Wolf City Development Corporation";
she vowed revenge when threatened to leave before morning: "You
tell Wolf City that before I'm through, I'm gonna make sure that
Sherman's March to the Sea will look like a bird walk"
- Cat was invited by Clay to join him and his outlaw
gang in their hideout, known as the Hole-in-the-Wall; the ineffectual
and drunken Kid Shelleen entered the ranch and noticed Frankie's
coffin with candlelabras surrounding it; Kid obliviously began
singing "Happy Birthday" before blowing out the candles
- the next morning as Cat rode off with Clay and the
others to the hideout (with Kid lying on a litter pulled by a riderless
horse), the troubadours sang about the growing legend of Cat Ballou;
at the "Hole-in-the-Wall," when Kid was aroused by the
local bar and exclaimed: "I smell a waterhole,"
he entered and was surprised to find that the legendary Butch Cassidy
(Arthur Hunnicutt) was a lowly, humble, and aging saloonkeeper; he
attempted (without money) to share a drink with him to salute the
old times together: (Cassidy: "For old times' sake? That means
you got no cash, nothin' doin'!")
- in order to raise money, the vengeful Cat suggested
that the gang rob a train rather than rustle 50 head of cattle,
but she faced considerable pushback: ("We're rustlers, not
train robbers"); she argued that it would be more lucrative
to rob a train: ("Well, if people didn't try something new,
there wouldn't be hardly any progress at all"), since they
wouldn't have to pay off workers in the slaughterhouse; Cat became
angered when everyone rejected her train robbery idea (borrowed
from the Kid's robbery plan written about in Chapter 7 of his dime
novel); outside, she began throwing rocks at them, and spitefully
began a string of name-calling to persuade them: "Some gang!
A horse-ranch Indian, a drunken gunfighter, a sex maniac, and an
uncle!...Clay Boone and his gang of chicken rustlers. I'm gonna
do it alone!"
- a comical robbery of the Colorado Southern's combination
safe by the gang occurred in the baggage car while Sir Harry Percival
(Reginald Denny), the owner of the Wolf City Development Co., was
taking a bath in his private railroad car; the locomotive was separated
from the passenger cars, as mastermind Cat played the part of a
grieving widow in the baggage car with a coffin hiding Clay; the
train was met by Jackson and Kid Shelleen before the group made
their getaway with the company's payroll of $50,000 dollars cash;
they were pursued by a sped-up posse in a slapstick sequence; the
ballad singers summarized: "Round and round and round they
rode Oh, what an episode!"
- the gang returned to the "Hole-in-the-Wall," but
then realized through Cassidy that the money they had stolen belonged
to Sir Harry Percival, and that there would be retaliation against
the residents of the "Hole-in-the-Wall" if they remained;
Tim Strawn made a brief appearance and threatened Cat to return
the stolen money to Sir Harry Percival: ("Sir Harry wants
his money back! If you wasn't a girl, I'd split you like a chicken");
Kid assured Cat that he would pursue Strawn for a stand-off
Kid Shelleen's Comeback and Training: "No
- to prepare to confront Strawn, the Kid struggled
to become sober and clean, and vowed to Jackson "no booze";
he practiced his marksmanship, took a hot bath, shaved and wore
a slendering girdle as part of his revived, silver-vested gunfighter
outfit (with a silver-buckled holster belt)
- in town, the Kid confronted Tim Strawn in an upstairs
brothel room and shot him dead; then, he returned to the gang and
entered the saloon, disguised as the black clad assassin with a
silver nose to fool everyone; he revealed to the gang that he and
Strawn were twin brothers; they also learned that Sir Percival
had assembled an army of at least 50 goons to pursue them
- Cat posed as a prostitute and visited Sir Percival
in his private railroad car; she approached him, enticingly revealing
that she was wearing a low-cut dress ("You like our wide open
spaces"), and telling him that her name was Trixie; she asked
about a nude painting on his ceiling and was told: "Yes, that's
a Tintoretto"; suddenly in his master bedroom, she revealed
her true identity as the daughter of Frankie Ballou; she demanded,
at gunpoint, that he sign a confession that he had hired Strawn
to murder her father; when he resisted and they struggled for her
Derringer, Sir Percival was shot dead
Vengeful Cat Posing as Trixie - a Prostitute -
to Confront and Kill Sir Percival
- the film returned to the present - with Cat in jail
in Wolf City, awaiting her execution by hanging; the townspeople
were not sympathetic, since the death of Percival brought economic
hardship to the town, as explained by Sheriff Cardigan: ("You
can't blame them, can ya? Killin' Sir Harry put the kibosh on the
whole slaughterhouse, didn't it? No jobs. No payroll. You took
the bread out of half of the mouths of Wolf City. You haven't got
a friend in the world")
- as Cat - wearing a white dress - was about to be
hung (with the noose around her neck), preacher-disguised "Uncle" Jed
appeared to lead her from the jail; Jackson was also disguised
as an undertaker; everyone was also counting on the Kid's help,
but they were disappointed when the Kid with bloodshot red eyes
was discovered by Jackson in a drunken stupor on his horse (with
crossed front legs) leaning and slumped against a brick building
- after Cat's last words: "Let's get on with
it," Jed cut the noose rope, and Cat safely dropped through
the gallows' trap-door into a wagon (prepared for her coffin);
she was caught in the air by Clay, who whisked her into Jackson's
horse-drawn hearse before the entire gang rode off, with the Kid
firing his pistol and following in a half-horizontal position atop
his horse

Cat Ballou Led to the Gallows to Be Hanged

"Let's get on with it!"

The Kid Helping With Cat's Rescue
- the two singers ended the film with a song about
Cat's growing legend: "So she rode away, just where now is
a mystery / But Cat rode into history and her legend grew / She
was the Queen of the outlaws / Her Highness Cat Ballou / Cat Ballou,
Cat Ballou / Well, our story now is through / We'll say farewell
to Cat Ballou"

Two Troubadours (Nat King Cole and Stubby Kaye)

Cat Ballou Title Credits

Cat Returning Home by Train to Wolf City, WY to Be a Schoolteacher

(l to r): Jackson Two-Bears (Tom Nardini), Frankie Ballou (John Marley), and

Cat's First View of Ominous Hired Gun Tim Strawn

Jackson's Advice to Cat: "They got a gunfighter. You get a gunfighter"

Arrival of Druken Kid Shelleen In Back of Stagecoach - and On the Ground

Completely Inept and Not Worth $50 Dollars

Tim Strawn After Gunning Down Cat's Father Frankie

Cat's Anger and Vow to Seek Revenge For Her Father's Death

Kid Shelleen Blowing Out Frankie's Funeral Candles - Mistaking
Them for a Birthday Party Celebration

Cassidy Refusing Free Drinks for Kid Shelleen at the Hole-In-The-Wall Hideout

Cat's Suggestion to Rob a Train Rather Than Rustle Cattle

Sir Harry Percival In His Private Bath Train Car During the Train Robbery

Strawn's Threat to Cat to Return the Stolen Money to Sir Percival ("If you
wasn't a girl...")

Cat Jailed and About to be Executed by Hanging For the Murder of Sir Percival

Kid Shelleen Leaning and Drunken on Horse Against Brick
Building Wall