Carrie (1976)
In Brian De Palma's psychological horror tale, it
told about extreme sexual repression for a gawky, awkward 'ugly duckling'
teenaged girl who had been subjected to religious indoctrination
by her ignorant, psychotic and fanatical mother; the classic horror
film was adapted from a Stephen King novel (it was the first of King's
published works to be adapted into a feature film); See Sex
in Films for uncensored version
- in the voyeuristic opening sequence (a slow-motion
credits sequence set in a locker-shower room full of naked high
school girls), terrified and lonely Carrie (Sissy Spacek) enjoyed
the warm flow of a steamy shower - until she experienced the shock
of her first menstruation (late-coming at age 17);
naively thinking she was dying when she saw blood coming out of
her, she cried out "Help me!"
- Carrie endured
cruel teasing by other insensitive classmates; popular yet abusive
'bad' girl Chris Hargensen (Nancy Allen)
led the taunting and ridiculing of Carrie - a thoroughly
humiliated, picked-upon menstruating teen. The jeering girls tossed
tampons and sanitary napkins at her while they yelled: "Plug it up!"

Carrie: "Help me!"

Chris Hargensen (Nancy Allen) to Carrie: "Plug it up!"
- suddenly, there was the first instance of Carrie's
telekinetic power - one of the light bulbs in the ceiling burst.
Carrie was protected and comforted by the PE instructor Miss Collins
(Betty Buckley) from the taunting and ridiculing
- Chris and some of
the other girls were punished with a one week's detention, to perform
exercises on the athletic field with Miss Collins; Chris defiantly
forfeited her ticket to the prom when she told Miss Collins before
stomping off: "THIS ISN'T OVER,
THIS ISN'T OVER BY A LONG SHOT!" Chris (and some of her friends) spent the rest
of the film setting in motion the plot to get revenge - to again
humiliate Carrie at the HS prom, by dumping pig's blood on her
- Carrie's obsessed, religiously-fanatical and stern
mother Mrs. Margaret White (Piper Laurie) interpreted tormented
Carrie's onset of menstruation as a sign of her oncoming impurity
and had been subjecting her, throughout her entire life, to shame-inducing
words ("Help the sinning woman see the sin of her days and ways. Show her
that if she had remained sinless, the curse of blood would not
be on her"). She described how Carrie's period was ordained
by God: "God visited Eve with the
curse. And the curse was the curse of blood....And he visited
Eve with the second curse. And this was the curse of childbearing"
- Mrs. White further warned
Carrie about boys and prohibited her from going to her prom:
("Boys. Yes, boys come next. After the blood, the boys come. Like sniffing dogs...grinning
and slobbering, trying to find out where the smell comes from,
where the smell is. That smell!")
- in the much-celebrated, exhilarating prom finale
sequence, the camera circled counterclockwise around Carrie and
dream date Tommy (William Katt) as they moved in the opposite direction; after
Carrie was set up to be crowned the high-school's prom queen, she
was cruelly doused by pig's blood in a bucket from above. In her
mind, she heard tauntings: "They're
gonna laugh at you," and "Plug it up!", and in her
view (spinning around), she imagined the prom-goers laughing and
jeering at her.
Carrie at the School Prom: The Blood Dousing Before
Murderous Revenge
- feeling humiliated, she sought psycho-kinetic, murderous
revenge against the prom-goers (shown in split-screen); following her
cruel teasing, she enacted a fatal and bloody aftermath of retribution with her telekinetic
powers - an example of sublimated sexual rage; she massacred prom-attendees
(by incineration, crushing, and electrocution)
- seeking retribution, she caused the prom's exit
doors to slam shut, and the lights to pop. An emergency fire hose
snaked into mid-air and doused the party-goers, causing chaos,
confusion, and bodies careening around the dance floor. Some were
electrocuted (Mr. Fromm (Sydney Lassick)), crushed by falling rafters
(Miss Collins (Betty Buckley)), trampled, or burned to death in
the resulting fire
Carrie's Lethal Psychokinetic Powers
- outside the school gym as Carrie walked home, she
overturned a car attempting to hit her, driven by mean Billy Nolan
(John Travolta) and Chris Hargensen, and she caused
the flipped, rolled-over car to burst into flames
- upon returning home in her blood-soaked prom
dress, Carrie removed her blood-stained clothes, cleansed herself
in the bathtub, and then wished for comfort from her mother (who
appeared from behind the bathroom door). She asked to be hugged:
"It was bad, Momma. They laughed at me...Hold me,
Momma. Please hold me"
- instead, as they knelt together, the ultra-religious,
psychotic mother Mrs. White was self-critical
about when she had conceived Carrie in a moment of sinful weakness
and mistakenly carried her to term: " I
should have killed myself when he put it in me. After the first
time before we were married, Ralph promised never again. He promised
and I believed him. The sin never dies. Sin never dies. At first
it was alright. We lived sinlessly. We slept in the same bed but
we never did it. And then, that night, I saw him lookin' down at
me that way. We got down on our knees to pray for strength. I smelled
the whiskey on his breath, and he took me. He took me! With
the stink of roadhouse whiskey on his breath. And I liked it. I
liked it! With all that dirty touchin' of his hands upon me, all
over me. I should have given you to God when you were born, but
I was weak and backsliding. And now, the devil has come home. Oh.
We'll pray....We'll pray. We'll pray. We'll pray, for the last
time, we'll pray"
- suddenly, as she was reciting the Lord's Prayer, Mrs.
White reached for a gleaming butcher knife and stabbed Carrie in
the back as she was hugging her. The struggle traveled to the first
floor, where Carrie had tumbled. Cornered in the locked kitchen,
a fatal blow was about to be delivered by the raised knife; to
stop the assault, Carrie used her telekinetic powers to send a projectile
of another sharp knife to pin her mother's right hand against a wooden
kitchen door pillar. Other kitchen objects (a peeler, another knife,
and other cutlery and utensils) further pinned her mother's left hand
(on the other side of the entryway) and also wounded her in the chest.
One final knife spun into her mother's heart as the ultimate death blow
- as the camera slowly pulled back, the image
was of her suffering mother literally being crucified with her hands
pinned to the sides by flying cutlery and kitchenware. She gasped
in almost ecstatic religious pain and ecstasy, and then her head
flopped to the side, with a slight martyred smile
- Carrie pulled her mother off the kitchen door-frame,
causing the house to creak and crumble, and the two were in the prayer
closet as the house burned down around them. It literally sank and
was swallowed into the ground. The Jesus effigy image in the closet
had arrows in its chest, duplicating the position of the sharp objects
embedded in Mrs. White body. Both perished in the blaze
Shock-Scare Ending
- in the film's shock second ending
- actually a recurring nightmare - Carrie's classmate Sue Snell (Amy
Irving) (wearing all white with a bouquet of red flowers) went to put
the flowers on Carrie's makeshift grave - on the site where the house
had burned down. The FOR SALE sign had been converted into a cross,
but had been vandalized with the words: 'Carrie White Burns in Hell!'
Suddenly Carrie's bloody hand burst out of the ground at her from
beyond the grave and grabbed her arm to pull her down into hell with
her - the white-clad young girl screamed and suddenly woke up while
recuperating in her bed at home, still screaming hysterically and
being grabbed and held by her reassuring mother (Priscilla Pointer)
all right, I'm here") as she experienced more nightmares [Note:
The effective jump-scare moment was inspired by the concluding image
in Deliverance

Carrie's Shocking Menstruation in the High School Gym
PE Teacher Miss Collins (Betty Buckley) Comforting Carrie
Chris to Miss Collins: "This isn't over!"
Carrie with Crazed Mother Mrs. Margaret White (Piper Laurie)

At Prom, Rotating Camera Around Carrie with Dream Date
Upon Carrie's Return Home, She Was Stabbed in the Back
By Her Mother

Carrie's Crucified Punished Mother by Knives
Telekinetically Thrown at Her

Carrie In the Closet With a Jesus Effigy - Perishing in
Blaze and Collapsing House