The Big House (1930)
In George Hill's and MGM's early prison flick was one
of the most realistic of Hollywood's melodramatic prison pictures,
and became the model for many subsequent dramatic prison films; it
was noted for its imaginative staging (with mobile crane and dolly
shots, and an early zoom shot into a gun, and its long stationary
shot of the solitary confinement prison corridor (with only dialogue)).
The film's script by Frances Marion (the director's wife) received
the Academy Award for Best Writing Achievement, and a second Award
was given for Best Sound Recording. A French-language version of
the film, released in 1931, was made with Charles Boyer in Chester
Morris' role:
- the grim prison setting was
introduced when 24 year-old rich kid Kent Marlowe (Robert Montgomery)
was sent to the prison for a ten-year sentence on vehicular manslaughter
charges related to drunk driving

Warden (Lewis Stone)

Butch (Wallace Beery) Meeting Kent in Their

Cellmate John Morgan (Chester Morris)
- he was placed in a cell with
two notorious and veteran hardened prisoners - the first was brutish,
violent, dim-witted, condemned bald-headed (shaven) prison inmate "Machine
Gun" Butch Schmidt (Wallace Beery) - a murderous cell-block leader, who enjoyed
racing cockroaches, cruel pranks and boasting, and cheating. The
second cellmate was the more decent petty crook John Morgan (Chester
Morris), convicted of forgery and robbery who had reformed, decided
to go straight, and was expecting a quick parole
- Butch instigated a major mess hall food riot after
mumbling under his breath: "I'd like to ram it down their throat...I
can't eat that stuff!...I want some food. I don't want any more
of this swill" - and tossed his plate of mush onto the floor; the
other inmates joined in the protest by clanging and banging their
metal cups on the long tables; when the guards reacted, he stood
up: "I ain't afraid of guns, I ain't afraid of nobody!"; as Butch
was about to be apprehended and taken to solitary confinement,
he passed his contraband knife under the table, and it ended up
with Kent (who hid it in his coat)
- to avoid being caught with the knife,
Kent then placed it in Morgan's bunk bed, and when found, Morgan's
next-day parole was denied; he was placed in solitary confinement
- and in the film's praised lengthy static shot, only Morgan's
and Butch's voices were heard in the corridor
- soon after, the desperate Morgan was released from
solitary confinement by feigning sickness and then substituted
himself for a body in the mortician's morgue wagon to escape.
While on the outside, Morgan fell in love with Kent's pretty sister
Anne (Leila Hyams), before being recaptured and returned to the
- the film's highlight (the
last 15 minutes) included a Thanksgiving-time jailbreak by angry
prisoners - instigated by Butch - to escape from sadistic guards
and overcrowded, inhumane conditions. He plotted:
"Thanksgiving day. Noon. Most of the screws go to turkey dinner.
We'll give 'em a belly full." "Stoolie" Kent knew
of the attempt (but without details) and informed the Warden (Lewis
Stone) in return for a promise of freedom. When questioned, Morgan
refused to rat out the attempt, and declined to participate in the
violent and foolish plan
The Violent Jailbreak Sequence Led by Butch (Who
Died in the Riot's Climax)
- the revolt and riot spread throughout the prison,
and ended with a bloody massacre when the prisoners were unable
to force their way out - due to the officials being tipped off in
advance. As Army tanks approached, Butch threatened to cold-bloodedly
shoot the officers-guards, one-by-one with their machine-guns,
in order to force the opening of the prison's outer gates: ("Open
those gates and let us go through, or we'll send the rest of these
screws straight to Hell!")
- during the chaos of the riot, Kent tried to escape
(after he hysterically confessed in fear to Morgan that he had
squealed) and was hit and killed by crossfire. Butch was misinformed
and thought that Morgan had tipped off the Warden, especially
when Morgan made heroic efforts to help save the lives of some
of the prison's officers who had been taken as hostages
- the two both engaged in a deadly shootout -
Morgan was wounded, but Butch was lethally hit (and died just after
learning that it wasn't Morgan but Kent who had snitched): (Morgan:
"You know I wouldn't double-cross you, Butch!")
- in the film's artificially-happy
ending, Morgan was given a full and complete pardon by the Governor for his actions
(in the major jailbreak resulting in the deaths of more than 50 guards
and convicts) and personally redeemed
by being freed and reunited with Anne outside the prison's gates

Marching Prisoners' Feet Behind Opening Title Credits

New Prisoner Kent Marlowe (Robert Montgomery) Inducted
Into Prison

Cramped and Inhumane Prison Yard Conditions

Machine Gun Butch in Mess Hall Before Instigating a
Food Riot

The Static Shot of the Solitary Confinement Corridor (with only dialogue)

Escaped Morgan on the Outside with Kent's Sister Anne (Leila Hyams)

Governor's Pardon for Morgan

Last Image: Wounded Morgan Reunited with Anne Outside the Prison