The Big Boss (1971, HK) (aka Tang
shan da Xiong, or Fists of Fury)
In writer/director Wei Lo's HK "karate - kung
fu" martial-arts
masterpiece, it introduced Bruce Lee in his first breakout starring
role as a formidable opponent in choreographed fight sequences -
and contained many of Lee's trademarked actions seen in future films:
- young Chineseman Cheng Chao-an
(Bruce Lee), a city dweller who was sworn to non-violence to his
mother (signified by the jade amulet necklace around his neck),
moved from a northern province in China with his uncle to work
in a blue-collar job at an ice factory in a rural area in Thailand
with his extended family - mostly cousins, including his tough,
martial-arts practicing cousin Hsu
Chien (James Tien)
- upon meeting
his only female cousin Chiao Mei (Maria Yi), Cheng was powerfully
attracted to her and flirted with her
- the corrupt, heroin-drug-dealing
and chief smuggler mobster Hsiao Mi (Han Ying-Chieh), known as the
"Big Boss" - the head of the factory, was a skilled kung-fu master
who lived in a grand mansion with lots of vicious German Shepherds;
often, he would be surrounded by female masseuses
- the workers (many of whom were Cheng's co-working
relatives) were often bullied or bribed to keep silent by the Big
Boss' thugs and henchmen
- after Cheng's two cousins Chen
(Peter Yang) and Wong (Li Hua-sze) discovered
a package of white-powdered heroin that was being smuggled and hidden
in a broken block of ice, the two inexplicably and bafflingly disappeared;
it was learned that they were murdered when their bodies
were chopped up by an industrial buzz-saw and hidden in frozen blocks
of ice
The Mysterious Deaths of Cheng's Two Cousins

Heroin Hidden in Blocks of Ice

Retaliation for Witnessing Drug Trade: Buzz-Sawed
- when two of Cheng's other cousins, Hsu Chien and
Ah Pei (Billy Chan Wui-ngai), went to the Big Boss to inquire about
the whereabouts of their two cousins who had disappeared, they
also went missing
- as a result of the many disappearances of the factory
workers, they refused to work and revolted against the factory
management; up to this point, Cheng had kept a restrained attitude
in his retaliatory resistance efforts toward the Big Boss; during
the chaotic fighting against thugs hired by the factory managers,
Cheng's necklace was cut and broken - allowing him to break his vow
of non-violence
- he decided to engage in his first major brawl against
many of the Big Boss' henchmen at the factory; in an action sequence
filmed with precise choreography, Cheng used energetic, deadly-accurate,
lightning-fast high-kicks and swiveling movements to fight off
numerous attackers; he then challenged the remaining group: "You
wanna fight, I'll take you on!" - and when they resumed their
attack, he dispatched all of the men (seen with POV kicks to their
Cheng's Fight Against the Factory Henchmen of
the Big Boss
- to buy off Cheng's opposition, he was appointed
foreman of the ice factory, and he refrained from taking the side
of the resistant protestors; during a dinner party, Cheng drunkenly
dallied with sexy brothel prostitute Miss Sun Wuman (Marilyn Bautista);
she ultimately warned him about the illicit drug-trafficking operation
and cautioned Cheng to be careful because his life "might
be in danger"; she showed him her naked right breast scarred by cigarette burns
when she was the Big Boss' girlfriend
Cheng Enticed by Brothel Prostitute Miss Sun Wuman
at Dinner Party and Afterwards - Showing Him Cigarette Torture Burns
On Her Upper Right Chest
- soon after her warnings, the brothel prostitute Sun
Wuman was murdered by the Big Boss' murderous son Hsiao Chiun (Tony
Liu/Lau Wing), who threw a knife into her heart (sometimes edited
out of some reels)
- to investigate on his own, Cheng discovered drugs
in the factory, and body parts of his relatives hidden in blocks
of ice; Cheng visited the Boss' mansion where
he unrealistically jumped high over attacking German shepherds
- Cheng vengefully fought one-on-one against
the Big Boss' son and some of his followers when surrounded - and powerfully
punched one of the gang members through a wall, leaving a perfect
impact silhouette or outline of his body etched in the wall; then,
he pummeled Hsiao to death in the abdomen
- upon his return home, Cheng learned that all of his
remaining family members had been murdered (and Chiao Mei had been kidnapped);
he mused (in voice-over) about all of his murdered relatives
(imagined in a row) and the promises made to his
mother Chow Mei (Maria Yi) as he contemplated his next move: "I
promised my mother I'd keep out of trouble. I tried to do it, too. But
now, I'm really in a hell on this. What can I do? If I had any sense,
I'd get out of here. If anything happened to me, who'd take care
of Mei? She needs somebody now. She's over 70. But I can't just walk
away from this. I just can't do that. I can't!"
Cheng's Final Showdown Against the Big Boss
- in the film's ultimate bloody
and intense showdown sequence, Cheng entered onto the manicured
green lawn grounds of the Boss' mansion; he calmly munched on
a prawn cracker as six of the Boss' goons approached with knives
to outnumber him
- meanwhile, hostage Chiao Mei escaped from her holding
cell and sought to alert the Thai police; Cheng single-handedly
and quickly vanquished the menacing group: ("Beat
it, or I'll kill you, right now!"), and
then the bare-chested, muscular Cheng faced off against the big Boss
himself who was wielding two long knives
- there were two versions of the Big Boss' death:
(1) in the R-rated version, he was simply stabbed in the chest
with a knife that was thrown by the Big Boss but then deflected by
Cheng's rapid kick back into him; (2) in the longer unrated version,
Cheng was able to further ensure the Big Boss' demise with an infamous "death
by finger impalement" technique into his rib-cage
- then, Cheng repeatedly punched the Boss' face before collapsing exhaustedly
onto the Boss' dead body as the camera zoomed out; he surrendered
to police when arrested for his murderous revenge, while the rescued
Chiao Mei embracing him

Ice Factory Worker Cheng Chao-an (Bruce Lee)

Romance With Cousin Chiao Mei (Maria Yi)
Factory Owner "Big Boss" Hsiao Mi (Han

The Big Boss - With a Masseuse
Cheng Restrained and Let Loose After His Necklace Was

Brothel Prostitute Murdered by the Big Boss'
Son With a Knife-Into-the-Heart
Cartoonish Wall Outline - Punching Gang Member Through
Cheng's Musings About All His Murdered Relatives,
Lined Up in a Row, by the Big Boss Syndicate
Cheng Surrendering to Police, and Being Embraced
by Girlfriend Chiao Mei