There (1979)
In Hal Ashby's satire adapted from Jerry Kosinski's
screenplay about a fool-turned-prophet
transformation - it was an insightful tale that satirized politics,
celebrity, media-obsession and television, and extolled the wisdom
of innocence:
- its story was told through an enigmatic character
-- illiterate, TV-watching gardener Chance the Gardener or Chauncey
Gardiner (Peter Sellers in a chameleon-like role in his second-to-last
film) [Note: this role was the forerunner to the mentally-challenged
Tom Hanks character in Forrest Gump (1994)]
- Chance was a reclusive,
emotionless, passive, and simple-minded gardener who was well-groomed,
fed on schedule, and dressed in custom-tailored suits. He had lived
his whole sheltered life within the walled, Washington, DC estate
of an eccentric millionaire named Jennings. His only knowledge
of the "real" outside world,
an encroaching inner-city ghetto area, was through watching television
- after his employer died, Chance
wandered out into the street in a daze with his TV's remote-control
to aid him. When his leg was injured in an accidental mishap, and
his name was thought to be "Chauncey
Gardiner," he
was befriended by Eve Rand (Shirley MacLaine), the wife of dying
billionaire financier-industrialist Benjamin Rand (Melvin Douglas)
- in a short scene, his black
maid-cook Louise (Ruth Attaway) cynically and contemptuously commented
on retarded Chance/Chauncey Gardiner's rise to power, while watching
him on television and seeing the country's adoration for him: "It's
for sure a white man's world in America....Look here: I raised that
boy since he was the size of a piss-ant. And I'll say right now,
he never learned to read and write. No, sir. Had no brains at all.
Was stuffed with rice pudding between the ears. Shortchanged by the
Lord, and dumb as a jack-ass. Look at him now! Yessir, all you've
gotta be is white in America, to get whatever you want. Gobbledy-gook!"
- Dennis Watson (Mitch Kreindel) hit
on Chauncey at a formal party after Chauncey's naive reply: "Is
there a TV upstairs? I like to watch" and Dennis gave a delighted
response: "You like to, uh, watch?... You wait right here. I'll
go get Warren!"
- simpleton, quiet, and unassuming Chauncey even caught
the attention of none-other than President Bobby (Jack Warden), when
he lectured about how the garden grew and was thought to be offering
profound wisdom: ("As long as the roots are not severed, all
is well, and all will be well in the garden....In a garden, growth
has its season. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall
and winter. And then we get spring and summer again....There will
be growth in the spring")
- his new-found popularity led to talk-show appearances,
insider parties, book publisher advances, and the potential to become
a presidential candidate
- during a protracted "seduction scene," Eve
Rand, love-starved and seductive, desperately tried to arouse an
unresponsive Chauncey - he only responded, with a shocking but understandable
line, that he "like(s) to watch" - and "it's
very good, Eve";
she mistakenly viewed his statement as an invitation to sexually
arouse and stimulate herself; she complied with his request by reclining
on the floor, and laid on top of a full-sized bear-skin rug while
grabbing the bedpost; meanwhile, he was watching an exercise program
on TV from the end of the nearby bed and mimicking the exercises
(he even performed a hand-stand) - oblivious to her sexual pleasure
as she masturbated herself nearby
Seduction Scene with Love Starved, Self-Pleasuring
Eve Rand
- the film's ending took place during the memorial
funeral of sickly businessman-financier Benjamin Turnbull Rand,
while one of the pallbearers discussed the protagonist's bid for
the Presidency: "I do believe, gentlemen, if we want to hold
on to the Presidency, our one and only chance is Chauncey Gardiner"
- in the mystical, incongruous conclusion (accompanied
by off/on-screen voices), the totally innocent idiot Chance-Chauncey
Gardiner, who had wandered away from the ceremony into a wooded area
closeby, blithely stepped onto a pond and literally walked on the
water as his Presidential candidacy was discussed
off-screen; he tested the depth of the water with the length of his
umbrella - and then continued walking away from the camera
- the
final words of the film were delivered by the President at the funeral,
and were heard from a distance: "Life
is a state of mind"
TV-Watching Chauncey
Black Maid Louise's Cynical Commentary on Chauncey
Dennis: "You like to, uh, watch?"
Garden Talk with the President
Funeral of Benjamin Rand

"Walking on Water"