Crackers (1930)
In this early (second) Marx Brothers film - a somewhat
stagey, zany, rapid-fire, anarchic hit (with a collection of slapstick
and verbal gags) based upon their Broadway hit play (by Morrie Ryskind
and George S. Kaufman). It was the last of their films to be taken
from one of their stage successes and the last to be filmed on the
East Coast on Astoria sound stages before they transferred to Hollywood:
- the comic madness of the Marx Brothers in this early
talkies-era film was typical of all their films - an intrusive
and silly plot - an excuse for numerous verbal ad-libs and elliptical
dislocations, criticism of sophisticated and affected high-society
life, expository dialogues and battles (notably between Groucho
and Chico), and downright funny sequences
- the central event was a party scheduled
at the sprawling Long Island estate mansion of wealthy dowager
Mrs. Rittenhouse (Margaret Dumont) - for the unveiling of famous
and pompous art collector Roscoe W. Chandler's (Louis Sorin) oil
painting known as "After
the Hunt," created by (fictional) artist Beaugard
- the lavish event was also to honor the return of African
big-game hunter-explorer Captain Jeffrey T. Spaulding (Groucho
Marx, portraying his most celebrated character) (with "Hooray
for Captain Spaulding" - Groucho's familiar theme song), who arrived for the proceedings
on a stretcher borne by four bare-chested natives
- after his grand
entrance welcome with his field secretary Horatio W. Jamison (Zeppo
Marx), Spaulding almost immediately was ready to leave: "I
came to say, I must be going" and sang the song: "I Must Be
Going"; Spaulding danced and was convinced to stay as the guests
sang: "Hooray for Captain Spaulding" - Groucho's familiar theme song
- Mrs. Rittenhouse's daughter Arabella (Lillian Roth)
was in love with a penniless, struggling, would-be young artist
- her fiancee named Johnny Parker (Hal Thompson), to her mother's
discontent due to his low social class
- the guests also included two
partners: a musician hired to play trombone, Signor Emanuel Ravelli
(Chico Marx), and an individual known as "The Professor" (Harpo
Marx) who spent much of his time pursuing a blonde

Spaulding with Emanuel Ravelli (Chico Marx)

Spaulding with The Professor (Harpo Marx)
- Spaulding and Ravelli engaged in a verbal non-sensical
duel of wits about his scale of fees for playing at the event
- during the proceedings, the valuable painting disappeared
(and in the madcap film, there were multiple schemes
to replace it with phonies or fakes) and the guests were called
upon to find it; toward the film's conclusion, all the copies
of the painting, original and fakes, were missing or stolen. (The
Professor had taken all three of the paintings)
- a classic scene was Spaulding's
flirtations and simultaneous proposals of marriage with "interior
monologues" (three soliloquys) directed toward the audience (in a parody of Eugene
O'Neill's Strange Interlude) - to both Mrs. Rittenhouse and her neighbor
Mrs. Whitehead (Margaret Irving)
- other memorable scenes included Spaulding's
and Chandler's repeated introductions of themselves (a mockery
of introductions in general), and Spaulding's discourse on how
the "8-cent nickel" could solve the country's economic problems
- after an hilarious leg-holding scene (a masterful
pantomiming performance) was an unbelievable
boxing/wrestling match between the Professor and Mrs. Rittenhouse;
then card-sharks Ravelli and the Professor challenged Mrs. Rittenhouse
and Mrs. Whitehead to a lunatic bridge game
- Spaulding delivered a detailed and absurdist monologue
about his African exploits to the party-goers (with classic lines
such as: "One morning, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How
he got in my pajamas, I don't know," and "We took some
pictures of the native girls, but they weren't developed. But we're
going back again in a couple of weeks")
- in another funny sequence (a marvelous lampooning
of legal terminology, filled with business correspondence jargon),
Spaulding dictated a business letter to his secretary Jamison that
was addressed to his lawyers Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga,
Hungadunga and McCormack
- with news of the stolen painting, in another confrontational,
non-sensical duel, Ravelli and Spaulding discussed the stolen Beaugard
and how to locate the thief; they would search everyone in the house
for the painting - if it wasn't there, they would then search the
house next door, and if there wasn't a house next door, they'd
build one
- in the film's ending during a classic surreal bit,
when Inspector Hennessey (Edward Metcalf) shook the Professor's hand,
silverware began dropping from his coat on to the floor; soon the
floor was littered with hundreds of pieces of silverware; to escape
arrest, the Professor sprayed everyone with knock-out ether and
then knocked himself out next to the pretty blonde he had been
chasing throughout the entire film
"I Must Be Going"

Spaulding Dancing As Guests Sang "Hooray for Captain Spaulding"
Leg-Holding Scene With Mrs. Rittenhouse

Lunatic Bridge Game

Captain Spaulding's African Exploits Monologue

Letter Dictation to Secretary Jamison