Alphaville (1965, Fr./It.) (aka
Alphaville, Une Etrange Aventure De Lemmy Caution)
In French New Wave director Jean Luc-Godard's post-apocalyptic,
science-fiction film (with gangster and expressionistic film noir
characteristics) - a recreation of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth,
and also George Orwell's novel 1984, with themes of dehumanization,
political and totalitarian repression and artificial intelligence,
and a precursor to Logan's Run (1976) and Blade
Runner (1982):
- the plot: American, chisel-faced trench-coated
gumshoe detective and secret agent Lemmy Caution (Eddie Constantine)
traveled inter-galactically from the Outlands (in his white Ford
Galaxie - actually a Ford Mustang) to the automated city of Alphaville
- the capital of a dystopic, totalitarian state on the futuristic
inter-galactic planet; Caution posed as journalist Ivan Johnson
from the Figaro-Pravda newspaper
- the sign on the suburban outskirts of Alphaville as
Caution drove in: "Silence. Logic. Security. Prudence"
- Alphaville was led by an almost-human supercomputer
called Alpha-60 (with a synthetic droning voice provided by director
Godard with a dry, slow, gutteral or raspy sound); it was described
as such by fellow Agent X21 Henry Dickson (Akim Tamirof) under a
bare light bulb: "A giant computer, like they used to have in
big business...Alpha-60 is one hundred and fifty light years more
powerful"; the computer had a devastating effect on the dehumanized,
tattoo-identified inhabitants - they were completely complacent and
apathetic, due to mind-altering drugs and the outlawing of emotions,
love, crying, and conscience; "Their ideal here, in Alphaville
is a technocracy, like that of termites and ants...Probably one hundred
and fifty light years ago... two hundred. There were artists in the
ant society. Artists, novelists, musicians, painters. Today, no more"
- Lemmy Caution's mission: to bring back and/or assassinate
evil scientist Professor Von Braun (Howard Vernon) (aka Leonard Nosferatu)
who was responsible for creating the fascist Alpha-60 computer that
ruled the state-run technocracy
- the often-flashing image of two equations: E = mc² and E
= hf - symbols of the absolute science that served as the foundation
of Alphaville, and the ever-recurring circular imagery (i.e., the
staircase, Caution's hotel suite, the city of Paris itself, and
Alpha-60's own quote: "Time is like a circle which turns endlessly")
- the absurdist execution sequence - a capital punishment
ceremony (designed as a sporting event) to eliminate condemned individuals
because "they behaved illogically"; for the crime of expressing
grief ("He wept when his wife died"), a male prisoner was
executed when shot on a diving board above a large pool; afterwards,
four predatory female models with knives jumped in or swam toward
the body to stab it, while some performed synchronized-swimming acrobatics
The Interrogation Sequence
- the interview sequence, when newcomer Lemmy was
interrogated by Alpha-60, with rotating microphones around his
head (and views of a blinking light and a rotating fan behind a
metal grating); during the harsh questioning when the computer
heard Lemmy respond: "In my opinion, in love there is no mystery," it
accused him of lying: "You are not telling the truth...You
are hiding certain things, but I do not know yet what they are"
- the lethal female seductress (prostitute) characters,
one of whom (Valérie Boisgel) introduced herself as: "I'm
a seductress, third class"; when he looked behind her hair on
her neck, he discovered a tattoo marking
- the confrontation between Lemmy and the Alpha-60 computer,
when he asked it to find the answer to his riddle: "Something
which never changes, day or night. The past represents its future,
it advances in a straight line, yet it ends by coming full circle"
- the computer answered: "Several of my circuits... ...are looking
for the solution to your riddle. I will find it"; Caution then
"If you find it, you will destroy yourself simultaneously, because
you will become my kin, my brother"; he was able to destroy the
computer with his poetic question
- the use of reverse negatives in the climax of the
film (symbolizing the life-changing transformation or reversal from
the oppressive conditions of Alphaville)
- the sequence of the escape of Caution and lover Natacha
Von Braun (Anna Karina) from Alphaville; in the ending sequence,
Lemmy and Natacha drove away to escape to freedom from Alphaville:
(Lemmy's voice-over) "Not all the inhabitants died, but all
were stricken. Those not asphyxiated by the absence of light circled
crazily, like ants. It was 23:15, Oceanic Time when Natacha and I
left Alphaville by the peripheral roads. A night drive across inter-sidereal
space, and we'd be home"; he cautioned her to not look or go
back (similar to the Biblical story of Lot and his wife); and he
suggested that the inhabitants of Alphaville might recover and eventually "be
Escape From Alphaville - The Film's Ending Words:
"I love you"
- Natacha's pleadings: "You're looking at me
with an odd face...You're waiting for me to say something...I don't
know what to say. They're words I don't know. I wasn't taught them.
Help me"; he responded that she must find the words on her
own: "Impossible, Princess. You must get there yourself. Then
you'll be saved. If you don't, you're as lost as the dead of Alphaville"
- the film closed with Natacha's halting, unfamiliar
three saving words expressed to Lemmy: "I... you... love. I
love you" - and a smile came over her face
Alphaville Sign
Lemmy Caution as Journalist Ivan Johnson
Description of Technocracy
Two Equations

Circular Imagery
Execution Sequence at Swimming Pool
Metal Grating
Blinking Light
Seductress - Marked with Tattoo On Back of Neck
Use of Reverse Negatives