All The
King's Men (1949)
In director/writer Robert Rossen's Best Picture-winning
political drama - it was a melodramatic story presenting the corruption
of power by an ambitious demagogue; it was adapted and based on
the Pulitzer Prize-winning and best-selling 1946 novel of the same
name by Robert Penn Warren, and filmed from a script by producer/screenwriter/director
Robert Rossen. Of the film's seven Academy Awards nominations, it
won three major honors: Crawford won the Best Actor statuette, Rossen
(as producer) won the Best Picture Oscar, and Best Supporting Actress
went to Mercedes McCambridge (in her screen debut).
One of the film's posters proclaimed:
"He thought
he had the world by the tail...till it exploded in his face...with
a bullet attached..."
This great political film was a breakthrough for Broderick Crawford from
his B picture status - his performance was very compelling and impressive
as he was transformed from a backwoods, honest and naive lawyer into
a dirty, unscrupulous and sleazy politician. The noirish drama fictionalized
the account of the rise and fall of a backwoods rebel, although it was inspired
by the rule (and abuse of power) of Louisiana's colorful state governor
(1928-32) and Democratic U.S. Senator (1932-35), notorious Huey Pierce
Long - "The Kingfish.
- under the film's title credits, crowds of fanatical
political supporters from the countryside congregated in the capital
city to support their candidate, displaying placards and banners
the underlying scene was excerpted from the final sequence
in the film
- in the opening scene set in a newspaper office,
one of the main characters was introduced: young Chronicle newspaperman,
Jack Burden (John Ireland), who was sent by his news editor Madison
(Houseley Stevenson) to small Kanoma City (in Kanoma County) in
an unnamed state - "a
typical hot, dusty, backwoods county seat," to investigate
an up-and-coming politician named Willie Stark (Broderick Crawford),
who was running for County Treasurer
- Burden found the poor, honest, and idealistic
Stark, who claimed he was for reform, justice, the underprivileged,
and the underdog as he railed against the local County Commissioners;
Burden watched as Stark's brief speech about political machine
corruption was interrupted, and he was charged with unlawful assembly,
but then quickly released by fat city boss Mr. Tiny Duffy (Ralph
Dumke) in a hot pool room
- Burden drove out with Stark to his rural farmhouse,
where he met Willie's long-suffering schoolteacher-wife (of nine
years) Lucy (Anne Seymour) (who functioned more like Willie's mother),
his elderly father (H. C. Miller), and their sullen fifteen year-old,
orphaned and adopted step-son Tom (John Derek); Stark continued
to vow he would never stop campaigning: "I'm
gonna run. They're not gonna kick me around like I was dirt";
when their step-son Tom returned late, he explained that he had
been beaten up passing out his step-father's handbills; when a
rock crashed through their front window, Stark was motivated
even more to run: "I'm gonna run even if I don't get a single

(l to r): Stark's father (H.C. Miller) and Wife Lucy (Anne Seymour)

(l to r): Burden, Stark, and Lucy

The Starks With Step-Son Tom (John Derek)
- Burden typed his sympathetic news article (titled:
"WILLIE STARK - AN HONEST MAN") about his impressions of Stark:
the last line read: "an honest man with courage"; Burden was rewarded
with a well-deserved two or three-week vacation in
his childhood home community of Burden's Landing (named for his ancestors),
about 130 miles from Kanoma City, and separated from the mainland
by a body of water (requiring ferry service); it was obvious he
had grown up with a life of privilege; he was greeted by his Southern
society mother (Katherine Warren), and cold stepfather Floyd McEvoy
(Grandon Rhodes)

Jack Burden's Mother Mrs. Burden (Katherine Warren)

Jack's Stepfather Floyd McEvoy (Grandon Rhodes)

(l to r): Judge Stanton (Raymond Greenleaf) (Anne's
Uncle) and Dr. Adam Stanton (Shepperd Strudwick) (Anne's Brother)

Jack's Stepfather Delivering a Hateful Insult Toward
His Despised Stepson
- others in Jack's old neighborhood included
Judge Montgomery (Monty) Stanton (Raymond Greenleaf), Burden's girlfriend
- Stanton's poised and elegant socialite niece Anne Stanton (Joanne
Dru) [mis-spelled as Ann in a newspaper article], and Stanton's
nephew (brother to Ann) - noted physician Dr. Adam Stanton (Shepperd
Strudwick) who was also a close childhood friend of Jack's
- during a formal dinner with the Stantons and Burdens,
discussion flared over the direction of Jack's troubled career
choice; he had spent one year in law school and now was a newspaper
reporter; as Jack and Anne stood under an imposing portrait of
her father (the late former, well-respected Governor) in the darkness,
Jack was unclear regarding marriage to Anne because of his own
indecisiveness, his ambivalence about his family and income, and
his aim to prove himself; he admitted he wasn't sure of anything,
including himself; he asked her to wait for him "Anne, wait
for me. Please wait for me") until he found
himself or became somebody, and she agreed
- after Jack cut his vacation short and returned
to his job, he learned that Willie Stark had lost the County
Treasurer election up against the state's "dishonest" political
machine; Burden muttered: "I guess that's the end of Willie
- after the loss, Willie studied law at home under
the patient tutelage of his educated wife Lucy to become an idealistic
hick lawyer; in a montage - Willie proudly hung up his framed Bachelor
of Law diploma from Kenport Law School, accepted indigent cases
in his new law practice, and worked long hours behind his storefront
window (decorated with bold letters WILLIE STARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW)
- Willie's luck turned when his prophetic campaign
warnings concerning graft were proven right in Kanoma County; the
poorly-constructed Kanoma City Grammar School building's fire escape
broke loose from a brick wall support during a routine fire drill,
collapsed, and killed several children. After the funeral service,
Willie was remembered as "an honest man" by
some of the town's victimized citizens - "If we'd only listened
to you, Willie"; he was regarded as "A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS";
Stark gained statewide attention when he successfully prosecuted
the unscrupulous grafters and won the lawsuit
- Burden was again assigned by his news editor boss
Madison to "stay with him" and follow Stark's progress
as a spoiler candidate to take "the hick vote"
away from the political machine; Stark entered the 3-way race for state
Governor, encouraged by state bosses (Three
candidates were placed on the ballot: the machine candidate Joe Harrison
(Earle S. Dewey), McMurphy, and Willie Stark)
- Stark's staff included Burden and Sadie
Burke (Mercedes McCambridge) - a cool, conniving and calculating
political aide (functioning as a covert mole from the rival candidate Harrison) who traveled with
Willie on the campaign trail
- over time, Burden feared that
the gullible Willie was being framed by the political machine for
their own purposes - and his fears were confirmed by Sadie; instead
of Willie's wooden and leaden style and his reliance on facts and
statistics, Burden advised Willie to stir up the indifferent voters,
with different speech content: ("Make
'em cry, make 'em laugh, make 'em mad, even mad at you. Stir them
up and they'll love it and come back for more, but, for heaven's
sakes, don't try to improve their minds")
- Sadie and Burden (and even Willie) sensed he was
going to lose the race, when Sadie callously
described how he had been framed: "You've been framed, you poor
sap...Oh you decoy, you wooden-head decoy, and you let 'em. You
know what you are? Well, you're the goat. You are the sacrificial
goat. You are a sap because you let 'em..."; after realizing he
was used, Willie promptly proceeded to get drunk from a bottle
of bourbon and then passed out
Stark's Race to Become Governor

Sadie Burke (Mercedes McCambridge) - Political Aide

Sadie's Stunning Revelation to Stark: "You've been framed, you poor

Harsh Words For Stark From Sadie: ("You are the
sacrificial goat")
- the next day at the Upton Fairgrounds for a campaign
barbecue and speech during his race for governor, the semi-drunk Stark staggered onto the
stage, and shortly later threw away his prepared speech; he gave
a no-notes rousing presentation - the most memorable and impassioned
performance in the film; Stark's bull-headed oratorical talent,
loosened by the booze, effectively and truly spoke to the people,
composed mostly of farmers, workers, hicks, and red-necks: ("...Now
listen to me, ya hicks. Yeah, you're hicks too, and they fooled you
a thousand times just like they fooled me. But this time, I'm gonna
fool somebody. I'm gonna stay in this race. I'm on my own and I'm
out for blood. Now listen to me, you hicks! Listen to me, and lift
up your eyes and look at God's blessed and unfly-blown truth. And
this is the truth! You're a hick, and nobody ever helped a hick but
a hick himself! Alright, listen to me! Listen to me! I'm the hick
they were gonna use to split the hick vote. Well, I'm standin' right
here now on my hind legs. Even a dog can learn to do that. Are you
standin' on your hind legs? Have you learned to do that much yet?
Here it is! Here it is, ya hicks! Nail up anybody who stands in your
way! Nail up Joe Harrison! Nail up McMurphy! And if they don't deliver,
give me the hammer and I'll do it myself!"); the speech ended
with a montage of a closeup of his ranting face delivering powerful
and thundering words, superimposed over flames, at many future rallies
Stark's Fairgrounds Speech: "Now,
listen to me, you hicks..."
- Stark's campaign caught fire and spread his fame
and support throughout the state; fearful
of his growing power,
city bosses ordered strong-armed retaliation and bribery against the
leader of the "hicks" - Stark's signs and posters were torn down.
When Burden's editor Madison felt the pressure: ("I work here.
I take orders") and that Stark was "getting too big for his
britches," he demanded that the Chronicle now support Stark's
opponent Harrison, the politico's man: ("The hicks are getting
too smart. We're now supporting Harrison"). The principled reporter
- Burden - promptly quit his job
- although Stark lost the
election to Harrison in a close race, Stark swept rural areas with
strong grassroots support; he was confident that he would win the
gubernatorial race the next time around: ("You see, Jack, I learned
something...How to win!")
- four years later, Willie conducted
a second campaign for Governor; meanwhile, Jack "drifted from
job to job" and grew "further
and further away from Anne and the life at Burden's Landing";
by contrast, Burden realized that "Willie wasn't drifting. He knew
where he was going"; a newspaper cartoon portrayed Willie using a sledgehammer
to swing at the corrupt "machine"; according to Burden, "He had lost
the election, but he had won the state - and he knew it, and the people
knew it. They were all hopping on his bandwagon, even Tiny Duffy. Yup, Willie came back like he said
he would..."
- Burden slowly suspected that Willie was
'winning' the race because there were rumors that Willie was making
shady 'big money' deals with "the machine"; the ex-reporter
was disillusioned and troubled as he observed Stark's corruptible
rise to power ("It looks like everybody works for you");
however, he also joined Stark's entourage and team as his chief
aide, hatchet man and speech writer; Stark further surrounded himself
with his previous opponents, including Tiny Duffy, and hired shrewd
Sadie Burke as his secretary and campaign manager; Stark explained: "People
give me things...Because they believe in me"
Stark Seeking The Support of the Stantons at Burden's

(l to r): Judge Stanton, Jack's Stepfather Floyd
McEvoy, and Jack's Mother

(l to r): Stark, Burden, Anne, Dr. Adam Stanton

(l to r): Stark, Jack Burden
- during a fund-raising event at Burden's Landing
to seek support from Judge Stanton and other
guests, a reception was held in the Stanton estate; when asked a
question by the skeptical and liberal-minded Dr. Stanton about
his alleged "strange deals," Willie admitted he had taken money
from many sources (including the machine), but stated there were
"no strings attached"; he also stated his belief that any worthwhile
social program required some degree of corruption, deal-making
and dirty power politics; he then boldly stated that the end justified
the means; Stark ended with a demanding plea for their support:
("And with your support, I not only will win but I will do all
of the things that I promised"); in exchange for the Judge's support,
Stark craftily promised that the Judge would be made his Attorney General
- Stark was elected governor - a "smashing victory
throughout state"; in his victory speech, he vowed to keep his populist
campaign promises - to build schools, highways, and hospitals ("It is
the right of the people that they will not be deprived of hope");
after listening to the speech with Anne
and Jack, Dr. Stanton remarked that Stark's many utopian promises
to the people were simply bribes ("That's his bribe")
- Jack responded to the word bribe in the next
voice-over with another long montage that illustrated a series
of Stark's corrupt scandals, including instances of graft and aggressive,
strong-arm bullying: ("I demand that this bill be passed.
Nobody's going to tell me how to run this state"); through
Burden, Willie kept accounts and records of dirty, shady deals
and indiscretions in a "little black book" ("a record
of sin and corruption");
however, Willie also improved the schools and roads, built power
dams and retained the love of the people through massive construction
projects, and he also snubbed tradition (he held a square
dance in the Governor's mansion); Jack summed up his thoughts: "The
crowds loved it, and Willie loved it, and so did I"

Stark Ramrodding Expensive Bills Through the State Legislature

Burden With Stark's "Little Black Book"

Playboyish Governor Stark
- but during the entire time, Willie Stark was playing
around (and was often in compromising poses in photos) and unfaithful
to his non-present wife Lucy. He was also carrying on an adulterous
affair with his strategist-mistress Sadie (off-screen due to the
Production Code), and appeared to have taken his friend Jack's
fiancee, an infatuated and adoring Anne, as his other very secret
mistress (Stark claimed they were working on a "charity project" together)
- when one of Stark's cronies, state auditor Dolph
Pillsbury (Will Wright), was caught with his hand in the pork-barrel,
Stark fired Pillsbury with a fake excuse (of ill health), and then
maneuvered to escape charges of corruption and threats of impeachment
Scandals in the Stark Governorship

Compromising Photos of Stark, Plus Rumors of Philandering
A Sneaky and Immoral Behind the Scenes Affair with Anne Stanton

State Auditor Dolph Pillsbury (Will Wright) Caught In Graft
- Stark also refused to let his AG, Judge Stanton,
prosecute the case - and the Judge promptly resigned; Stark had
the last word with an accusatory statement: "You
don't want to get your hands dirty"; the Judge replied: "I'm
through with politics"; the headlines
in the newspaper were damning: "ATTORNEY
GENERAL RESIGNS! Stanton Accuses Stark of Quashing Pillsbury Graft
- Resignation Statement Charges Stark Administration Corrupt"
- with increased pressure,
Stark's new plan was to threaten to blackmail the Judge behind the
impeachment proceedings, Judge Stanton, by digging up skeletons
in his past - due to his belief that everyone had something to hide:
("There's something on everybody. Man is conceived in sin and
born in corruption"), but Jack disagreed: "There's
nothing on the Judge...It's a waste of time"
- when Jack returned home to Burden's Landing, he
heard that Dr. Adam Stanton had decided to turn down Stark's offer
to head the new medical center, partly because of his uncle's resignation
and his belief that "Stark is evil...Stark
is not for me"; as time passed, Jack became ambivalent
about Stark's methods, although Anne (Stark's lover) remained a
faithful and solid backer of the corrupt politician
- after research in the County Recorder's
office, Jack unexpectedly discovered dirt in Judge Stanton's past
in the "MORTGAGES DEFAULTED" file drawer - the Judge
had been involved in an unsavory blackmail scandal many years earlier;
while hiding away for four days to ponder his next move, Jack was
visited by Sadie who jealously and defiantly stood before a mirror
and compared herself to Anne's picture that she held in her hand;
she also told Jack about Willie's disastrous intentions: "He
ditched Lucy, he ditched me, and he'll ditch you...He'll ditch
everybody in the whole world because that's what Willie wants";
Jack tried to disavow Sadie's observations that Stark was grooming
the very pretty Anne to eventually become the Governor's wife;
he had already become disillusioned by Stark's demagoguery and
his sly turn toward greed and arrogance
- in a tragic sub-plot, the governor's son Tom (who
had turned to drinking due to issues with his father) was reprimanded
by his football coach (Phil Tully) for not abiding by training rules;
then, Tom had a severe DUI car wreck, injuring himself and lethally
wounding his girlfriend Helene Hale (Helene Stanley); the irate
girl's father Mr. Richard Hale (Richard Hale) claimed that the
police had falsified the records; the truth about a cover-up was
confirmed in the Governor's mansion, where Tom admitted to Mr.
Hale, his father and others that he was driving drunk; Mr. Hale
refused to accept Stark's bribe to keep quiet, and mentioned how
Stark had become thoroughly corrupted after attaining office; when
left to himself, Stark drunkenly bumped into his piano, crashed
a bouquet of flowers, and collapsed on his winding staircase; Burden
helped him, but was also disgusted:
"I'd like Anne to see you now. I'd like Anne to see you now,
you drunken sot!"

Tom Not Abiding by Coach's Football Training Rules

Tommy Driving Wildly Just Before A Deadly DUI Car Crash

"Governor's Son Hurt - Girl Near Death in Crash"

Tom Admits to a Coverup and Confesses He Was Drunk
to Mr. Hale and His Father

Bad Press for Stark - Tom's Girlfriend Dies

Tommy Felled on the Football Field
- the news headlines reported the girl's death from
the crash, and the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Hale after he
refused to be bribed by Stark: "GIRL CRASH VICTIM DIES.
Father Mysteriously Disappears After Baring Bribe Offer by Governor
Stark. Investigation Demanded; Public Feeling Runs High!";
Stark was questioned by reporters, but disavowed Hale's claims,
and accused Hale of a frame-up
- then, Stark attended his son Tom's State University
football game, and to prove that Tom was still fit to play football
after Stark was heckled and booed by the fans, he pressured his
unhealed boy (with a concussion) in the locker room to enter the
game's lineup; after Tom was tackled hard during a running play,
he was unconscious and required hospitalization; Stark blamed himself
for Tom's injury. He ordered a specialist, Dr. Brenham, to perform
a life-sustaining operation, but the doctor wouldn't arrive until
the following morning. In any case, he was told that Tom would
probably be paralyzed for life; Stark offered Stanton a bribe: "Look,
doc, anything you want in the world, you just ask for it and you
got it," but
Stanton reminded Stark: "There are some things, Governor Stark,
that even you can't buy"; Stark's wife Lucy urged Dr. Stanton
to operate immediately; Stark then asked
Jack if Dr. Stanton knew of his affair with Anne. Jack answered: "He
doesn't know a thing... not a thing."
- after Anne learned about Tom's prognosis from Jack,
she confessed her intimate affair with Willie to him, and that
she would probably marry Stark someday. Likewise, he told Anne
about his damning findings of past wrong-doings on her uncle, Judge
Stanton; during construction of a new 15-story hospital and laboratory,
Dr. Adam Stanton had already been persuaded to head up the new
hospital, probably due to coaxing from his sister Anne to accept
the position; Burden callously and cynically commented on Willie's
pervasive demagoguery: (voice-over) "Now he had us all, me,
Anne, and Adam. Now we all worked for him"
- Stark initated his re-election campaign for Governor;
a newsreel presented his accomplishments, including the building
of various monuments and public works (a toll-free bridge, Stark
College to provide an education to "every man, woman, and
child - rich or poor," Stark Museum, and the Willie Stark
Library) - all dedicated to the people; however, the narrator concluded:
"For those who say that Willie Stark is a man
of destiny, there are others who claim that he is a man of evil,
a man who cares neither for the people or the state, but only for
his own personal power and ambition...Willie Stark - Messiah or
Dictator?" - Stark was planning to eventually move on
to the White House after a second gubernatorial campaign
- with a large entourage, Stark visited his hometown
city in Kanoma County, to spend an day with his estranged
family; the awkward visit was designed to portray family harmony
on the front porch: (Tom in a wheelchair, Willie's aging father,
and embittered wife); to Willie's consternation, his aspirations
were short-circuited when a special radio bulletin announced the
discovery of the body of Richard Hale: ("A medical examination
revealed he was beaten to death...The ugly charge of 'official
murder' has been hurled at the administration by a coalition of
Stark's opponents, led by Judge Stanton, lately an outspoken critic
of the administration...Thus an almost forgotten incident provided
the spark that might set off the explosion needed to rock Willie
Stark out of power. The latest report is that impeachment proceedings
may be instituted...")
- after the devastating news, Stark realized
the need for his wife's and son's familial support to create positive
publicity against claims of murder - he demanded that Lucy and
Tom immediately return to the capital city with him; Tom contemptuously
denounced his stepfather's duplicity, as Stark rhetorically
asked: "How many half-witted apes do you think I'm going to
have to pay to square this one? What do you think this is going to
cost me?"
- a House resolution of impeachment
- for incompetence, corruption, favoritism in office and "other
high crimes," was passed against the Governor of the state; the next stage in impeachment
proceedings was a trial in the Senate, where four decisive votes were
controlled by Judge Stanton; Burden refused to cooperate and reveal
his research into Judge Stanton's background: ("I'm going
to give him a break. If he can prove it isn't true, I won't spill it")
- to counteract multiple charges,
Willie used barnstorming tactics and barking speeches (seen in
a montage) to turn out the yokels and seek the hick-vote, to sway
the impeachment votes of Senators who followed Judge Stanton's
opinion; Burden's voice-over described Willie's tactics:
"Willie pulled every trick he ever knew - and added a few
more...And always the trail led to one place, to Burden's Landing
and the Judge"
- at Burden's Landing, Jack privately spoke to the
Judge, attempting to politely persuade him to release
the votes of his Senators in the impeachment trial, but the Judge
declined: ("I've made my choice. I have nothing more to lose");
Willie and Sugar Boy (Walter Burke) obtrusively barged in to personally
confront Judge Stanton with Burden's incriminating evidence (relayed
to Stark by Anne in a foolish betrayal of her uncle): "You
know, Judge, dirt's a funny thing. Some of it rubs off on everybody.
How did you get the job, Judge? Blackmail?"; the Judge was reminded
that over twenty-five years earlier, he had acquired the job of
consul for the Fortune Electric Company - through blackmail; Burden urged
the Judge to release his opposition votes, to save his reputation,
but he refused until morning
- in the meantime, as they were leaving, Anne and
Dr. Stanton arrived; Burden privately asked Anne: "Did you
give him --- ," but his question was interrupted by a single
gunshot - the Judge's answer to the Governor; in the nearby study
(off-screen), the disgraced Judge Stanton had committed suicide;
the whole group was stunned; afterwards, Dr. Stanton realized that
it was Anne and not Jack that had betrayed the Stantons, and exposed
the damning evidence to Willie, on account of her intimate affair
with the governor
- as hordes of supportive hicks streamed into the
capital during the impeachment proceedings, there had been a major
falling out between Anne and Willie, and also between Anne and
her "old-fashioned"
brother Adam; in Jack's hotel room, a regretful, sobbing Anne told
Jack that Willie was returning to his wife Lucy; she begged Jack
to help locate her disgruntled and outraged brother, whose dreams
of heading up a new hospital were now impossible
- in the final memorable scene set
at the state capital building, by nightfall, Stark had just finished
beating an impeachment rap, and he emerged to deliver a boisterous
victory speech to the idolatrous crowd:
"They tried to ruin me but they are ruined.
They tried to ruin me, because they did not like what I
have done. Do you like what I have done? (The mob cheered
wildly.) Remember, it is not I who have won, but you. Your
will is my strength, and your need is my justice, and I
shall live in your right and your will. And if any man
tries to stop me from fulfilling that right and that will,
I'll break him. I'll break him with my bare hands, for
I have the strength of many."
- as he walked away, he was gunned down with two
shots at close-range by an assassin - the embittered and vengeful
young Dr. Stanton

Willie Stark's Victory Speech After Beating Impeachment

After Speech, Waving to the Boisterous Crowd

The Assassin - Enraged and Embittered Dr. Adam Stanton,
Shooting Stark

Sugar Boy Viciously Gunning Down Adam

Jack Convincing Anne to Remain and Tell the Truth
About Willie Stark

Last Words of Mortally-Wounded Willie Stark: "Could
have been whole world - Willie Stark..."
- in the immediate aftermath, Adam was gunned down
by Stark's accompanying bodyguard Sugar Boy, who emptied his gun;
after Anne and Jack both knelt over Adam's body in shock, Jack
grabbed her by the arms and challenged her to give "meaning" to
Adam's death by telling the people the truth about Willie Stark; the
two planned to remain in the capital city
to finish the job that Adam had started - to literally and figuratively
destroy the treacherous legend and life of Willie Stark
- mortally wounded and dying on the steps, the dismayed
Stark delivered his final words to newspaperman Jack, Sugar
Boy, political aide Sadie Burke and city boss Tiny Duffy - in close-up:
"Could have been whole world - Willie Stark.
The whole world - Willie Stark. Why does he do it to me - Willie
Stark? Why?"

Willie Stark (Broderick Crawford) - Running For County Treasurer in Kanoma

Stark Told That His Assembly Was Unlawful

Newspaper Reporter Jack Burden (John Ireland)

Kanoma City's Fat City Boss Mr. Tiny Duffy (Ralph Dumke)

Burden's Typewritten Article About Stark ("an honest man with courage")

Burden's Girlfriend Anne Stanton (Joanne Dru), Adam's Sister, and Niece to Judge

Anne and Jack Wondering About His Future Career and Marriage
to Anne

After Years of Self-Education: Willie Stark's Law Degree

Willie - An Idealistic Hick Lawyer

Stark's Candidacy and Legal Position Empowered by Collapse of School's
Fire Escape

3-Way Race For Governor

Stark's Speech at the Upton Fairgrounds

listen to me, ya hicks. Yeah, you're hicks too..."

Stark's Message Stuck A Chord With Rural Voters

Result of Governor's Race

Willie After His Defeat, With His Main Supporters (Stark Confessed
He Learned Something --- "How to Win!")

4 Years Later - Next Race for Governor - "Willie Knew Where He Was
Going" - Fighting Against the Corrupt Machine

Stark - With His Two Main Aides For His Re-Election
Campaign: Sadie Burke and Jack Burden

Stark Elected Governor on Second Try

Stark's Victory Speech

AG Judge Stanton's Resignation When Stark Attempted to Dismiss Pillsbury's
Crime of Graft

Newspaper Headlines

Dr. Adam Stanton's Refusal to Head Up Stark's New Medical Center
- Due to His Uncle's Resignation as Stark's AG

Sadie's Monologue In Front of a Mirror in Jack's Room

Sadie to Jack: "He ditched Lucy, he ditched me, and he'll
ditch you..."

Anne's Confession to Jack of Her Affair with Stark

Stark's Re-Election Campaign For Governor, With His Sights Set on
the White House

Stark's Awkward Campaign Visit to Members of His Estranged Family
in Kanoma City

Listening to the Radio Report of the Discovery of Richard Hale's

Burden Refusing to Cooperate with Stark

Montage: Willie Barnstorming the State with Speeches

To Jack, Judge Stanton Refused to Release Senators' Impeachment
Votes Against Stark

Stark to the Judge: "How did you get the job, Judge? Blackmail?"

The Reputable Judge Being Blackmailed by Stark Over an Incident 25
Years Earlier

(l to r): Adam, Jack, Anne, Stark - in the Judge's House

The Stunned Reaction to the Judge's Suicide

Anne With Jack After a Major Falling Out with Willie and Also With Her Brother