Alfie (1966, UK)
In director Lewis Gilbert's
sex-comedy/drama -the original Alfie film; it told about a hedonistic,
misogynistic, Cockney ladies' man title character (Michael Caine in
his first major lead role, an Oscar-nominated one); the romantic drama/comedy
was reflective of the spirit of the Swingin' 60s in England, along
with other similar films including A Hard
Day's Night (1964), Darling (1965) and Blowup
(1966); [Note: The film was followed
by Alfie Darling (1975) with Alan Price as the title character,
and remade as Alfie (2004), starring Jude Law.]:
- throughout the film, it was unusual that Alfie
often candidly and amusingly addressed the audience directly (breaking
the so-called 'fourth wall') - beginning with the opening title
- the movie was considered daring and shocking in its
time, with an examination of taboo subjects and the consequences
of the sexual revolution in the swinging 1960s
- Alfie Elkins (Michael Caine) was portrayed as a smug,
working class anti-hero playboy/Casanova who was employed as a chauffeur,
and considered himself an uncommitted "free agent." Although
the film was a wall-to-wall compilation (with a running commentary)
of Alfie's many amorous affairs and one-night stands (with lots of
sex-related dialogue), there was no nudity in the film although
Alfie bedhopped, loved (and left) many women (or "birds") throughout
the course of the film
- Alfie's initial sexual partner was: Siddie (Millicent
Martin) - young and married (Alfie frequently met her for sex in
parked cars), although she was on her way out: "She's on her
way out. When a married woman gets too hot on, it's time to cool
off. Next thing she'll want is to introduce me to the husband. I
can see it coming";
eventually, Siddie returned to be with her husband
- another sexual conquest was Gilda (Julia Foster) -
he described her as his mistress - or "stand-by": ("I
told Gilda from the start that I ain't the marrying sort. Do you
know what? She don't mind. She's a stand-by and she knows it. Any
bird that knows its place in this world can be quite content");
however, he fathered a child (named Malcolm Alfred) with her and
was forced to become responsible and care for the child for a time
Alfie's Child with Gilda
- Alfie was also involved with Carla (Shirley Anne Field),
a pretty sanitarium nurse Alfie met when he was was being treated
for TB (with "shadows"
on his lungs)
- Alfie also became acquainted with Lily Clamacraft
(Vivien Merchant), the middle-aged, frumpy wife of Harry Clamacraft
(Alfie Bass) - another sanitarium patient (Alfie's roommate during
treatment); when alone with her, he rationalized sleeping with her:
what harm can it do? Old Harry will never know. And, even if he did,
he shouldn't begrudge me. Nor her, come to that"); she became
pregnant after a one-night stand ("a moral lapse"), and
it ultimately led to her seeking an abortion (off-screen)
- in addition, Annie (Jane Asher, Beatles Paul McCartney's
girlfriend at one time), a red-head who met Alfie as a naive hitchhiker,
became Alfie's live-in homemaker for a short while, until they
had a vicious argument and she left him - and never returned; he
regretted forcing her to leave
- Alfie also had dalliances with Ruby (Shelley Winters),
an older, rich and widowed American, voluptuous and promiscuous like
Alfie, as he noted: ("The
thing I like about Ruby, she's a mature woman. You can feel a lifetime
of experience in her fingers...She's had two husbands. Both dead.
And I've a good idea what they died of. She don't keep asking do
you love her like these young birds do. She don't never mention love.
She knows what she wants and she's gonna get it"); while kissing
her, he rated her: ("You're a little sexpot, ain't you?...You're
a little lust-box, ain't you? My little lust-box! I might settle
down with her. With a wife like Ruby, you wouldn't want nothing on
the side, ya know what I mean?")
- some of Alfie's romantic and
physical setbacks included his bout with tuberculosis, his slight
mental breakdown following his permanent separation from Gilda, his
abrupt breakup with Annie, and the revelation that Ruby had taken
another younger lover (or "bloke") - she told him: "He's
younger than you are" - it was a devastating blow to his ego
- the most controversial and disturbing
scene for Alfie was Lily's illegal (post 28 days) abortion, performed
by an 'Abortionist' (Denholm Elliott) (the word was never explicitly
mentioned in the film) in Alfie's apartment for 25 pounds; Alfie
tried to explain the reason for the end of the pregnancy as a "moral
lapse," since Lily
was married and he was single: "She needs helping because her
marriage would look very dodgy if her husband came out at this stage
of the game. Got me? And she's got three other kids as well." Alfie
expressed his concern (to the camera) for the predicament he found
himself in: "I hate anything like this.
My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it
comes to the pain, I'm like every other bloke. I don't wanna know"
- after the abortionist left, Alfie was forced to slap
Lily across the face when she began to scream in pain; Alfie briefly
left and discovered that Gilda had been officially married to her long-time
beau - bus conductor Humphrey (Graham Stark) (he had assumed adoptive
custody of young Malcolm Alfie) in order to establish a normal family
life - and he watched in a church as they baptized their newborn baby
daughter together; when he returned to his apartment, he viewed the
stillborn child's fetus in his kitchen (off-screen) - the unexpected
shock caused tears and sobbing
- shortly later, Alfie described his surprise at the
sight of the fetus to his pal Nat (Murray Melvin) - and felt self-pitying
for his wasted opportunities: "I could
have dropped on the spot with the shock. All I was expecting to see
was - Well, come to think of it, I don't rightly know what I was
expecting to see. Certainly not this perfectly-formed being. I-I
half expected it to cry out. It didn't, of course. It couldn't have
done. It could never have had any life in it. I mean, not a proper
life of its own....Still, it must have had some life, of course.
And, as it lay there so quiet and so still, it quite touched me.
And I started praying or something. Saying things like, uh, 'God
help me!', and, uh, things like that. And then I starts to cry. Straight
up. The tears were running down my face. All salty. Like I was a
kid myself....no, not (crying) for him. He was past it. For me bleeding
self! You know, it don't half bring it home to you what you are when
you see a helpless little thing like that lying in your own hands.
He'd have been quite perfect. And I-I thought to myself, 'You know
what, Alfie? You know what you done? You murdered him.'
- in
the final scene after all of Alfie's earlier conquests had now moved
on (including recent revelations by Ruby and Siddie), Alfie spoke
these last words - asking the viewer at the end of his reflections: "What's
it all about?" when he began to seriously
consider the consequences of his artificial existence and the trail
of emotional devastation he had left behind - and he decided to befriend
a stray dog next to him:
You know what? When I look back on my little life and
the birds I've known, and think of all the things they've done for
me and the little I've done for them, you'd think I've had the best
of it all along the line. But what have I got out of it? I've got
a bob or two, some decent clothes, a car, I've got me health back
and I ain't attached.
But I ain't got me peace of mind, and if you ain't got that, you ain't
got nothing. I don't know. It seems to me if they ain't got you one
way, they've got you another. So what's the answer? That's what I keep
asking me-self - what's it all about? Know what I mean?
(To a stray dog) Come on, boy, come on.
- his monologue was followed by the title song performed
by Cher (Cilla Black in the UK release) during the end credits (without
a title), beginning with the catchphrase words: "What's it all
about, Alfie?"
Some of Alfie's Sexual Partners:

Siddie (Millicent Martin)
Gilda (Julia Foster)

Carla (Shirley Anne Field)
Lily Clamacraft (Vivien Merchant)

Annie (Jane Asher)

Ruby (Shelley Winters)

Alfie Addressing the Camera - His Reaction to Lily's Abortion

After the Abortion Procedure, Alfie's Slap of the Pained Lily to Silence Her

Alfie's Regretful Reaction to Aborted Fetus

Ruby's Revelation to Alfie About Her New Love: "He's younger than you are"

Alfie's Final Monologue to the Camera