Rib (1949)
In director George Cukor's great, sophisticated battle-of-the-sexes
romantic comedy - it was one of Hollywood's greatest classics -
about husband-and-wife lawyers in the upper middle-class who were
forced to compete against each other when they took opposite sides
of a front-page court case; it featured a forward-looking, provocative
screenplay with snappy dialogue by Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin -
the husband and wife's second collaboration with director George
Cukor; the sophisticated film was originally titled Man
and Wife, and was later remade into a 1973 TV series spin-off with Ken Howard
and Blythe Danner; the comedy was often rated as the best pairing of the nine films of the
legendary screen team of Tracy and Hepburn - it was their sixth film
together; the film also skyrocketed the career of Judy Holliday who
went on to play the lead role in Born Yesterday (1950):
- in the opening scene located at a busy office/business
district at 5 pm - the close of work in NYC, scatterbrained,
'dumb blonde' wife Doris Attinger (Judy Holliday in her debut major
film role) followed her philandering, two-timing husband Warren
Attinger (Tom Ewell) with a pistol in her purse; she entered a residential
Manhattan apartment behind him, took her pistol out and consulted
an instruction manual to release the safety catch, and then shot
the door lock and entered, to find her husband sitting on a couch
embracing negligee-clad mistress Beryl Caighn (Jean Hagen) nestled
on his lap; she pointed the gun at
Warren, confronting him with her eyes closed: "Shut up, you,
Shut up! My dear husband"; as Warren cringed and fled, he was hit
in the shoulder by a stray bullet; as
Beryl ran for help, the distraught Doris fell to her knees next
to her wounded, but conscious husband and protectively hugged him
- the next day, husband/wife
Amanda and Adam Bonner (Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy) reacted
to the day's front page New York Chronicle newspaper headlines
Amanda took the side of the wronged Brooklyn housewife against
her cheating husband: ("Serves
him right, the little two-timer") because a man under similar circumstances
would be let go, while law-and-order believer Adam disapproved
of the vigilante assault with a gun: "I don't approve of people
rushing around carrying loaded revolvers"
- the couple (both New York lawyers) revealed more
about their different viewpoints about the Attinger case, and more
generally about the sexes during their early morning commute drive
into the city: (Amanda: "There
are lots of things that a man can do and in society's eyes, it's
all hunky-dory. A woman does the same thing - the same, mind you,
and she's an outcast...All I'm saying is, why let this deplorable
system seep into our courts of law, where women are supposed to be
equal?"); Adam was more blunt and wanted to punish the female
shooter for disregarding the law, and taking matters into her own hands:
"A crime should be punished, not condoned"

Adam Bonner (Spencer

Amanda Bonner (Katharine Hepburn)
- at work, tough, chauvinistic, law and
order Asst. District Attorney Adam learned that he had been
assigned to prosecute Doris Attinger for the attempted murder
of her husband Warren; he mumbled to himself: "The one
case I don't want is the case I get," but thought it would be
an easy victory in an open-and-shut case; Amanda was outraged when
Warren informed her that he had
been "elected" by his chief to prosecute the wronged woman ("You great
big he-men make me sick"); she hung up after Adam infuriated her
even further by laughing and remarking: "You just sound cute
when you get cause-y"; she immediately decided to take
on Doris' defense - she rushed to volunteer her services with a
request to call Legal Aid Society to take the case
- meanwhile, Adam visited Warren (with Beryl) in his hospital room, who complained
that his wife was crazy: "She's nuts, that's my complaint. I like
to see her put away somewheres, that's all"; Adam promised to "get
a conviction on an attempted murder, or first-degree assault..."
- during a long, five-minute static camera shot in
a women's prison's detention area, Amanda (on the left) interviewed
deceived, dumb blonde Doris (at center right); she was aghast that
Doris wanted to willingly plead guilty ("No accident. I wanted to
shoot him"); Doris delivered her entire rendition of the events
of the day of the shooting -- punctuated with eating episodes (two
rare hamburgers and lemon meringue pie, for instance, and chocolate
nut bars), capped by her final line: (Amanda: "And after you shot
him, how did you feel then?" Doris: "Hungry")
- "That Evening" - as a formal dinner for ten was
being planned in the Bonner apartment, the same stationary camera
technique was utilized, observing the couple in their bedroom as
they prepared for the evening; moving in and out of the camera
frame, the camera placement emphasized the dislocation of the married couple's lives
- the two soon realized to their shock that
they would be dueling lawyers - Adam first learned
of his independent-minded wife's role as defense attorney against
him when she announced loudly: "Well, I got the case....A girl
named Doris Attinger shot her husband. I'm going to defend her" -
(Adam dramatically toppled and spilled a tray of cocktail drinks); they
would be on opposing sides of a murder case and also squaring off
against each other in their personal lives at home
- after the party and while preparing to retire for
the night, Amanda claimed to Adam that the "poor woman" Doris
had the same rights (an "unwritten law") as a man who
shot his spouse when caught in adultery; she was entitled to the
same justice usually reserved for men; her
position angered Adam who warned: "I am going to cut you into
12 little pieces and feed you to the jury, so get prepared for
Dueling Lawyers - The Bonner Couple Battling at
Home and in the Court

- on their first day in court for jury selection,
Amanda stated her feminist presuppositions and argued against double
standards; Adam felt his wife was making a purely political stance
- upsetting sexist double standards by volunteering to defend Doris
(pro bono) with feminist, women's rights arguments; after the first
day in court, the newspaper reported on
her court arguments: "SOCIAL
Adam urged Amanda to give up the case: "Drop the case...I
could see in there, even today, it's gonna get sillier and messier
day by day by day"; personal tensions
began to grow on the homefront each evening between Amanda and
Adam as the trial conflict moved into their home
- during the trial, both Beryl and Warren gave
brief testimonies; Beryl testified that Warren
was at the apartment to sell her an insurance policy, and that
he never touched her except for often shaking hands; Warren admitted
that his relationship with Doris had not been loving for three
years, and that they often physically fought with each other
- on the stand to "tell all," Doris delivered a speech
in court to defend herself, testifying
that she found the two hugging together on the couch, and that
she wanted to save their marriage and family (they had three children)
- all she wanted to do was frighten Warren (and she did wound him
in the shoulder), not injure him or Beryl
- after the rough day in court, the Bonners engaged
in a confrontation on a Swedish massage table at home when he slapped
her behind hard: ("What are you - sore about a little slap?" and her reply: "I
know a slap from a slug"); she accused him of not understanding
her point of view and being disrespectful; when she began to cry,
he mocked her, calling her tears a "guaranteed heart-melter.
A few female tears...stronger than any acid. But this time they won't
work...You can cry from now until the time the jury comes in and
it won't make you right and it won't win you that silly case"
- to bolster her case (although irrelevant), Amanda
called three successful female witnesses (including a circus strong-woman
who easily hoisted Adam into the air) to demonstrate equality of
the sexes - her own political agenda - to prove that women were
intellectually and physically equal to men
- that evening, Adam was smoldering with frustrated
anger at Amanda - he exploded with what had upset him - her disregard for the sanctity
and rule of the law, her casual manipulation of the legal system,
and her disrespect for their marriage contract; acutely embarrassed
by the spectacle in court that day, he wanted out of the marriage,
now that his wife had become a passionately-ruthless competitor;
he stormed off and moved out of their apartment, tearing their
marriage asunder with tense violence

Adam Walking Out on Amanda

Face to Face Against Each Other in the Courtroom During Closing Arguments
- during closing arguments, Amanda gave an impassioned
but irrelevant speech to the jury - disregarding Doris' obvious
guilt while arguing that her actions were justified: ("You are
asked to judge not whether or not these acts were committed, but
to what extent they were justified"); she
used persuasive theatrical tricks (a role-play scenario with
reversed positions for Doris and Warren), to prove that the law
would vindicate a man who would try to kill the lover of his unfaithful
wife: ("Every living being is capable
of attack if sufficiently provoked. Assault lies dormant within
us all. It requires only circumstance to set it in violent motion.
I ask you for a verdict of not guilty. There was no murder attempt
here - only a pathetic attempt to save a home")
- Adam's closing argument was also weak, due to the
fact that Amanda interrupted him with frequent objections to his
claims that Doris was a criminal
- by the end of the trial when
the Attinger verdict was announced and the "'Love Triangle'
Defendant" learned her fate, Amanda had won an acquittal for her simple-minded client
- "a small but important step in woman's march toward equality and justice"
- still estranged from Adam, Amanda spent the evening
for companionship with Broadway song-composing
neighbor Kip Lurie (David Wayne in a role modeled on Cole Porter)
in his across-the-hall apartment; Adam spied on them from across the
street as Kip attempted to seduce and woo Amanda; he entered and
caught them in an innocent embrace-tryst; it was a perfect re-enactment
of the Attinger case when he assaulted them with a pistol to protect
and defend his marriage; to teach them a lesson, he threatened
to shoot; when Amanda admitted he didn't have a right to kill,
no matter the provocation (contradicting her courtroom defense),
Adam raised the pistol to his open mouth as if he was going to
blow his brains out, but then took a bite into the muzzle of
the licorice gun; Amanda called his tactics to teach her a lesson
as "despicable, vile, dirty, low, worthless, corrupt, mean, rotten, dirty, contemptible,
little, petty, gruesome, contemptible"
- Adam and Amanda met at a CPA's office to straighten
out their finances - Adam began crying, using 'crocodile tears'
to make a point that both men and women often used emotional manipulation
to get their way; Amanda was moved by Adam's tears, and the
two reconciled and put their bitterness behind them
- that evening during a visit to their farm after
leaving the tax accountant's office,
Adam openly admitted: "...I can turn 'em on any time I want to. Us boys can do it, too, you
know. It's just that we never think to"; he also
finally and conclusively stated that men and women were (and should
be) fundamentally different; he also declared, however,
that there was very little difference between the sexes (men and
women) - but then added that he did like that "little
difference": "Vive la difference."

Doris Following Philandering Husband Warren (Tom Ewell)

Opening Assault-Murder Scene: Doris Reading a Gun Instruction
Manual Before Wounding Warren

Headlines: "Wife Shoots Fickle Mate In Presence of Love Rival"
Adam and Amanda Bonner: Her Complaint About Different
Standards For the Two Sexes ("Deplorable

Adam at Hospital with Warren (Tom Ewell) and Mistress Beryl (Jean Hagen)

Amanda at Detention Center with Doris
In the Bonner home, Adam Spilling Tray of Drinks When
He Learned He Would Be Facing His Wife in Court

Adam Threatening Amanda: "I am gong to cut you into 12 little pieces"

Amanda Defending Doris

Warren and Beryl in Court

Doris Testifying in Court

Confrontation on a Massage Table ("A little slap")

Circus Strongwoman Lifting Adam into the Air

Amanda Wooed by Neighbor Kip Lurie (David Wayne)

Adam's Trick with A Licorice Gun
"Vive la difference!"