The Abyss (1989)
In James Cameron's expensive but impressive landmark
science-fiction adventure film with a pacifist message similar to
the one in The Day The Earth Stood Still
(1951) -
with four Academy Award nominations, it won the Oscar for Best Visual
- in the startling, credit-less opening title
sequence, the words "THE ABYSS" emerged from the darkness,
and then the camera descended down into the letter "Y" into
the ocean - there appeared a view of an American, ballistic missile
nuclear submarine, the U.S.S. Montana; the experimental
submarine was on patrol near the Cayman Trough, a very deep water
area, and experienced a momentary loss of power
- in early 1994, when the US submarine
attempted to follow a fast and highly maneuverable
entity (or "bogey") - possibly a provocative alien species,
it unexplicably struck an undersea mountainous ridge and quickly
sank into the abyss, falling into the deep Caribbean Sea
waters (about 25,000 feet down); this was soon after followed by
a frighteningly-realistic drowning scene, and
a scene of divers surveying the drowned corpses
- with facial expressions that mocked death
- with a hurricane and the Soviets approaching, the
US Navy attempted a rescue and salvage operation, by requesting
and demanding help from the crew of an underwater oil-drilling
platform known as Deepcore - the prototype of a roving, seabed
oil-drilling station; the assignment was to be reluctantly led
and conducted by Deepcore's rig foreman Virgil "Bud" Brigman
(Ed Harris), and his assertive, estranged wife Dr. Lindsey Brigman
(Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio), Deepcore's designer and project
engineer; both would now be forced to work closely together even
though there were involved in a pending divorce
- the Deepcore personnel members were also joined
by US Navy SEAL commandos, headed by Lt. Hiram Coffey (Michael
Biehn), who was leading the effort to untrigger the sunken submarine's
cargo of 24 potent, Trident nuclear missile warheads: ("8
M.I.R.V.s per missile - that's a hundred and ninety-two warheads");
it was revealed, as a foreshadowing, that he was susceptible to
pressure sickness (known as HPNS - "High Pressure
Nervous Syndrome") that was known to drive individuals insane
- the film featured many computer-generated images
during enigmatic encounters with the alien craft and visits with
the watery, luminous abyss-dwelling aliens - known as NTIs (Non-Terrestrial
Intelligences), including the revelatory emergence of a glowing
purple/pink ship in front of Lindsey -- and her later description
of it to "Bud": ("It... it was like a dance of light!")
- in the amazing "pseudopod"
sequence, a CGI water-based tentacle or tube of water morphed into
the faces of Lindsey and Bud
- Coffey was intent on destroying the NTIs, and armed
a warhead retrieved from the submarine to eliminate the aliens;
during Lt. Coffey's two major tense, action sequences after he
became delusional and paranoid from the intense pressure, he knife-fought
with Bud and engaged in a "chase" scene involving two
mini-submersibles that culminated in Coffey's death when he was
crushed within his submersible by the pressure, but Bud and Lindsey
were stranded in their leaking mini-submersible with only one aqualung
- Lindsey made the devastating decision to let Bud
use their sub's sole diving suit to swim back to the platform,
towing her body behind him in the frigid water
- subsequently, Lindsey drowned (went into deep hypothermia)
and Bud was called upon to frantically resuscitate her using a
combination of methods: heart-shocks, pounding on her chest, screaming
at her, slapping her, crying, and mouth-to-mouth CPR, until she
gasped and took a breath: ("No! No, she has a strong heart!
She wants to LIVE! C'mon, Linds! C'mon baby! Zap her again! Do
it!... Do it!... Come on baby, come on baby!... Come on, breathe
baby. Goddamn it, BREATHE! Goddamn it, you bitch, you never backed
away from anything in your life! Now fight! Fight! Fight! Right
now! Do it! FIGHT, GODDAMN IT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Fiiiiiiiiiiight! Fiiiiiiiiiiight!
That's it, that's it, Lindsey. That's it, Linds, you can do it.
That's it, Linds, come back, baby. Come on. You can do it, baby")
Near Drowning Death of Lindsey
- the resuscitation sequence was paralleled by Lindsey's
speech to Bud when he decided to engage in a free-fall wearing an
experimental diving suit (breathing oxygenated fluid instead
of air) - a possible 'one-way' trip to descend into the 2.5 mile
deep Abyssal Trench to defuse a nuclear bomb warhead; Lindsey sent
heartfelt and reassuring messages to her estranged husband that were
relayed to him as he descended dangerously into a deep ocean trench
to disarm the nuclear warheads on the submarine: ("I know
how alone you feel... alone in all that cold blackness... but I'm
there in the dark with you. Oh Bud you're not alone...I'm with
you. I'll always be with you, Bud, I promise that")
- after dismantling the warhead in a tense sequence
(he had to guess the wire to be cut), Bud ran out of oxygen, and
was encountered by beneficent, angelic-looking NTI's (Non-Terrestrial
Intelligences) who rescued him; they took him to their awe-inspiring
underwater city and their mothership - in a 2001-ish
and/or Close Encounters-like sequence
- during his time with the NTIs, Bud was shown TV clips
about the destructive nature of human beings with images of war,
genocide and aggression - one of the originally deleted scene (restored in the director's cut)
was the astonishing "tidal wave" sequence
in which both coasts (and an unnamed Russian port and other global
locations) were threatened by massive amounts of water (1,000 foot
high tidal wave megatsunamis controlled by the NTIs - but then subsided
(followed by a warning from the aliens to Bud and all of humanity
against war-like aggression); they changed their minds due to Lindsey's
compassionate message to Bud: "LOVE YOU WIFE"
- the film concluded with the rise of the alien ship
to the ocean's surface, the saving of the Deepcore crew, and a reunion
between Bud and Lindsey after their greeting: ("Hi,
Brigman," "Hi,
Mrs. Brigman")
Opening Title Credits Sequence
Ballistic Missile Nuclear Submarine
Watery Pseudopod

Lindsey's Message to "Bud"
Tidal wave
Final Kiss Between Bud and Lindsey