The 39
Steps (1935, UK)
In master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock's British classic
spy thriller, his first worldwide hit movie - it was a tale of espionage,
murder, and an innocent man on-the-run after being accused of murder.
Although it was his 18th film, it was considered
Hitchcock's first real masterpiece; it was both a crowd-pleasing
box-office success and an extremely influential film that brought
the famed director attention from US audiences.
It was adapted from John Buchan's 1915 espionage novel
of the same name, with a plot about the master-minding theft of British
military secrets by a group of assassins (presumably Nazi Germans),
peppered with unpredictable plot twists. The film's protagonist took
an exhausting 4-day cyclical journey to prove his innocence and to
bring the spies to justice. During a series of action sequences,
he assumed numerous identities (i.e., a milkman, an auto mechanic,
a politician, and a newlywed), and journeyed from London to the Scottish
Highlands and then back again. The film's two MacGuffins were
the nature of the 39 Steps and the smuggling of secret plans out of
the country - the mystery of which was only fully revealed in the final
- in the opening scene set in 1930s London, Canadian
civilian Richard Hannay (Robert Donat) was attending a Music Hall
vaudeville-show performance at the London Palladium featuring Mr.
Memory (Wylie Watson), a remarkable memory expert with tremendous
recall; pandemonium broke out after two gunshots were fired, and
Hannay found himself helping a frightened woman, who urged him
to take
her back to his own rented, furnished bachelor flat at Portland
Place; Hannay prophetically responded with dark
humor to the mysterious woman: "It's your funeral"
- after arriving at his place by bus, she
introduced herself as Annabella Smith (Lucie Mannheim), or simply "Smith"; she
admitted that she had fired
two shots in the music hall as a diversion to aid her escape once she
had been identified by assassins; Hannay responded skeptically: "Beautiful
and mysterious woman pursued by gunmen. Sounds like a spy story"; she
went further by identifying herself as a mercenary counter-spy agent;
he began to believe her when he realized that they had been followed
(two agents were seen at the street corner)
- she described that her mission was to stop a ruthless
chief spy's smuggling of Air Ministry military secrets out of England
to the enemy; she
was a mercenary counterspy from the continent [not identified, but
presumably Nazi Germany] working with the British against her own
- she asked Hannay: "Have
you ever heard of the 39 Steps?" - he was confused:
"No, what's that, a pub?"; she further warned that she had
discovered their plot to steal vital British military information: "These
men will stick at nothing. I am the only person who can stop them.
If they are not stopped, it is only a matter of days, perhaps hours,
before the secret is out of the country"
- Smith also described how the male mastermind
of the espionage ring was easily identifiable - he was missing part
of one finger;
she also added that her destination the next day was Scotland
- in the middle of the night, Annabella
was fatally stabbed in the back with a kitchen knife; she staggered
into the living room (where Hannay was sleeping) and delivered
her last words to him - a warning: "Clear
out, Hannay! They'll get you next"; she was grasping a map of
Scotland with a place named Alt-na-Shellach circled - his only clue
- a famous scene transition blended the scream of
the housekeeper discovering Annabella's corpse to the shrieking
whistle of a train
- the wrongly-accused, hero-on-the-run
Hannay (disguising himself as a white-uniformed milkman) snuck out
of his apartment and ventured to Scotland (with Annabella's map of
the Scottish Highlands with one small village circled) on the Flying
Scotsman express passenger train during a widespread manhunt; on the
train, to avoid detection by both spies (Annabella's
killers) and detectives (who suspected him of the murder), he jumped
into another train compartment, occupied by a lone, lovely blonde
passenger later identified as Pamela (Madeleine Carroll); he faked
knowing her and threw himself at her for an embrace and kiss in a
romantic clinch; later, she rebuffed him when he claimed: "They're
after me. I swear I'm innocent. You've got to help me"
- Hannay was forced to jump off the train when she identified
him, and he fled across the sparsely treeless Scottish
moors toward Alt-Na-Shellac; after posing as an unemployed auto mechanic,
he hid out for a night's lodging and shelter in a crofter's cottage
with a couple:
- stern, miserly, middle-aged, suspicious Calvinistic
crofter-sheepherder John (John Laurie)
- and his young and sheltered,
unhappily-married wife Margaret (Peggy Ashcroft) (first wrongly
assumed to be the crofter's daughter) from Glasgow
- Hannay conversed
with her about how she missed and longed for the
"fine shops" and the Saturday night "cinema palaces
and their crowds" of city life - and her expression of faith in
Hannay's innocence while knowing about his incrimination in newspaper
meanwhile, Margaret's possessive and treacherous husband, who suspected
the visitor was romantically-inclined toward his wife, betrayed Hannay's
location to authorities
- Margaret warned Hannay to flee in the
middle of the night when the police pulled up in a vehicle, while
her jealous husband wrongly accused her of infidelity: "I might
have known. Making love behind my back. (To his wife) Get out!";
Hannay explained otherwise: "Look here, you're all wrong about
this. She was only trying to help me"
- as Hannay was about to flee covered in
the crofter's "Sunday best" overcoat, Hannay worried that Margaret
would be ill-treated afterwards, but she reassured him: "He'll
pray at me, but no more"; however, the camera lingered on Margaret's
face as she longingly watched Hannay disappear into the night - it
was a desolate look that conveyed the loss of any possibility of
freedom and dreams (off-camera, she was soon to be fearfully condemned,
cursed and savagely beaten due to John's puritanical, oppressive
attitudes in their loveless, forced marriage)
- Hannay arrived in the small
village of Alt-na-Shellach at the huge mansion-estate of a newcomer
in the neighborhood - the respectable
Cambridge University Professor Jordan (Godfrey Tearle) during a
Sunday birthday party celebration; Hannay (who called himself "Mr.
Hammond") told Jordan about his predicament - mistakenly believing
that Annabella was Jordan's ally; he described her murder and the
information she gave him about the spy ring that was leaking Air
Ministry secrets abroad
- during Hannay's tale,
Jordan theatrically displayed his tell-tale disfiguration (that Annabella
had warned about: "He
has a dozen names, and he can look like a hundred people, but one
thing he cannot disguise - this: part of his little finger is missing
- so if ever you should meet a man with no top joint there, be very
careful, my friend");
he was missing a portion of his little finger on his right hand,
revealing his identity as a master spy
Master Spy Professor Jordan (Godfrey
Tearle) With a Missing Little Finger
- afterwards, Jordan pulled out a gun and at first
offered Hannay an opportunity to conveniently commit suicide, but
then he shot Hannay point-blank, followed by a superb fadeout;
it was revealed that the crofter's thick hymnbook
in the breast pocket of the overcoat had saved Hannay's life
- while on the run in a nearby town after stealing
Jordan's car, Hannay hand been detained and was under arrest by
the local Sheriff who was linked to the evil forces; Hannay crashed
through the Sheriff's window, joined a Salvation Army band parade
in the street, and ended up being mistaken for
the overdue main speaker at a political
rally; after
he found himself - at an opportune moment - at a lecturn on a stage,
he delivered a memorable, ad-libbed political speech: ("...may
I say, from the bottom of my heart and with the utmost sincerity,
how delighted and relieved I am to find myself in your presence
at this moment... Delighted, because of your friendly reception,
and relieved, because as long as I stand on this platform, I'm
delivered from the moment (he caught himself from saying "of
truth") from the
cares and anxieties which must always be the lot of a man in my
then he said: "And
I know what it is to feel lonely and helpless and to have the whole
world against me, and those are things that no man or woman ought
to feel" - an apt description of his imperiled situation of
being unjustly accused and hunted
- Hannay was apprehended by
the agents-spies (not the local police) after being pointed out
by the feisty cool blonde Pamela who recognized him in the audience;
as they were both being driven away in a vehicle, they came upon
a flock of sheep obstructing the roadway; Hannay was handcuffed
to Pamela, and when he made an escape attempt with her shackled
to him, he had to drag her after him; he remarked: "There
are twenty million women in this island and I've got to be chained
to you"; the film's highlight was the
many uncomfortable and belligerent situations that the two adversaries
found themselves in (a "battle of the sexes")
Handcuffed to Pamela
- during their stay at the Argyle Arms inn for
the night, the two awkwardly attached to each other pretended to
be young, eloping runaway newlyweds; during the night while sharing
a double bed as "Siamese twins," Pamela escaped from her handcuffs,
and overheard a phone conversation in the inn confirming that Hannay
was telling the truth; she was tipped off that Jordan was going
to warn "the 39 Steps," and then would be attending a show (and
"picking up our friend") at the London Palladium; the next morning
after a complete change of heart toward Hannay and an apology,
he suggested that she return to alert the Scotland
- in the final sequence set in London, the Scotland
Yard officers in Westminister didn't believe Pamela's account of
spies in their midst, due to the absence of any reports of missing
or stolen documents; however, she was followed as she proceeded
to the Palladium performance; she and Hannay sat together in the
audience as again, Mr.
Memory was being questioned on stage; Hannay watched as Mr. Memory
glanced up at Jordan in one of the upper opera boxes
- Hannay suddenly realized that the memory expert held the Hitchcockian "MacGuffin" in
his head - he had memorized the classified secret information
regarding mechanical plans for the design of an airplane engine;
as Hannay was being apprehended, he shouted out a self-incriminating
question toward Mr. Memory, as the camera angle titled: "What
are the Thirty-Nine Steps? Come on! Answer up! What are the Thirty-Nine
The Death of Mr. Memory - Shot by Jordan Hiding in an Opera Box
- hiding in the opera box, Professor Jordan attempted
to assassinate Mr. Memory as he was divulging the crucial
identity of the 39 Steps: "The Thirty-Nine Steps is an
organization of spies, collecting information
on behalf of the foreign office of..." - Memory was interrupted
when he was shot, fell to the stage and grabbed his side from the
lethal wound; Professor Jordan was caught while trying to flee
- backstage, the lethally-wounded Mr. Memory confessed
the secret information as he was dying - it was a proud recitation
of the complicated scientific mathematical formulas of the secret
documents that he had painstakingly memorized about how to make silent
aircraft engines; as he finished the confession, he followed it with
a statement of relief, before he died in peace: ("Thank you,
sir. Thank you. I'm glad it's off my mind. Glad!")
- meanwhile
chorus girls kicked on stage behind him and Hannay (with the handcuffs
only on him) voluntarily joined hands with Pamela in the foreground
- in the closing image

Mr. Memory's (Wylie Watson) Performance Noticed by Richard
Hannay (Robert Donat) at the London Palladium
Annabella to Hannay: "Have you ever heard of the
39 Steps?"

Annabella's Map of Alt-na-Shellach

On the Train, Hannay Pretended to Know Blonde Traveler Pamela (Madeleine

Newspaper: Manhunt for Hannay in Scotland
Hannay With the Crofter Couple and Wife Margaret
Hannay Saved After Being Shot By the Crofter's Hymnbook
in His Pocket
Hannay's Memorable Political Speech to Save Himself

Hannay Shielding Pamela's Mouth While They Were Escaping
Film's Ending: Hannay Joining Hands Voluntarily with Pamela
After Mr. Memory's Recitation